The sword in Lin Ye's hand was cut off, and the tip of the sword was inserted into the ground.

Lin Ye's right sleeve was cut in half.

On the other hand, Su Han seemed to be standing still from beginning to end, as if he had not even drawn his sword, but Lin Ye was defeated!

This sudden reversal made everyone dumbfounded.

They didn't believe that Lin Ye would lose, and they didn't believe that Lin Ye would lose so thoroughly and so quickly!....

At this moment, Wang Tian, who was fanning the flames and preparing to watch the show, opened his mouth wide, and his mouth was so round that an egg could fit in it.

Then, he slapped himself unconsciously, and the pain on his face told him that this was real!

Su Han....Defeated him with the sword art that Lin Ye was most proud of?!

Who told me that this is not true!

Ma Yuan, Yang Kaifu and others were also shocked and horrified. Although they did not understand sword art, they understood the value of Cangjian Villa!

Lin Ye was the pride of Cangjian Villa!

On the other hand, Su Han was just a small elder of the Sutra Pavilion of Huanyun Sect. How could his sword art be so terrifying?!

At this moment, Ye Ranqiu looked at Su Han, and a ripple appeared in her beautiful eyes, and her heart was also full of shock.

She was the one who saw the most clearly in the whole audience. She saw that Lin Ye was about to destroy Su Han, and just when she was about to rescue him.

But she found that Su Han only used one sword, using an extremely strange and perfect arc, and knocked down the sword in Lin Ye's hand with one sword.

Almost, that sword directly cut off Lin Ye's arm!

Just a face-to-face!

She looked at Su Han deeply, trying to see if there was anything unusual, but found that Su Han really only had the perfect cultivation of the Condensation Vein Realm.......

At this moment,

Lin Ye was frozen in place.

He turned his head stiffly, looking at the fallen sword, then lowered his head to look at the scar on his arm, and finally raised his head to look at Su Han who was looking at him calmly.

He didn't know how he lost....

Just in the blink of an eye, he felt an extremely sharp and domineering sword energy, which directly shook the sword in his hand away and almost cut off his arm.

He didn't even notice that a trace of cold sweat had already seeped out of his back.

Could it be that....What kind of sword physique does Su Han have?!

Even the most common sword physique is a speechless sword genius among billions, and can be directly cultivated in Cangjian Villa!

He looked at Su Han carefully, but did not find anything abnormal.

Of course, this is not Lin Ye's fault, because the level of the"Sword Embryo Body" is so high that it has exceeded his cognitive scope, so it is normal that he can't see it.

He felt the breath beyond the second level of sword from Su Han's sword.

Could it be that...Su Han has already stepped into the third realm of swordsmanship?!

Impossible, this is impossible, this is absolutely impossible!

He was going to take this opportunity to humiliate or cripple Su Han, but he didn't expect that he would become a clown instead, and Senior Sister Ye was watching the battle.

The sense of gap and humiliation made Lin Ye's expression suddenly become ferocious, and he untied the restrictions on his body.

The pressure of the Spiritual Sea Realm, like a flood, poured out and rushed towards Su Han madly!

He couldn't care less, he was going to cripple Su Han as quickly as possible. As a disciple of Cangjian Villa, they would only blame himself at most, and they would not do anything to him.

Seeing this.

Wang Tian and others felt the terrifying pressure of the Spiritual Sea Realm, fearing that Lin Ye would go crazy and affect themselves, so they hurriedly circulated their spiritual energy and stepped back a few steps.

""How dare you!"

At this time, a light voice sounded, and the pressure that followed was like a natural chasm.

Lin Ye vomited blood and flew backwards in an instant.

The Xiantian Realm is the supreme power that can spy on the Xiantian Realm. It is like controlling the Linghai Realm like controlling an ant.

Lin Ye fell to the ground in pain, looking at Ye Ranqiu in disbelief. He did not expect that Ye Ranqiu would hit him so hard.

Although Cangjian Villa is not as good as Biyao Xianzong, it is not far behind.

Is it worth it for her to offend Cangjian Villa for an outer sect elder of Huanyun Sect?

However, this also proves that Su Han is much more important than herself in Ye Ranqiu's mind.......

"Lin Ye"

"I said at the beginning that this is just a discussion between classmates"

"What do you mean by being so unruly?"

"Don't think you can do whatever you want just because you have the support of Cangjian Villa. This world is much bigger and deeper than you think!"

Ye Ranqiu stood up, her beautiful eyes sharp, and said coldly to Lin Ye.

Hearing this, Lin Ye stood up shakily and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

"It's my fault"

"I won't stay here any longer, I'm leaving first."

As he said that, he glanced at Su Han, with endless murderous intent in his eyes!.....

At this time, Su Han used his Sky Eye and saw something unusual.

He found that just now, the"blue" luck he saw above Lin Ye's head had turned black, and this change happened just at that moment.

In other words, Lin Ye's fate had just changed?

Black luck, this is a sign of death!....

However, this is the best. Lin Ye was actually trying to kill me just now. If I become stronger in the future, Lin Ye will be the first target of revenge. Although Su Han usually does a lot of good things, he is definitely a person who will never let go of any grudge.......

""Junior Brother Su, are you okay?"

Ye Ranqiu walked to Su Han's side, checked him up and down, and found that he had no injuries, so he felt relieved.

If he hadn't taken action, with Lin Ye's spiritual sea realm, it would only take a moment to kill Su Han.

"Thank you."

Su Han returned the sword to Ye Ranqiu.

Seeing this, Ye Ranqiu pushed Su Han and said with a smile:"I don't practice swordsmanship, so this sword is of no use to me. You can take it."

Hearing this, Su Han had no choice but to accept it.

He just needed a handy sword.

This sword, like Lin Ye's, has reached the earth grade!

The grades of weapon spirit treasures, from low to high: Huang grade, Xuan grade, earth grade, Tian grade, acquired spirit weapon, innate spirit treasure, Wang grade...

From this, it can be seen that Ye Ranqiu's current status in the Biyao Immortal Sect, any weapon he casually gave away is of earth-grade quality........

At this time, Wang Tian's face looked very bad, sometimes blue, sometimes white, and he felt extremely uncomfortable. Even if he was beaten to death, he would never have thought that this would be the result.

Not only did Su Han steal the show, but it also brought his relationship with Ye Ranqiu a step further!

Who would have thought that Su Han, who usually lay low and calm, would actually have such high suggestions for kendo? Lin Ye was in trouble.

"You are such a strange person."

At this time, a timid voice came from behind Ye Ranqiu........ ps: One hundred flowers will add one more chapter, ten evaluation votes will add one more chapter, one monthly ticket, any reward will add one more chapter. As long as everyone votes for the data, we guarantee that there will be more chapters to come, which will make everyone happy!

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