Donglin sect.


Chu Xun slowly opened his eyes as bright as stars, stared into the distance and was silent for a short time. He slowly stood up, and the myriad avenues wrapped around him seemed to have lost their source, trembling one after another, and then settled from his body, disappeared again, and were no longer visible. In the world, the order that continues to be repaired also slows down.

Looking down, there is still a sea of ​​people outside the Donglin Sect. Although the sermon is over, the remaining Taoist charm and the complete road here have great appeal. Many monks want to build a supreme holy land in the East Region.

"Emperor Chu!"

"Senior Chu!"

As he stood up, a pair of blazing eyes also followed him, and he nodded gently with a gentle and gentle glance, and immediately stepped across the void. He saw stars moving and everything changing, but with one step, everything changed. The Eastern Territory disappeared and appeared outside Huangzhou.


Such speed.

Too horrified.

Compared to the short-term terror that remained in the Eastern Region, the figure disappeared in a flash. Even the monks in the Great Sage Realm could not figure out where they went. They lamented the tyranny of the Great Emperor, and Chu Xun himself appeared outside the Huangzhou. His eyes slowly fell on Ruzhou, then he walked away and took another step into Jiuzhou.

His eyes glanced at three places. The first place was the academy, and the second place was the Holy Palace. However, these two places were not the purpose of his trip, and his eyes slowly He landed in the third area he had visited and whispered: "There is a divine lotus that can reshape Mu Xue's physical body, but there is no magical medicine that can heal the spirit!"


They took a step forward and arrived at a desolate place in Ruzhou, the Ruzhou Tomb. This place once carried the memories of the friends of the World Heart Order. It was here that they met, and it was also because No. 4 was trapped in the Ruzhou Tomb. Gathering, faced multiple difficulties inside, and even encountered the inheritance of a powerful formation senior.

As of now, he has not fully understood the formation inheritance left by the powerful senior, and it is extremely profound and extraordinary when he thinks about it frequently. Now he is revisiting his old place, and he has arrived at the tomb of the Confucian Emperor.

Take a step.

Enter this restricted area.

Tomb of the Great Emperor.

The restricted area of ​​life.

No one dares to cross.

But he was not one of them. He had pacified many life restricted areas and killed more than one ancient supreme being. When he came, just a wisp of breath overflowing alerted the tomb-keepers in the emperor's tomb.

The old slave dressed in slave robes also woke up from his deep sleep. He walked out of Emperor Ru's tomb and saw the young man standing in the void outside. His cloudy eyes flashed with a brief trance and sigh. He said: " I remember you!"

At that time, a few little guys who were only in the holy realm broke into this place, and even forced one of his servants to retreat, and almost approached the tomb of Emperor Confucianism. The one trapped in the restricted area was a good young man from Ruzhou. He felt a pity in his heart and did not attack a few people, but scared them away.

One of them, an old man in green shirt who was good at formations, was remembered by him. He was only in the holy realm, but he mastered the formations. So he paid attention to it, and never thought that in the blink of an eye, the other person had become a great emperor!


Chu Xun stood there, his imperial power overflowing. He was also looking at this old servant, and the past memories came to his mind. The other party's realm was clearly known. He was at the peak of the quasi-emperor like the guardian of Yuling. Looking back on what happened in the past, it should be that the other party wanted to let him leave. Otherwise, with their cultivation, they would definitely be unable to leave this place.

"Boo~!" The stranger broke in, and the killing array in the Confucian Emperor's tomb was also instinctively operating. In an instant, the sky was as dark as the setting sun, and the terrifying aura of murder filled the sky and the earth, and was separated by the endless mountains below. And Chu Xun's eyes narrowed slightly, and he actually felt a ray of chill and threat.

You must know that he is in the second realm of the Great Emperor.

"This place can kill the emperor!"

Chu Xun whispered to himself softly, with a ray of surprise in his eyes. He entered the realm of the ninth heaven of the saint that day. He thought he had disturbed the earth-killing formation. Looking back now, it is really funny. It should have just inspired a ray of energy, otherwise this If Emperor Tu's formation was torn apart, no one would be able to get out alive.

"No wonder no one dares to enter the restricted area!" Chu Xun said calmly to himself, but stood here very calmly. He is no longer the ant he used to be. Even if the killing array is fully revived, it can't do anything to him. What's more, he himself is also the great emperor of the formation. Suddenly, formation runes appeared, suppressing the formation that was about to revive.

"Only you!" Chu Xun looked at him.

The old servant nodded, with helplessness on his face, and said: "My master did not want to kill living beings like other supreme beings after death, so he passed away after sleeping for 30,000 years. I am the only one guarding this big tomb."

"I woke up earlier and realized that my life was coming to an end, and I tried to train a successor. You have also seen that he has a rather impatient temper and is a bit cruel. If he was allowed to take over and he didn't know what kind of disaster it would cause, he would simply kill him. !”

Chu Xun was relieved and knew that this old servant had not lied. After he became emperor, he had searched the mainland of China and indeed he had never sensed that there was an emperor in that restricted area of ​​life.

The owner of this big tomb.

It has indeed already passed away.

"My trip is to find a magic medicine, and I have no intention of disturbing the dead soul of Emperor Confucianism!" Chu Xun also said, even though he did not need to explain to the old servant due to his state of mind, the other party once let them go with a kind heart. If you respect me three feet, you will return one foot.

"Please!" the old servant said respectfully.

Chu Xun stepped into the tomb of the Confucian Emperor and searched inside but still found nothing. Even though there were many magical medicines in the tomb of the Confucian Emperor, some of them contained great medicines with vitality and could bring back the dead to life, and even he could smell them, they were all for the body and could not heal the soul that was about to disintegrate. This made him leave with a sense of loss.

He took a step.

Crossing the void.

Arriving at the next forbidden area.

Ancient Emperor.

The supreme beings inside had been annihilated by him and killed in the outer space, but his old nest was the first time he set foot there. When a ray of imperial power swept in, many cultivators nearby were shocked. Looking at the figure, they whispered: "What is he doing? Is he going to step through the forbidden area?"

Earlier, he went to the tomb of the Confucian Emperor.

Now he came to the forbidden area of ​​the Ancient Emperor.

Pause for a moment.

He left again.

Going to the next forbidden area.

Such a scene.

It is trembling.

It is inevitable that you will have a lot of imagination.

Even some elderly white-haired old men, seeing that figure repeatedly stepped into the forbidden areas in one day, and completely razed many forbidden areas to the ground, couldn't help but laugh with relief: "In ancient times, many great emperors, with great vigor and vigor, tried to razed these forbidden areas but failed. Now someone can finally do it!"

Rubbing the forbidden areas!

Destroying the Supreme!

His achievements.

It should be recorded in history!

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