The next second

, a figure slowly walked out of the dense forest towards the burly young man and his companions.

As the figure got closer, An Lie and his companions felt their entire bodies trembling uncontrollably, and their blood and qi were flowing backwards....The aura of the great monk Gu Yuan!

Moreover, it is the pressure of the high Gu Yuan realm!

Then, An Lie slowly turned around and saw a young man in a dark blue robe, with his hands behind his back, standing not far away and looking at him.

Looking at the elder's clothes on his body and the young man's face, there is always a familiar feeling.

At this time, a young man next to An Lie exclaimed:"You...Are you Elder Su?"

After saying that,

An Lie remembered a person, Elder Su from the Outer Sect's Sutra Library!

He became an Inner Sect disciple in the last hundred years, and he had borrowed martial arts from the Outer Sect's Sutra Library before, so he also had memories of this Elder Su from the Sutra Library.

But in his memory, wasn't Elder Su just at the Condensing Veins Realm?

Because if he had entered the Solidifying Origin Realm, he would definitely not be an Outer Sect elder, but an Inner Sect elder!

But...���What happened? An Lie's bullying of his disciples had been discovered, and he could only calm down this terrifying Elder Su and ask him not to pursue him.

"Elder Su, do you still remember me?"

"It's me, Andre!"

"" I used to be an outer sect disciple as well. I've been to the Sutra Library no less than a hundred times, and you've taken good care of me!"

An Lie said with a flattering smile.

Hearing this, Su Han replied,"I don't remember."

He had been in the Sutra Library for a hundred years, and had seen more disciples than he had eaten rice. How could he possibly remember every one of them?

"Bullying fellow disciples and robbing the sect's salary, do you know what crime this is?"

Su Han said coldly:"I know Elder Wang Tian from your inner sect, I will hand you over to him."

Hearing the words"Elder Wang Tian", An Lie got goose bumps all over his body. Elder Wang Tian was famous for his strictness in the inner sect. He was"cruel" in disciplining his disciples."

"Elder Su, we know we are wrong, please forgive us!"

As they spoke, An Lie and his companions were so frightened that their legs were shaking.

The pressure from the Gu Yuan realm was too much for them to bear.

""Give him back his things."

Su Han looked at An Lie and said.

After he finished speaking,

An Lie took out the storage bag that the young man with the broken arm had just given him and carefully placed it next to the young man with the broken arm.

Then he turned around and looked at Su Han embarrassedly.

"What else?"

After saying that,

An Lie took out his own 5,000 low-grade spirit stones and gave them to the young man with the broken arm as compensation.

Finally, he gritted his teeth, took out a third-grade healing pill, and put it in the young man's hand.

Then he looked at Su Han with tears in his eyes. He was bleeding heavily. He was bleeding heavily..

"Others, I don't care"

"But you can't bully him anymore."

""Okay, let's go quickly, the people from the Law Enforcement Hall will be here soon."

Hearing the words"Law Enforcement Hall", An Lie and his companions ran away.

After such a scare, they would never dare to do anything to the young man with a broken arm again.

In fact, even if Su Han did not do this, with the purple luck of the young man with a broken arm, who knows who would bully whom next time.

Therefore, Su Han's doing this was also a favor......

The young man with the broken arm looked at Su Han and said in a hoarse voice,"Thank you."...Thanks"

"Ye Wuxiu?"

Su Han finished speaking.

The young man with the broken arm looked at Su Han in shock,"You...How do you know my name?"

Because his name in Huanyun Sect is Lin Wuxiu, Ye Wuxiu was his former name, and this name is also a past that he does not want to mention.

"You don't need to know this."

Su Han said with a smile.

He couldn't possibly tell him that it was the system that told him.

It seems that Ye Wuxiu has a tragic past.

【Congratulations to the host, the special investment was successful!】

【Feedback Success!】

【Received a special reward, do you want to claim it now?】

At this time, the system's voice sounded in Su Han's mind.

Hearing this, Su Han murmured in his heart:"I will claim it later.".....

Ye Wuxiu slowly stood up, picked up the 15,000 low-grade spirit stones that An Lie gave him, held them in both hands, handed them to Su Han, and said very seriously:

"Elder Su, I have nothing to repay you. This is the only thing I have on my body.

Seeing this,

Su Han pushed the storage bag to him and said with a smile,"No need."

"You keep it yourself."......

After finishing speaking, Su Han turned around and prepared to leave.

"Okay, I have something else to do, so I'll leave first."

"You don't have to worry anymore. Those people won't bother you anymore. Just practice with peace of mind."After hearing this, Ye Wuxiu was in a trance. When he came to his senses, he found that Su Han's back had gradually disappeared at the end of the path.

He looked at Su Han's back and unconsciously tightened his grip on the iron sword........

"System, what reward did I get?"

After leaving, Su Han asked the system

【Congratulations to the host, the rewards are as follows:】

【1. Fifty years of enlightenment on swordsmanship】

【2. Sword Embryo Body】

【3. Kaiyang Sword Manual (Heavenly Rank)】......

After reading it, Su Han was shocked.

Fifty years of sword enlightenment? ?

He could get such a reward directly. This was simply a one-step solution.

The second reward, the sword embryo body, was not Ye Wuxiu's sword embryo body? He got it directly?!

This was simply too cool!

Not only that, he also got a heavenly martial arts, and it was a very rare sword manual.

Sword manuals were rare, and a heavenly sword manual was worth several other heavenly martial arts of the same level.

Su Han entered a purple bamboo forest in the back mountain of the inner gate, walked to the depths, and sat down.

Then he said to the system:"System, receive the reward." After the words fell.

Su Han was wrapped in a ball of misty spiritual energy.

Gradually, the spiritual energy gradually changed and became sharp, turning into countless needle-like sword qi, lingering around him.

At this moment, Su Han was like a magic sword under the abyss, so sharp that people dared not look at it.

The sword energy was rippling, like silk and wisps, shaking the bamboo leaves.

Su Han opened his eyes, and deep in his pupils, there seemed to be a fairy sword energy.

"I remember that the swordsmanship of swordsmen seemed to have several realms."

""I should have reached the level of mastery,"

Su Han murmured.

The realms of the sword are from low to high: small achievements, mastery, peak, unity of man and sword, clear sword heart, ultimate realm...

The sword is a well-known"way" among the three thousand great ways.

Therefore, the practice of the sword is also extremely difficult. Some sword cultivators, even if they have reached the realm of innate cultivation, may still understand the sword at the level of"small achievements".

"A great sword cultivator who has reached the"entry level" can be called a great sword master.

An elder of the Huanyun Sect has only reached the"entry level" in his understanding of the sword, and it is said that he has been stuck for a hundred years.

However, Su Han only invested a little and directly gained the understanding of the sword, and directly stepped into the"entry level". He also obtained the sword embryo body and the heavenly sword manual.

This is simply the ultimate gift of the sword!.....


"Such a strong sword energy, someone is coming!"

Su Han turned his head and looked in a certain direction of the purple bamboo forest.

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