"I said, Jiang Shan was just traveling."

"I don't know how long it will take for him to come back."

Su Han spread his hands and said.

In the past few days, Su Han had vented enough anger. He needed to use this method to deal with Wang Tian.


"You gotta remember this!"

"Don't ever fall into my hands again."

After saying that, Wang Tian shook his sleeves and stood up to leave.

"Don't worry, Jiang Shan will come back in the future."

Su Han sighed and said.

Although Wang Tian loves power, he is not bad by nature. He is a villain, not a heinous villain.

In fact, with Su Han's realm, Wang Tian is not even an enemy in his eyes.

It's like walking on the road and seeing a small stumbling block on the ground, just kick it away as long as it doesn't affect your walking.

If Wang Tian really endangers his interests, Su Han will not hesitate to kill him with a sword!

Hearing this, Wang Tian snorted coldly and said,"It's good that you have a conscience."

When he walked to the door.

Wang Tian paused, exhaled heavily, and said,"Su Han, I, Wang Tian, am a sensible person"

"I don't like to owe others"

"This time, I owe you a favor."

After saying that, Wang Tian snorted coldly and left.

Hearing this, Su Han just smiled and said nothing.

He lay on the chair, looking at the Tianhe River, and murmured:"This kind of life is still pretty good."

"What did Su Han say?"

After Zhao Changhe came back from the meeting of the seven major sects, he immediately found Wang Tian.

Wang Tian patted his chest and said,"Don't worry, Great Elder, I have done it."

"Jiang Shan is just traveling. He is still a disciple of our Huanyun Sect. He will come back in the future. You don't have to worry about this."

Zhao Changhe was relieved after hearing this.

You can travel, but don't leave the sect, otherwise the sect will suffer a great loss.

"I went to find out"

"Jiang Shan was an ordinary person in the outer sect. He did not receive any good care and training from the sect, and many of his fellow disciples did not lend him a helping hand."

"Only Su Han, who was the elder in charge of the Outer Sect's Sutra Library at the time, helped him a lot."

"He has a serious lack of sense of belonging to the sect. In the entire sect, only Su Han has a stronger sense of belonging to him."

At this point, Zhao Changhe paused and sighed,"In the future, we should also take better care of Su Han."

"Since he doesn't have any great aspirations for cultivating immortality, let him be."

"He likes to retire in the Sutra Library, so let him. Our sect can still provide for his retirement."

Zhao Changhe sighed, and he had completely given up on Su Han.

After all, he once thought that Su Han had great potential and was ready to cultivate him.

Now it seems that it is better to let Su Han stay in the Sutra Library peacefully.


From this moment on, Wang Tian was ready to slowly ignore Su Han and forget about him, and not to bother him anymore.

He used to be resistant to Su Han, simply because he was jealous and worried that he would surpass himself, but during this period of time, it seemed that Su Han had no aspirations at all.

Would a person who pursued the path of immortal cultivation lie on a chair and sleep all day? Would he have the leisure to plant a vegetable garden? Would he go down the mountain to fetch water himself?

It was absolutely impossible.

In addition, Su Han also helped him this time. Although the price he paid was extremely heavy, Wang Tian still did not intend to settle the score later.

"Wang oh my god"

"After some time, you and I will go to Fulong City."

"You must remember that this person is a big shot, you can't talk nonsense."

"Whether you can reach the great fortune of the royal family depends on your own fate."

Zhao Changhe said to Wang Tian.

After these words, Wang Tian's horizons seemed to be broadened all of a sudden.

Yes, why do you have to fight against Su Han in Huanyun Sect all day?

The world is still so big and so open. Huanyun Sect is only good in the Daqian Empire. You can't be proud and complacent because you are the elder of Huanyun Sect.

People who cultivate immortals have to go out. There is no future for staying here.

At this moment, a trace of imperceptible fire and ambition flashed in Wang Tian's eyes.

"Hey, our Daqian Empire has suffered a lot of defeats recently."

"The royal family talked to the head of Tai Heng Sect and it was said that they wanted the seven major sects to provide a large amount of war resources to the front line."

"Our Huanyun Sect will have to bleed a lot."

Zhao Changhe sat down and sighed heavily:"Although our Huanyun Sect has a high reputation in the Mortal Kingdom of the Great Qian Empire, it also leads to the fact that most of the people who come to participate in our Huanyun Sect's disciple-recruiting ceremony are either people or disciples eliminated from other sects."

"Moreover, our leader does not fight or compete, and we have already had several spiritual veins fall into the hands of the Yangyan Sect."

"The finances of our sect are already overwhelmed."

After hearing this, Wang Tian also sighed. He has been in Huanyun Sect for a hundred years and knows the development of the sect.

"However, the main purpose of this meeting"

"Not supporting the front line"

"Rather, some time ago, a secret place appeared in a mountain range near Haoyue Sect."

"It is said that this secret treasure is very large and no one has ever entered it."

