【Name: Lin Qingqing】

【Age: 18】

【Strength: Ninth level of Qi Gathering】

【Luck level: Gold (light purple)】

【Biography: In two years, the Tianyin Bingpo body will be awakened. The Tianyin Bingpo body is one of the seven ancient bodies, one in a billion. It cannot be cultivated after birth, but can only be born innately. People with this physique must have Tianyin blood in their ancestors. After awakening, they will be accompanied by great luck.....】

【Recent encounter: Elder Neimen Yan has ulterior motives and plans to give Lin Qingqing to the third prince of the Daqian royal family in a month.

After reading it, Su Han was stunned for several seconds.

A higher level of luck than Jiang Shan!

Rich gold with a hint of lavender!

Moreover, Su Han had never even heard of this Tianyin Bingpo body. It was obviously a heaven-defying physique.

Unexpectedly, this little girl actually had such great luck!

This is definitely an excellent investment target and must not be let go.

However, after seeing her recent encounter, Su Han was in trouble. How can he invest?

Is this because she has encountered difficulties? In other words, investment is not all about investing in goods and resources? ?

Thinking of this, the system may have heard Su Han’s voice, and its voice just echoed in Su Han’s mind.

【Helping the investment target to survive a disaster can also be considered a special investment, and the feedback obtained will also be special feedback. 】

After hearing this, Su Han also figured it out.

After all, in terms of resources, the inner sect elder Yan is no worse than the current Su Han, so Lin Qingqing will not lack any training resources.

However, what Su Han did not expect was that the purpose of the inner sect elder Yanlan accepting Lin Qingqing as a disciple was to curry favor with the third prince of the Daqian royal family!

This favor is a bit difficult to help.

Although I am already a Guyuan great cultivator, Elder Yanlan is also a Guyuan cultivator, and I don’t have much advantage.

Moreover, the other party is Lin Qingqing’s master on the surface, and I am just a small elder of the outer sect Sutra Pavilion. Why should he believe in me instead of my master?

Therefore, this investment is still a bit tricky.

【Warm reminder: The letters between Yanlan and the Third Prince have not been destroyed yet and are currently stored under the bed in Yanlan's cave.

Hearing this, Su Han's eyes lit up instantly. The system was really considerate. He had just wanted to take a nap, and now it handed him a pillow.

Then, Su Han prepared a draft in his mind, and his face became serious.

"Xiaoqing, do you believe me?"

After saying that,

Lin Qingqing looked at Su Han in surprise, then nodded seriously.

"If I tell you that your master might want to harm you, will you believe her or me?"

Hearing this

, Lin Qingqing was shocked and stammered,"No way...."

"I know this is hard for you to believe right now."

"Let me put it this way. If you have the opportunity to enter your master's cave, you will find a letter under her bed. When you open it, you will understand."

"After reading this, you should leave Huanyun Sect."

"With your qualifications, there will be a better place to go."

Lin Qingqing was a little confused by what Elder Su said, but she still kept it in her heart, because her intuition told her that Elder Su was not a bad person and would not lie to her.

"Thank you for your reminder, Elder Su. I will remember it."

"Elder Su, I have to leave. Master is still waiting for me."

After saying that, Lin Qingqing waved to Su Han and left.

After Lin Qingqing left, Su Han sighed.

He knew that Lin Qingqing had a golden luck that was slightly purple. She would not be harmed by a small figure like Yanlan, but at least she would be forced out of Huanyun Sect.

It was a pity for Huanyun Sect that such a proud girl did not stay in Huanyun Sect.

And Yanran became the biggest sinner of Huanyun Sect.

Golden luck that was slightly purple, what kind of concept is this?....After growing up in the future, destroying Huanyun Sect will only be a matter of moving a finger.

Su Han is just an investment and does not intend to interfere with the other party's destiny, so he cannot keep Lin Qingqing and let her continue to stay in Huanyun Sect........

The days of lying down and cultivating in the Sutra Library are always so boring.

During this period of time, Su Han did not waste the opportunity to invest.

He also invested in the yellow luck. Instead of wasting the daily investment opportunities, it is better to find a suitable investment.

After all, no matter how small a mosquito is, it is also meat.

Unknowingly, he has broken through to the third level of Gu Yuan!

Such a speed of cultivation is simply shocking. If this speed of cultivation is spread out, it will surely cause the hearts of countless diligent and hardworking monks to collapse. Not surprised by praise or criticism, watching the clouds roll and unfold outside the window, Su Han now just wants to stay quietly in the Sutra Library to invest. After all, what place in the Huanyun Sect can compare with a large passenger flow place like the Sutra Library?.....

On this day, Su Han was sleeping on the rattan chair as usual.

Suddenly, with his keen hearing, he heard several disciples talking in a low voice.

"Senior brother, I don’t know if you have heard, but a big thing happened in the inner sect today!"

"What? What's the big deal?"

"Do you still remember Lin Qingqing from our outer sect? She is the talented girl who entered the inner sect a while ago."

"Lin Qingqing, the goddess in my mind! How could I not remember her!"

"I heard, I repeat, I just heard...Don't talk nonsense..."

"I heard that Lin Qingqing had only been a disciple of Elder Yanlan for a month. I don’t know what happened between the master and the disciple, but Lin Qingqing broke up with Elder Yanlan and defected from our Huanyun Sect!"

"What?! Breaking up with Elder Yanlan and defecting?!"

"Humph! It turns out that I, Lin, am blind. I actually regarded that traitor as a goddess!"

"I heard that the Great Elder has issued an order to arrest Lin Qingqing. Let's just wait and see...".....

At this time, the system's voice sounded in Su Han's mind.

He suddenly opened his eyes and knew that the feedback reward had arrived!

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