
There is no if.

There is no regret medicine either.

If Gu Dongliu had not been restrained and imprisoned in the dynasty, based on the friendship between the third prince and the Chu Emperor, the Yuhua dynasty should have had a status as high as that of Daozhou and Ruzhou, but the result was no good.

The wood is ready.

No more changes.


Sweeping like a storm.

The whole world was shocked.

After the darkness revived, an emperor was born.


After Chu Xun returned from outside the territory, he gathered up a ray of green imperial power on his body. Now he is too strong. Only when he truly sets foot in this realm can he realize its supreme terror. If the overflowing imperial power is not restrained, no one will be able to get close to him. beside.




Dean of the academy.

An old Taoist priest.

All laughing.

Extremely cheerful.

But when his eyes fell on Muxue, his smile faded slightly. They had seen the confrontation outside the territory. If this woman had not stepped forward to buy precious time for Chu Xun, the final outcome would still have been uncertain. The earlier doubts about her identity Anyway, everything turned into sediment, he said cautiously: "This girl?"

"I'm going to get a Dao medicine!" said the old Taoist priest of the Taoist sect. He transplanted several Dao medicine plants from Daozhou before the darkness revived. He didn't want to leave them to the Supreme Being in the restricted area, but he never thought that the darkness turmoil would be like that. This situation ends.


Mu Xue shook her head and refused. Only she knew that her body was at its limit. If Chu Xun had not used a few drops of life essence to barely hang her life, she would have already ascended. Even at this moment, even with Chu Xun's Imperial Dao Qi Machine. However, it still couldn't save the dilapidated body.

The deadline is approaching.

Death is coming.

The main thing is.

She has no desire to live!

The vast nine continents.

The crowds were overwhelming.

But there was no one she knew well.

Just like the loneliness she felt before, she couldn't see any desire to survive, which was why she dared to risk her life to fight outside the territory. At that time, she had already put life and death out of the question, and life and death meant nothing to her. The difference, she glanced at Chu Xun and said gently: "I want to take a walk and take a last look at my old place!"

"There is still hope!" Chu Xun looked at her seriously. Even if the physical body suffered irreparable scars, there are rare and rare medicines, such as the rare and rare sacred lotus seeds to rebuild the physical body, plus the mysterious Taoist medicine. To heal the soul, even if you need to practice again, give up your current state for the time being.

Even with her speed, she can return to her peak in a very short time.

"Leave it to others!" Muxue shook her head. She knew her condition, and her soul had suffered extreme damage. It was not something that could be cured by healing. She walked towards the distance, her steps empty.

"Mu...!" Chu Xun's lips squirmed, but seeing the lonely figure obeying her wishes in silence, he raised his hand and a great seal of the emperor melted behind him. Even if no one dared to attack Mu Xue, he She was still prepared, but she could activate the imperial seal in an instant, and even be able to arrive as soon as possible to protect her without any worries.

The latter also sensed it, turned to face him and shook her head with a smile, as if she felt that there was no need to do all this. She spoke in a relaxed tone, stretched out her arms, looked like a young girl, facing the rising sun, and said with a smile: "I My whole life has been like this, but there are some things that shouldn’t be buried with me!”

She paces forward.

The avenue rippled.

This is a pace.

Even the dean of the academy was alarmed.

"There are some things that should not be abandoned. At least the inheritance of the imperial law is correct!" Muxue said, this is the last farewell. In the embers of life, she will pass on her imperial laws to the people who are destined. If no one can inherit this With such great blessings, she would choose a place to leave the legacy to future generations.



The dean of the academy praised him.

The master of Yuling was at fault.

But his daughter.

But nothing wrong!

His law!

It is also correct.

Chu Xun saw her back walking further and further away, but it was connected to her in his heart. No matter where she went, he could find her with that mark, and he looked away with confidence.

At this time, the slovenly old Taoist priest in front of him rubbed his hands and looked at Chu Xun expectantly. His eyes were about to move, but he stopped talking when he reached his lips several times.

This made the dean of the academy see his little thoughts, glanced at him and said: "You can just say what you want, why do you need to lie?"



The old Taoist Master coughed a few times and then said solemnly: "This is not a shameful thing. Cultivation is all about those who have mastered it first. Although Senior Chu does not practice Taoism, it is still feasible to guide the old Taoist with the vision of the Emperor Realm!"

The eyes of the Academy Dean also brightened instantly. He found that not only the two of them but also these people who were eavesdropping not far away, his eyes suddenly became hot. He had not thought of this just now, but now he thought of the tens of thousands of years in the Imperial Realm. It's rare to meet one. If there is such a senior who is willing to give guidance, it will definitely save a lot of time.

Chu Xun nodded and said: "I also intend to ask seniors for advice on Taoism and Dharma, but I dare not give advice. It is still feasible to discuss with each other. If seniors don't dislike it, let's set it in three days!"

"Three days later!" The Taoist priest's eyes lit up and he said: "Okay, okay!"

Chu Xun raised his eyes slightly and landed in the direction of Qin Huangchao. There he felt an aura of the same emperor's realm. The two looked at each other in the air. He knew that it was Qin Huanghuang, and he also knew that the other person was there. Waiting for himself, he said calmly: "I'm going to the Qin Dynasty!"


Qin Dynasty.

Imperial capital.

No one has arrived yet.

A wisp of imperial will has already descended.

The Martial God in the city, Qin Yuansheng and several other Quasi-Emperors fell directly from mid-air to the Emperor. Under the pressure of a wisp of the Emperor, they couldn't even fly. They looked up at the sky in horror, and their hearts were also deeply touched. They murmured: "He is finally here!"

Breaking through the Great Emperor and pacifying the forbidden area, it was expected that this battle was inevitable, but when the other party's real body came, the monstrous imperial will was vented, and it was truly understood that the gap between the Quasi-Emperor and the Great Emperor was like a chasm that could not be crossed.

"Where is the Qin Emperor!" The Martial God said softly. For some reason, he didn't want the Qin Emperor to show up at this moment. Even if the other party killed them all and razed the entire Qin Dynasty to the ground, he didn't want the Qin Emperor to show up; but he knew that the emperor with pride in his bones would definitely show up.

After only two breaths, the pressure on them disappeared, and when they looked up, they saw an emperor wearing a black dragon robe and an imperial crown standing under the suffocating pressure. He stood alone between heaven and earth, protecting the entire dynasty from wind and rain and safeguarding everyone.

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