"Senior Sister Ye, I will leave first and will not disturb you to rest."

Wang Tian said to Ye Ranqiu with a fist.

Hearing this, Ye Ranqiu nodded and said,"Sorry for bothering me these two days." After he finished speaking.

Before Wang Tian turned around and left, he looked at Su Han, his eyes seemed to ask:"Let's go, what are you still doing here?!"

Seeing this, Su Han ignored Wang Tian.

Bai Ling'er shook Su Han's hand and said,"Brother Su, why don't you stay here with Senior Sister and me for two days."

Hearing this, Su Han smiled and said,"Tomorrow, tomorrow I will come, I will take you to find the shy grass I told you about."

After he finished speaking, Bai Ling'er's eyes were full of expectations.

Although she is already seventeen years old and a great cultivator in the high realm of the Guyuan Realm, she has never been abroad to the Biyao Immortal Sect and is very interested in things outside.

However, Su Han would not treat her as a child. She is just curious, but not mentally retarded. On the contrary, her mind is close to that of a demon.

""Sister Ye, I'll leave first."

After saying that, Su Han left Tianyun Mountain.

To be honest, Su Han really didn't want to stay here, because he found that this mountain was targeted by several powerful auras.

It was very likely that they were the strong men of the Biyao Immortal Sect. After all, Bai Ling'er's status was extremely high, and her safety was also very important.

He was still a small cultivator in the Guyuan realm. In the eyes of those strong men, he was still an ant that could be crushed to death at will. He just wanted to invest quietly.....

Cangjian Villa.

Cangjian Villa is located on a sword mountain, surrounded by seven sword mountains. The place is not big, maybe not even as big as an outer gate of Huanyun Sect.

However, from a distance, Cangjian Villa is surrounded by countless faint sword energy, which is very ethereal and very sharp, making it impossible to look closely.

This is the pearl of the sword art of the Daqian Empire, the holy land of sword art that countless sword practitioners dream of.

At this moment, on a sword mountain.

A majestic man in a black robe stood on the edge of the cliff, his eyes like swords, as if he wanted to pierce the void in front of him.

At this time, not far behind him, a young man slowly walked out.

The young man was wearing clean clothes, but in the depths of his eyes, there was a deep frustration that could not be hidden.


The young man clasped his hands together, looked at the back in front of him, and said respectfully.

After he finished speaking, there was silence for a long time.

The majestic man turned around and looked directly at the young man.

Feeling the man's gaze, the young man couldn't help but tremble.

"Where have you been?"

The young man was none other than Lin Ye.

Lin Ye did not dare to hide anything and told him everything that happened today.

Then, the majestic man was silent for a long time before he said earnestly:"You must always remember that there are too many people in this world who are stronger and more talented than you."

"And you, just lost, but your swordsmanship was damaged. You disappoint me so much."

"Go to the Sword-Clark in the back mountain and reflect on your mistakes for three months."

After saying that, Lin Ye didn't say a word of nonsense or complaint, just nodded, and then turned and left.

After Lin Ye left, the majestic man continued to look at the horizon, his eyes narrowed slightly, and a sword light flashed in the depths of his pupils.

"Such a clean and pure sword energy, Huanyun Sect actually produced such a swordsmanship seedling."

After saying this, the entire Jianshan was once again enveloped by the thick and quiet night, and fell silent........

The next day. The sun rose in the east. When the first ray of innate purple energy reached the earth, the cultivators of Huanyun Sect had already gotten up early to meditate. From time to time, one could hear the sound of cultivation and the sound of fists breaking bamboos.

On the top of Tianyun Mountain.

Bai Ling'er had been sitting on the bluestone on the edge of the cliff, holding her chin, wondering what she was thinking.

At this time, Ye Ranqiu pushed open the wooden door and walked out of the wooden attic. Seeing Bai Ling'er's appearance, he felt distressed.

Xiao Ling had not slept or rested since that incident. It had been three years.......

At this time, there was a sound of footsteps. Bai Linger looked towards the road leading up the mountain and found a familiar figure walking up Tianyuan Mountain.

The person was Su Han, but he was holding a flower in his hand.

After approaching, Bai Linger stood up and looked at what Su Han was holding with curiosity.

Among the flowers was a green grass that looked like a flower.

"Brother Su, what is this?"

"This is Mimosa"

"Touch it."

After saying that, Bai Ling'er stretched out her right hand and touched the mimosa tentatively. The next second, the mimosa folded its leaves like a shy little girl.

Seeing this, Bai Ling'er's eyes lit up all of a sudden. Just like what Brother Su said, it seemed that it was really shy!

""I'll give it to you."

Su Han handed the flower to Bai Ling'er.

From a certain perspective, he actually felt quite sympathetic towards Bai Ling'er. This very common mimosa, which can be seen on the roadside, was a very novel thing to her.

It can be seen that a princess like her, who was born in a big family, would lose a lot of happiness while getting favorable conditions.

""Thank you."

Bai Ling'er happily accepted the gift.

It was not the first time she received a gift, but this was the first time she received such a special gift, and she liked it very much.

Then, she thought of something, waved her hand, and a white token appeared in front of Su Han.

"This is my gift to you, it is a gift of reciprocity."

Seeing the white token, Ye Ranqiu, who was not far away, had a look of shock in her beautiful eyes.

She almost shouted, can this thing be given as a gift?!

At this time, a shocked voice sounded above the clouds

,"Ah! This thing is not suitable for giving as a gift!"

"Should we stop it?"..

"Are you stupid? The palace master just asked us to protect the young princess's safety and not to worry about anything else."

"Moreover, do you think that after the young princess gives it away, the White Lord will not give her another piece?"

"You, you have all the strength but not the smart mind. Can't you see that the young princess is trying to make friends with a genius?"

"This youth....Great potential!"

"Do you really think the young princess is a naive person? The young princess's IQ is far higher than yours.".....

Looking at the token in front of him, Su Han was stunned for a moment.

It looked like an ordinary token, but he could clearly feel that it contained many small and precise formations.

After hesitating for a while, he accepted it. It is always good to have more treasures. It will be useful one day......

Before he knew it, it was dark again.

On this day, Su Han also took Bai Ling'er to visit several mountains of Huanyun Sect.

But Su Han always kept a certain distance from Bai Ling'er and would not take her to crowded places or dangerous places, because he knew that there were countless eyes watching Bai Ling'er from behind.....

Before dark, Su Han brought Bai Ling'er back to Tianyun Mountain.

The time was ripe, and Su Han was ready to start investing.

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