Night fell.

When the last round of tests was completed, the test was finally over.

Hundreds of thousands of people, only 500 people entered the next round, which shows how cruel it was.

Among them, except for two earth spirit roots and one heaven spirit root, the rest were all human spirit roots.....

"First test completed"

"Those who have passed the test, a deacon will take you to stay overnight. The rest of you can leave on your own."

An inner sect elder, standing on the high platform, said to those who did not pass the test on the square.

They had been expecting a miracle to happen, but unfortunately, it did not happen at the last moment.

This world is so cruel, it will not show you mercy.

Soon, the people on the square dispersed one after another.

Su Han opened his eyes, stood up, stretched his waist, and yawned.

It was finally time to get off work.

At this time, Su Han stood on the high platform, looking at the square below, looking at those distraught mortal children, who left one by one with their heads down, and still felt a little emotional in his heart.

Cultivating immortals is so cruel, tens of thousands of people compete for one place.

No......From the moment they were born, their spiritual roots had already determined their future path. Their efforts over the past ten or twenty years were in vain, and this moment only made them realize the reality.

At this time, Su Han noticed that in the square, a skinny boy was still standing there in a daze.

The loose cloth clothes looked very out of place on him. When the wind blew, the skinny figure under the cloth clothes could be seen, as if a gust of wind could blow him away.......

The cloth-clothed boy stood there, looking up at the mountain of Huanyun Sect, in a daze, his pupils dilated.

He turned around, looking at the crowd rushing away, not knowing where to go next.

No sect wanted him, so he walked all the way from the north to the north. When he was hungry, he ate leaves, and when he was thirsty, he drank water. Whenever he saw a sect on the way, he would try, but without exception, all of them rejected him.

Finally, he came to Huanyun Sect, which was his last stop.

He could no longer go south, and he no longer had the strength to go on.....

Now, he doesn't know where to go.....

He was stunned for a long time. When everyone in the square had left, he still stood there. Finally, he withdrew his gaze, and the last bit of light in his eyes disappeared.

Then, he turned around and walked out of the mountain step by step.

"Elder Su, I will leave first?"

A deacon in charge of the test platform where Su Han was, saw that Su Han was still there, so he said


Su Han looked at the young man and sighed..

"Elder Su, you were in the Sutra Library before, so you may not know much about the disciple-taking ceremony."

"As for me, since the day I became a deacon, I have witnessed dozens of ceremonies of accepting disciples, big and small."

"Every time we finish recruiting disciples, we will go to the cliffs of the nearby mountains to search for them."

The middle-aged deacon followed Su Han's gaze and saw the skinny young man walking out of the mountain like a zombie, and said with emotion

"Search? What are you searching for?"

Su Han asked


Su Han was also stunned when he heard this.

The deacon smiled bitterly and said quietly:"The last time I recruited disciples in the hall, I found thousands of corpses under the cliff outside our mountain range."

"When I went there, the bodies were still warm."

"Many of these mortals are risking everything on a single throw. Success is a step to heaven, and failure is a step to hell."

"Many of them have a bad mentality. They will find a cliff and jump off after leaving this mountain range."

After hearing this, Su Han also sighed. It was too realistic. After all, 99% of the resources in this world are in the hands of immortal cultivators, and the weak do not even have the qualifications to survive.

However, those who can't bear the blow and jump off the cliff are also unable to accept their own mediocrity, or they can't face the cruel reality, so they just jump off the cliff.

"After you collected the body, what happened next? Did you lose it?"

Su Han asked a question that he was somewhat concerned about.

"We will send people to send these disciples back to their hometowns and give their families a pension."

Hearing the words of the deacon, Su Han's eyes flashed with surprise, and he unconsciously had a better impression of Huanyun Sect.

"This rule is only in our Huanyun Sect."

"For the other six cases, they would not even collect the bodies, let alone send them back to their hometowns."

"This also led to the fact that we had the largest number of people attending the disciple-taking ceremony, because those people knew that if they couldn't bear it and jumped off the cliff, they would return to their roots and bring some compensation to their families."

"Even some poor mortal families, when they could no longer support themselves, would have the men in the family come to participate in the disciple-recruiting ceremony, and then jump off a cliff outside the mountain of Huanyun Sect."

"The purpose is to find a way to survive for the wife and children at home."

Hearing this, Su Han asked,"Won't that make more and more people deliberately cheat the Huanyun Sect's pension?"

"Yes, even though there are so many people attending the disciple-taking ceremony, in fact, at least one-fifth of them are here for the pension."

"As for me, I will be busy for at least the next one or two months."

The deacon smiled bitterly.

"How much will you give out as pensions?"

Upon hearing this, the deacon said,"It is not fixed. It will not be less or more. It will be based on the population of the deceased family. At least it will be enough for them to have enough food and clothing for the rest of their lives.""

"Not much. For many poor mortal families, three or four low-grade spirit stones are enough for them to live out their lives. They have enough food and clothing."

The deacon paused.���He lowered his voice and said,"Elder Su, perhaps you don't know that in fact, in many mortal villages in the Daqian Empire, the status of the Huanyun Sect in their minds far exceeds that of any other sect, including the royal family!".....

Hearing the last sentence, Su Han frowned, thinking of something.

The deacon continued,"At first, many elders in the inner sect did not understand the sect leader's approach. They thought the sect leader was too kind. After all, it was okay to appease a few dozen people, but after appeasing hundreds or thousands of families, the workload was very heavy."

"Later, the headmaster said something that I still remember clearly."

"He said...."

At this point, the deacon showed a look of reminiscence:"Mortals have a hard life, and the pillar of the family uses his life to believe in our Huanyun Sect. What reason do we have to refuse? People, you should do more good deeds."

Hearing this, Su Han was startled, and the image of the middle-aged Taoist appeared in his mind.

At this moment, his overall impression of Yunfeng seemed to have improved a bit.

It turned out that he was such a person.

To be honest, at this moment, Su Han had a much better impression of Yunfeng, and maybe they could become friends if they had the chance in the future.

"The old man, the head of the sect, said all the good things. After that, he continued to live his leisure life."

"We are suffering."

The deacon smiled bitterly, but Su Han could see that he admired Yunfeng very much......

"Okay, Elder Su, I won't say any more."

"I have to go back to gather people and arrange tasks. I have to work early tomorrow morning."

The deacon said, and he was about to leave.

"What's your name?" Su Han asked the deacon.

"Hao Yun."

After saying that, he left in a hurry.

Su Han remembered this name and would help him if he could in the future. This person is not bad.......

When Su Han came to his senses, the skinny boy had already reached the end of the mountain range and would soon disappear into the night.

Looking at the thin figure, Su Han knew that he might also jump off the cliff....

At this time, Su Han used his"Sky Eye" for some reason and checked the young man on the list.

Soon, the information appeared in Su Han's mind...............

PS: Please give me the data. Before the release, the number of evaluation votes exceeded one thousand, the number of flowers exceeded twenty thousand, and the number of monthly votes exceeded 20. Ten chapters will be released directly after the release!

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