【Name: Yuan Yuan】

【Sex: Male】

【Age: 29】

【Cultivation: Purple Palace Level 1】

【Luck talent: lavender】

【Biography: This boy was born with wisdom and intelligence, and he was born with a"Vajra Body".

He was a rare Buddhist child in a thousand years.

However, he was kicked out of Buddhism because he violated the precept of killing when he went down the mountain.

The fourth precept scar on his head disappeared and became three precept scars.

Although this boy was extremely intelligent, he had resentment in his heart.

If he let go of the resentment, re-entered Buddhism, and restored the fourth precept scar, he would be reborn.....

【Recent encounter: You will be haunted by the"Heart Nightmare" in the secret treasure, and the roots of evil will be planted....】

After reading it, Su Han recalled that this"Yuan Yuan" was a genius in the top 20 of the Hidden Dragon List.

It must be said that at the age of thirty, he could reach the Purple Mansion Realm, and his talent could be considered to be at the top of the pyramid of the Great Qian Empire.

Another lavender talent.

It was a pity that he was from the Tai Heng Sect. If he entered the secret treasure, their elders would definitely protect this little monk, and it might not be his turn to intervene.

However, Su Han did not want to miss this investment opportunity, so he quietly kept it in mind. If he found an opportunity in the secret treasure, he would invest......

Su Han looked around and found that the elders of the seven major sects had average luck and talent, with the highest being blue luck.

Moreover, they were all hundreds of years old, so they probably didn't have much potential.

Blue luck was actually very high, but after Su Han had seen a lot of golden luck, purple luck, and even Dharma luck, blue was really mediocre.

Su Han didn't have much desire to invest.

These sects were very smart.

The elders they sent out were all those who were quite old and might not have much hope of breakthrough in the second half of their lives. After all, even if they died in the secret treasure, it would be acceptable.

The next second.

An extremely powerful aura appeared in the void.

Then, the space was distorted, and then an old Taoist priest slowly stepped out. Although the old Taoist priest had white hair, he stood very straight, without any hunchback, and there were no wrinkles on his face. He was wearing a very ordinary Taoist robe.

This look was similar to an old Taoist priest on the street who asked you to tell your fortune.

But Su Han knew that this fantasy world was like this!

Those who seemed to be awesome were actually not that great. On the contrary, those who looked like ordinary people and looked easy to bully were the big guys!

This old Taoist priest did not emit any spiritual power fluctuations. He just stood there and shocked the whole audience with his momentum.

Everyone's eyes were all on the old Taoist priest, and their eyes were full of respect.

This old Taoist priest was the head of Taiheng Sect and the number one of the seven major sects.

Among them, many elders from other sects looked at the old Taoist priest with uncontrollable admiration and worship in their eyes.

Because when they were still disciples and very weak, he was already the arrogant head of the seven major sects. Now, he is still the one who is irreplaceable and no one dares to replace him!

When Zhao Changhe saw the old Taoist priest appear, his expression became serious and he pointed his finger at them not to talk nonsense.

Su Han raised his head and looked at the void above the spirit boat, and finally fell on the old Taoist priest.

After a careful look, he found that with his cultivation level, he could not see through the old Taoist's cultivation level.

Just as Su Han was about to use the Heavenly Eye, the old Taoist spoke.

"Everyone, I come here today"

"Just a few words"

"Everyone should know the rules. Our seven major sects are the first to enter the secret vault. In order to ensure fairness and justice, only 20 people from each sect can enter."

"The time limit can be exceeded in seven days."

The old man's voice was not hoarse at all, but very strong.

The voice was very small, but it reached everyone's ears, giving people a feeling of being bathed in spring breeze.

After hearing this voice, everyone felt a shock in their blood and qi. This was the suppression from absolute strength. Just saying a word could affect your state.

After speaking, the old Taoist disappeared on the spot.

After offending the old Taoist and not participating in the secret collection, the people from the other six sects also breathed a sigh of relief. If the old Taoist participated, then they would not have to play and could go home and sleep directly.

When the old Taoist left, the scene suddenly became awkward.

Everyone was in place, motionless, looking at each other. Although silent, they could hear"inaudible voices" one after another."

"Go! Why don't you leave?"

"We were told to go first, why didn’t you go first?"

"Go, go, go, everyone, why are you standing there?"

