He saw Qing He and Qing Yu, not only had they successfully gathered Qi, but they had also directly reached the third level of Qi Gathering!

Su Han's consciousness carefully explored it again and found that it was indeed the third level of Qi Gathering, and it was infinitely close to the fourth level of Qi Gathering!

My goodness, didn't I just give them a basic Qi Gathering Art yesterday? It was already very good that they could understand it in one night.

After all, they had no foundation, which was equivalent to starting from scratch.

Moreover, even if they had mastered the Qi Gathering Art, they had to feel the sky and the earth, feel the Qi into the body, and form spiritual energy in the Dantian. Only after reaching a certain level can they successfully gather Qi.

This also requires a process.

The first step of cultivating immortals is always the most difficult. You must know that when Su Han first crossed over to this world, he gathered Qi very quickly, and it took him three months.

And now, they only took one night!

One night is fine, but one night directly reached the third level of Qi Gathering? ? ? ?

What kind of talent is this?

At this moment, Su Han truly felt the horror of top-level Dharma talent!

"Qinghe, Qingyu"

"Come here."

Su Han waved to the two sisters who were busy arranging the bookshelf.

The two sisters came to Su Han, showing a puzzled look, and asked in unison:"What's wrong, Master?"

"Did you succeed in gathering your Qi?"

Su Han asked in a low voice.

"I don't know, maybe it is. I feel like I have a lot more strength now, and my eyes can see more clearly. I think it is the successful gathering of Qi mentioned in the book."

Qing He didn't know what it meant to successfully gather Qi, but she clearly felt much stronger.

"I'm going to reply to Master. We have successfully gathered our Qi. Master gave us the technique."

"We were a little stupid. We didn't understand it until midnight, and then we managed to gather the energy."

""Master, are we going too slow?"

Qing Yu said this not to show off, but because she really didn't know whether this speed was fast or slow. She knew nothing about cultivating immortals, and it was only after reading the Qi Gathering Technique given by her master yesterday that she barely understood a little bit.

If Zhao Changhe heard that he looked down on Qinghe and Qingyu, who he looked down on and said in public that he would not admit that they were his disciples, and that he despised Qinghe and Qingyu so much, and now only spent one night to gather Qi, and it was after the third level of Qi Gathering, he might regret it so much that he vomited blood in the middle of the night...

However, Su Han did not intend to expose Qinghe and Qingyu's talent now.

He knew that in this world, being low-key and restrained was the most important thing.

Then, he waved his hand and set a seal on the two sisters. This seal would not affect them. Its function was only to prevent outsiders from seeing their true realm.

""Okay, you guys go get busy."

Su Han waved his hand and the two girls continued to sort out the bookshelf.

However, Su Han's seal was still limited and was useless for an old monster of Tianyue's level.


"Gathering energy in one night?"

"Or the third level of Qi Condensation?"

Tianyue suddenly appeared beside Su Han, looking at Qinghe and Qingyu not far away, with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

"This breakthrough speed is not inferior to my past."

Hearing this, Su Han did not disbelieve it. After all, Tianyue was also a monster with top-level Dharma talent!

"I can't believe these two girls are so talented."

Tianyue couldn't help but praise them.

Then, Tianyue thought of something, turned to look at Su Han, and said:

"I'm really wondering, can you really see their potential, or are you just lucky?"

After all, with Tianyue's strength, she didn't see Qinghe and Qingyu had such strong talent and potential yesterday. This was the first time she made a mistake.

"Good luck, good luck"

""I took them in as my disciples yesterday out of pity for them. I just wanted to give them a place to stay and have them help me out."

Su Han said with a smile.

Upon hearing this, Tianyue stared at Su Han for a few more times and believed him.

After all, Su Han was only at the Xiantian realm, and he himself couldn't see it, so how could he see it?

Moreover, the eldest disciple he accepted has not yet gathered his energy, and there is not even a trace of spiritual energy in his body. From this point, it can be seen that Su Han is indeed accepting disciples randomly.