"This secret treasure comes at just the right time....."

Zhao Changhe sighed one after another without stopping.

Wang Tian asked tentatively:"Grand Elder, do you mean to use this secret treasure as a starting point?"

"Well, the front line is in danger, and the seven major sects are unwilling to bleed heavily. It just so happens that this secret treasure appears."

"Tai Hengzong immediately controlled and sealed off this secret treasure"

"Let the seven major sects enter the secret treasure fairly and impartially"

"It can be regarded as restoring the blood of the seven major sects before drawing blood."

"Otherwise, how can we draw blood?..."

Zhao Changhe said word by word

"Only let people from the seven major sects in?"

"Taiyi Holy Land, Biyao Holy Land, Cangjian Villa, Baihua Blessed Land, etc. Don't these top holy places have any objections?" Wang Tian asked doubtfully

"Of course there is"

"But the targets of the Daqian Empire's bloodletting this time are the seven major clans."

"Moreover, this decision was supported by the royal family, and those holy places would also give the royal family some face. After all, they were all people from the Daqian Empire, so there was no need to make things difficult for them."

"Also, do you think that the power of Taiyi Holy Land would bother to compete with our seven major sects?"

Zhao Changhe had a clear understanding of the strength of Huanyun Sect.

Among the seven major sects, only Taiheng Sect, the leader, could rank in front of Biyao Holy Land and Cangjian Villa.

"Hey, please inform the elders in the sect."

"This is the time to go in and grab resources, it's time to rely on strength, not the experience of disciples, we have to pay attention to it."


After that, Wang Tian left.

Then, Su Han thought of something and asked,"Grand Elder, all the inner sect elders? Including Su Han?"

"Didn't I just say that? Don't bother Su Han, just let him stay in the Sutra Library."

"Besides, we are not going to travel, we are going to compete with the other six sects for resources, why call Su Han? He has that little strength."

After all, the cultivation level that Su Han showed in front of them was only the second level of Gu Yuan.

This strength is at the bottom among the inner sect elders.

"Master, Master, where have you been again?"

""Our Huanyun Sect will fall apart without you!"

Zhao Changhe looked up at the sky, wailing in his heart. During the years when Yunfeng was free and unrestrained, he was the one who had to deal with all the affairs in the sect.

Dongdongdong—— footsteps were heard.

The next second.

A young man in brocade robe walked in front of Zhao Changhe.

Seeing the person coming, Zhao Changhe's expression instantly returned to calm, and he spread his hands and said:"Seventh Prince, I really don't know where the master has gone."

"No, I'm not here to see the headmaster, I'm here to see you." (To read the exciting novels, go to Flylu Novel Network!)

Qian Tianlong said to Zhao Changhe with a smile

"Looking for me?"

Zhao Changhe really didn't want to have any contact with the giant Buddha"Qian Tianlong". After all, the Huanyun Temple was small and could not be involved in the affairs of the royal family.

"I want to follow you to the secret cache."

Qian Tianlong looked at Zhao Changhe and said slowly.

After he finished speaking, Zhao Changhe looked at Qian Tianlong's cultivation, the second level of Linghai!

Half a year ago, he remembered that Qian Tianlong was still in the process of consolidating his essence, but now he is already in the second level of Linghai. He is indeed a member of the royal family, the offspring of that person.

This talent for cultivation is really terrible.

Moreover, he just remembered that Qian Tianlong was also on the list of the Potential Dragon List some time ago.

He is only 17 years old now!

This Seventh Prince is indeed worthy of his reputation.

However, Zhao Changhe was not happy at all, because Qian Tianlong was now a registered disciple of Yunfeng on the surface, and was considered a disciple of Huanyun Sect.

However, Qian Tianlong was destined to leave, after all, he was a member of the royal family, and his purpose of coming to Huanyun Sect was not pure.

When leading the team to the secret realm, Zhao Changhe would take the group of elders with the strongest inner gate strength.

Although Qian Tianlong's current strength ranks among the top in Huanyun Sect.

But because his identity is too sensitive and too precious, if something happens in the secret collection, it will be Huanyun Sect that suffers....

"Great Elder, don't worry"

"I'm just following you in. I won't affect you or hinder you."

"Moreover, I will ensure my own safety."

According to the regulations, no one from the royal family can enter the secret collection, only the seven major sects, otherwise other top holy places will have objections.

After all, this regulation was proposed by the royal family, and I must set an example.

Moreover, the seven major sects can only enter once on that day.

Then, the secret collection will be fully open, and anyone who is capable can enter the secret collection to search for treasures.

However, everyone wants to be the first to go in and be the first to try it.

Many people in the royal family also want to, and Qian Tianlong is no exception!

Qian Tianlong's purpose was to approach and investigate Yunfeng, but he didn't expect that he would encounter such a good opportunity by mistake!

He is now a disciple of Huanyun Sect, and can enter the secret collection as a disciple of Huanyun Sect.