""No way, I will never be the first to leave even if I die!"

Just like that, the elders of the major sects cursed at each other with their eyes.

Finally, the elders of Tai Heng Sect couldn't stand it anymore, so they set off, jumped into the lake, and entered the secret storage.

After seeing the elders of Tai Heng Sect take the lead, other sects went in one after another.

At this time, Zhao Changhe said to the twenty people who were going to enter the secret storage earnestly:"Be careful and don't be impulsive."

At this moment, Wang Tian stood behind Zhao Changhe.

He didn't plan to enter the secret storage, because in two days, he would leave for Fu Long City.

Therefore, he certainly couldn't go to the secret storage to fight.

He came here to"see Su Han off."

"Junior Brother Su, please don’t die in there, or I won’t be able to repay my favor."

Wang Tian said to Su Han with a smile.

Now, what he said was from the bottom of his heart.

Su Han could no longer disturb his state of mind, and he was still waiting to show off in front of Su Han in the future. If he died in the secret treasure, who would Wang Tian show off to when he returns to Huanyun Sect?

It would be a great sorrow in life if you can’t find anyone to show off to!

Qian Tianlong stood up without saying a word and went to the secret treasure.

As Qian Tianlong set off, several elders from the Purple Mansion Realm in other sects followed closely behind him and followed Qian Tianlong into the secret treasure.

It can be seen that Qian Tianlong also bribed a lot of people, and it can also be seen from this point that his power is very strong.���

Yun Xuejiao turned around and said to Su Han,"Follow me."

Then he rushed towards the entrance of the secret vault, and Su Han followed him.

Yun Xuejiao stood at the entrance of the secret vault, looking inside, frowning, and suddenly thought of something, and said to Su Han,"This secret vault entrance is a teleportation formation, which may separate the two of us."

"So, stay as close to me as possible, or we will be teleported to different places."

After saying that, Su Han nodded in understanding.

The next second.

Yun Xuejiao turned around and rushed into the secret storage.

Suddenly, he felt a warm feeling behind him, and then a unique male breath came into his nostrils. She felt that she was hugged tightly from behind.

In an instant, her face flushed to the root of her neck, and she was a little angry and embarrassed.

However, the changes in the surrounding spiritual energy and wind made the space begin to spin, making her unable to take care of herself, so she burst out spiritual power and concentrated her attention.

I don’t know how long it took.

The chaotic space around them finally gradually stabilized, and the two of them also felt that their feet had found a fulcrum.

Then, the surrounding environment began to solidify.

They came to another independent space, and the surroundings were all ancient trees towering into the sky.

The towering ancient trees quickly covered the faint light of the sky, and the fresh fragrance of the soil, mixed with a faint sense of decay, rushed into the nose.

If you listen carefully, you can also hear the subtle gurgling sound of flowing water....

"How long do you want to hold me?"

Yun Xuejiao's body was shaking, and she said with gritted teeth. After she finished speaking,

Su Han let go of her hand, clapped his hands, and said with a smile:"Thank you, Miss Yun."

Seeing Su Han's clapping action, she didn't know what touched her nerves. She asked Su Han with an angry face, and there was murderous intent in his eyes!

"I asked you to get close to me, not to hug me tightly!" (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Did you do it on purpose or accidentally?!"

Yun Xuejiao had never had such contact with a man before. If it were in the past, she might have killed him with a sword.


Su Han spread his hands and said.

He really heard"close" instead of"close", mainly because Su Han was afraid of losing Yun Xuejiao, otherwise where would he go to find her, and wouldn't his investment be ruined?

"If you do it again, I will chop off your hands."

As he said this, Yun Xuejiao put away the sword in his hand and began to look around.

""Is this... a small world?"

Yun Xuejiao murmured when she felt the abnormality of the spiritual power around her.

There are also many small worlds in the Daqian Empire, but the number is very small. Currently, only four or five small worlds have been discovered. The small world is also called the"mustard seed world".

That is to say, by entering from the entrance of the small world, you can come to another independent world, which is completely different from the outside world.

There is such a record in ancient books - one flower, one world, one leaf, one world.

It describes the existence of the mustard seed world.

But there is no detailed record of how the mustard seed world was formed. There are many different opinions about the formation of the mustard seed world. Some say it is the Dantian world of a supreme power, and some say it is formed naturally. Anyway, there are different opinions.....