However, his luck is really good!

He only accepted three disciples, and then the blind cat met a dead mouse, and he really met a dead mouse! During the time that Tianyue and Su Han got along, she also unconsciously got used to the life of seeing Su Han reading books as soon as she opened her eyes. Over time, she seemed to have started reading too. Even if she was eventually trapped and died here, at least at the end of her life, she would be able to read books.

In the time after death, it would be nice to have a good friend to accompany him, so he would not be lonely.

Therefore, Tianyue also hopes that Su Han can accept a few more talented disciples, so that they can take care of him in the future and live longer.

Su Han leaned back in the chair, looking at his disciples arranging bookshelves and getting along well with each other.

There was no despair on their faces, but expectations for the future.

At this moment, Su Han felt that everything he had done was worth it, and such a life was also very good.

He was slowly getting stronger, and his disciples were also slowly getting stronger. Such a life was really good and comfortable.

Such pleasant days passed day by day.

Unknowingly, another two months had passed.

Now, it is deep winter, and the weather is also It's getting colder and colder.

Heavy snow covered the mountains, covering them with a thick layer of white and silver snow. As the weather got colder, the wild animals in the mountains went into hibernation and became much quieter.

One could only hear the sound of flying swords and the sound of cultivators' punches breaking the wind.

A cultivator will never stop, whether it is winter or summer, their practice must not stop for a moment.

Shi Yi, Qing He, and Qing Yu were gradually becoming familiar to the disciples who often came to the Sutra Repository. They all knew that these were Elder Su's disciples, so they did not dare to disrespect or offend them.

Shi Yi was not lying. The night after that day, he successfully gathered Qi, and now he is a cultivator at the first level of Qi gathering. He can be regarded as a little immortal, yes, A little fairy in the eyes of mortals.

On the day when he successfully gathered Qi, Shi Yi smiled happily, because his hard work was finally rewarded.

What he didn't know was that his two little junior sisters, Qinghe and Qingyu, had already gathered Qi perfectly!

One month, Qi gathering is perfect!

Of course, as the master, Su Han also stepped into the ninth level from the seventh level of innateness.

Su Han has always been steady and cautious, and has never suppressed his potential. He keeps investing and always maximizes his own interests.

With the help of Su Han's continuous investment, his status in the hearts of the inner disciples of Huanyun Sect has become higher and higher, even surpassing the great elder Zhao Changhe, and approaching the head of the sect!

In fact, Su Han himself didn't notice that he seemed to be slowly"stealing"....

Since ancient times, those who win the hearts of the people will win the world.

Although Su Han's investment was for the purpose of getting feedback rewards, it just happened to allow Su Han to quickly win the hearts of the people.

To put it bluntly, if Su Han wanted to establish his own sect, at least one-third of the inner sect disciples would follow Su Han with one order!

This is the power of the people's hearts!

On this day.

Xiao Renlong is back...(To read the most exciting novels, go to Flylu Novels!)

At this moment, the snow was still falling outside the Sutra Library.

Because night was approaching and the weather was too cold, most of the disciples were in seclusion in their caves to study their own skills. There were not many people in the Sutra Library at this moment.

Shi Yi was fiddling with the table, Qing He was wiping the dust off the bookshelf, and Qing Yu was warming the tea.....

Su Han sat on the chair, picked up the porcelain cup, blew a sip of tea, took a sip, and exhaled a breath of hot air.

At this time, outside the door of the Sutra Library, a man stood there.

The heavy snow fell on him, but he didn't move.

At this time, Shi Yi noticed the person standing outside the door. He stopped what he was doing, rolled up his sleeves and wiped the sweat from his forehead, and said to the figure outside the door:"My senior brother, the Sutra Library is about to close, why don't you come back tomorrow."

Hearing the noise, Su Han glanced outside the door and saw a familiar face.

"Come in."

After hearing Su Han's words, the figure dared to take the first step.

However, he took off his tiger mink coat, slapped the snow on it to the ground, stomped his feet heavily, and then stepped into the door of the Sutra Library.