Moreover, his identity is special, and the things he gets in the secret collection also belong to him, and will not be used to support the front line. This is simply too cool!

"OK. OK...."

"Tai Heng Sect is still dealing with the formation restrictions outside the secret treasure."

"The time is still uncertain, but it will probably be three or four months later.

Zhao Changhe had no choice but to agree.

"Got it. I'll take my leave now." Qian Tianlong said.

That night,

Zhao Changhe convened a meeting of the inner sect elders.

He notified them of this matter, and they wailed instantly.

Because with the comprehensive strength of Huanyun Sect, how many resources can they get from the secret storage?

At that time, the Daqian royal family asked Huanyun Sect to take out a large number of resources to support the front line, and the resources they grabbed might be just a drop in the bucket.....

""Great elder, this is so unfair to our Huanyun Sect!"

One of the elders with a more irritable personality said indignantly.

"Yes, how much can we get back from the monsters in Huanyun Sect, Taiheng Sect, and Haoyue Sect? It's good enough that we didn't get robbed in the secret storage." Another elder also spoke up to defend the injustice.

"Moreover, the front line is in danger, why are we the seven major sects being attacked? Why not go to Taiyi Holy Land or Biyao Holy Land!"


Zhao Changhe slapped the table, and his breath burst out, scaring everyone so much that they dared not speak.

"I didn't call you here to listen to your complaints!"

"Also, aren't you from the Daqian Empire? If the front line is breached, will you be able to escape danger?"

"When the nest is overturned, the eggs will not remain intact."

"You should be thankful that the royal family is only asking for resources instead of sending old bones like you to fight on the battlefield!"

"Moreover, are you ready to know that the royal family will not make any demands on those in Taiyi Holy Land? Perhaps the price they paid is much greater than ours!"

Zhao Changhe's words made the entire hall silent.

"It will be about three or four months later."

"You guys go down ahead and prepare."

"Please note, we are not going there for training. We are going there to steal things and resources. Do not bring your disciples with you."

"If some of you insist on taking them with you, that's fine. But if your disciples die in the secret treasure, don't come to me and cry!"

Zhao Changhe's words instantly dispelled the thoughts of many elders.

"There are still two or three months left for you to prepare."

"You guys, prepare all your life-saving magic weapons and escape cards. The secret will be very cruel, so don't take it lightly."

"Saving your life comes first, resources come second"

"Okay, let's adjourn the meeting."

The elders are the backbone of the sect. Even if one of them dies, it will be a huge blow to Huanyun Sect.

This month, the inner sect seems to be much quieter. To be more precise, there are no elders!

In the entire inner sect, it seems that only Su Han is active in the disciples' sight!

This is because all the elders of the inner sect are in seclusion. Those who need to prepare for the sprint are sprinting, and those who need to prepare magic weapons are preparing magic weapons.....

Su Han was the only one who was idle!

Idle, it's better to be idle!

Moreover, due to the collective"disappearance" of the elders of the inner sect, most of the disciples of the inner sect ran to the Sutra Library to ask Su Han for advice when they encountered any problems.

Then, taking this opportunity, Su Han made another large wave of investments.

Although they were all small investments, they accumulated little by little. Su Han has already touched the threshold of the Purple Mansion Realm. He only needs to step into the Purple Mansion!

In this month, Su Han seemed to have become the backbone of the inner sect. Almost half of the disciples were grateful to Su Han and supported him very much.

Sometimes, when Su Han was bored and went down the mountain to fetch water, he would meet a few disciples to help him fetch water up the mountain.

There would be a few attentive disciples who helped Su Han take care of his own vegetable gardens.

In the morning, the snow in front of the door was swept clean, and it was also swept by a disciple who was helped by Su Han.

Su Han's prestige in the sect was growing exponentially.

This situation was beyond Su Han's expectation.

Currently, three-fifths of the inner sect disciples have received help and guidance from Su Han!

At this moment, if Su Han wanted to set up his own sect, perhaps more than half of the disciples of the Huanyun Sect would follow him!

This kind of cohesion is extremely terrifying.....

The great elder, the head, and other high-ranking members of the sect would never have thought that Su Han would slowly turn the sect into his own back garden in this way.

There are two most perverted points about Su Han's investment system.

The first is that the investment directly returns millions of times.

The second is that the person who is invested will owe Su Han a big favor.

After all, think about it carefully. If you are in a desperate and dark predicament, and someone lends you a helping hand and pulls you out of the darkness, you will definitely regard the person who pulls you out as the greatest benefactor and noble person in your life.

And Su Han plays the role of a noble benefactor in the minds of countless people.

On this day.

Su Han was sleeping in a chair as usual.

Suddenly, an extremely strong breath came, and Su Han suddenly opened his eyes.

The next second.

A beautiful figure walked into the Sutra Library....

I just wanted to say: Frenzy Creed

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