"If it is a small world, then this is the fifth mustard seed world discovered by the Daqian Empire."

"It seems that we are the first batch to come in, very lucky"

"However, it is also very dangerous."

Yun Xuejiao murmured in surprise.

Su Han squatted down, twisted the soil on the ground with his hands, and frowned.

He didn't know if it was his illusion, but he felt that the breath of this small world was somewhat similar to the breath in his Dantian space.

At this time, he also thought of a statement in ancient books that the mustard seed world might be the Dantian space of the cultivator.

This statement is the most absurd among many statements.

But now it seems that Su Han thinks it is the most credible one.

Because his Dantian space has also developed into a small world......

Su Han stood up and spread his consciousness.

He was shocked to find that with his current consciousness strength, he could not detect the boundary. He even felt that it was not even one thousandth or even one ten-thousandth.

If this is really the Dantian world of a cultivator, it is hard to imagine what kind of terrifying level a cultivator with such a huge Dantian world has reached.....

"Let's go"

"Let's go forward."

Yun Xuejiao took out the sword in his hand and walked forward.....

Su Han followed closely behind.

The further he walked, the more frightened he became.

Because he felt that the spiritual energy in this world was different from that in the outside world, but he could clearly feel that the quality of the spiritual energy here was a little higher than that in the outside world.

If he practiced here, even the speed of practice would be significantly improved.

Although the quality of spiritual energy was higher, it was nothing rare, but if it was placed in the Dantian space, it would be terrifying to think about it carefully....

Just like Su Han's current Dantian world, there is almost no spiritual energy, because he does not have such a large amount of spiritual energy to pour into his huge Dantian space.

If Su Han continuously pours spiritual energy into his Dantian space every day and fills it up, it will also be slowly consumed and absorbed.....

This small world has a very rich spiritual energy and high quality. It can be seen that it has existed for a very long time.

However, the spiritual energy here gives Su Han a feeling of endless supply, which is very terrifying.....

After walking for a while,

Su Han stopped.

Seeing this, Yun Xuejiao turned around and asked in surprise,"What's wrong?"

Su Han did not answer, but looked at a small pothole not far away.

He slowly raised his palm, used his fingers as swords, and split the basin in front of him.

At this moment, Yun Xuejiao felt Su Han's breath and the sword intent, and his face showed shock and confusion.

This sword intent....

Reached the pinnacle ?

Or was it just his own illusion.

Although Su Han's cultivation level could be concealed, his pure and terrifying sword intent was difficult to conceal.

Before Yun Xuejiao could ask, the next second, a wisp of spiritual power came out from the basin that was cut open.....

Su Han waved his hand, and the soil layer on the surface of the basin broke open, revealing���A large number of white crystals were found.

Each crystal was crystal clear, without any impurities, and as clean as if it were transparent.....Top-grade spiritual stone!

This is a top-grade spiritual stone vein. Although it is a very small vein, it is a top-grade spiritual stone!

Top-grade spiritual stone can not only be used as currency in the market, it can also be used to forge weapons, array needles, alchemy medicinal materials, etc.

"We each get half."

Su Han waved his hand and took out all the top-grade spirit stones.

There were a total of 20,000 to 30,000 pieces!

For Su Han, this was also a huge windfall, enough for him to buy a lot of investment materials.

"No need, you discovered this."

Yun Xuejiao waved his hand and said

"We walked together, so we discovered it together."

Su Han divided out half of the top-grade spirit stone and gave it to Yun Xuejiao.

Su Han was not a person who would take advantage of small gains, because he knew that even if Yun Xuejiao discovered it, he would give him half.

"Okay, take it."

"Stop dilly-dallying"

""Okay... okay." Yun Xuejiao accepted the top-grade spirit stone Su Han gave her.

"Let's go."

Su Han said with satisfaction.

It seems that this trip to the secret treasure is worth it. It has been a short time since I came in, and gold coins have exploded.

Yun Xuejiao was walking on the road, still wondering about the sword intent he had just felt, and was struggling whether to ask....


Not far ahead, there was a light and the sound of gurgling water.

The two walked towards the light.

Soon, a dazzling light flashed by.

The two also saw the"thing" in front of them clearly.

PS: Please subscribe to the full order, and I hope to continue to follow the order. The subsequent plot will only become more and more exciting!.

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