Su Han looked closely and found that it was indeed Xiao Renlong.

The change was so great that Su Han couldn't recognize him for a while.

After taking off the tiger mink coat, he was wearing silver armor inside. He was tall and strong, with a scar on his face. He was completely different from the playful, arrogant and domineering disciple.

���He walked to Su Han step by step.

Then, he knelt on one knee in front of Su Han, clasped his fists and said,"Thank you. Really....Thank you, Elder Su."

Su Han knew why Xiao Renlong was thanking him, and did not ask any more questions. He just said to Shi Yi,"Xiao Yi, bring a stool to Senior Brother Xiao."

Xiao Renlong put his tiger mink coat aside, took off the sword from his waist, and sat down.

Qing Yu also poured a pot of hot tea for Xiao Renlong.

Xiao Renlong now sat upright, exuding a solemn and strict aura of a soldier. After Qing Yu poured the tea, Xiao Renlong also politely said thank you.

Half a year, just half a year, Xiao Renlong has transformed so much, which shows how much of a blow that incident was to him when he returned home half a year ago.

"Ren Long, I haven't seen you for just half a year, and you have changed a lot."

"If I'm not mistaken, you have already entered the Spiritual Sea Realm."

Su Han took a sip of tea and said with a smile

"If it weren't for Elder Su, I wouldn't even be able to make it to the last meeting."

"Elder Su, after I returned home, I learned that my sister was already terminally ill. I only saw her once and didn’t even have time to say a few words to her...."

At this point, Xiao Renlong's deep voice was obviously filled with tears.

"After my sister died, my father came back"

"I just learned that my father was defeated in the battle at the front and was seriously injured. After he came back and saw the news that my sister had died, his condition became even worse..."

"Soon, the front line was in danger, and I took over my father's mantle, put on his armor, and replaced him on the front line..."

These few sentences are short, but they contain so much.....

He was once just an arrogant and domineering person in the sect, boasting that his father was a victorious general. After experiencing two major setbacks in succession, he went to the front line....

You know, since ancient times, the soldiers under the general will not obey the general's son, they only obey the general.

And the fact that Xiao Renlong can now come here to see Su Han wearing his father's armor shows how much he has paid and how much effort he has put in.

At this time, Su Han thought of Xiao Renlong's fate again. His fate really came true. After encountering a major change, he turned into a dragon when he encountered wind and cloud.

And now, Tianyue is not far away, but Xiao Renlong looks straight ahead and never looks at her.

You know, Xiao Renlong used to call Su Han his father-in-law.

From this point, we can see that Xiao Renlong has grown up completely, and the love between children no longer exists in his world.

In his world, there is only......Defend the country and become the next victorious general like his father

"The tea is a little cold"


Xiao Yu , change a cup of tea.

"No need for that."

Xiao Renlong picked up the teacup and drank it in one gulp. Then he stood up, picked up his coat and sword.

"Elder Su, the front line is in crisis right now, and the brothers are still waiting for me to return."

"I won't stay any longer."

"This time I came here to say thank you and also to say goodbye"

"Because I was afraid that I would die on the battlefield that day, and I would not be able to come and thank you in person."

Xiao Renlong smiled, and the scar at the corner of his mouth added a trace of vicissitudes of life to him, and he really had the air of a general.

"Elder Su"


Xiao Renlong stood in the snow.

"If you have the chance, come to Fulong City, I will warm tea for the elders."

"Or if I pass by the front line one day, I will warm tea for the elders."

After saying that, Xiao Renlong clasped his fists towards Su Han, then turned and disappeared into the wind and snow.

At this moment, the snow was getting heavier and heavier, so heavy that the sound of snow could be heard.

Su Han looked at Xiao Renlong's back, and finally a trace of true appreciation appeared in his eyes. He believed that he would become a good general, a good general who would surpass his father.

At this moment, when Su Han turned around, the voice of the system sounded in Su Han's mind.

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