
The punch has not yet come.

He felt the pressure of suffocation, and his mind was severely shocked. Gu Tianhuang bit his tongue and broke away from this state. He was horrified: "What kind of boxing is this? I just waited and watched, but it made me suffocate. If this was aimed at me, ...!”

He trembled.

That's terrible.


He looked at the ancestor of the Ji family and found that this person was not much better, his face turned pale, and he was trying to escape from this huge fist.

Then he looked at Xiaoyao Tianzun, who burst out with a terrifying nine-character mantra. When the two sides collided, it was feared that the star field with a radius of hundreds of millions of miles would be affected.


Chu Xun punched, his punch was extremely fierce and conceited, and the accumulation of more than a hundred years was not a simple practice. This boxing technique once used by Ye Wushuang was kept in his heart. As I studied more, I became more and more aware of the breadth and depth of this boxing technique, and it suited me very well.

Now, he integrated all his Dao Fruits into his boxing skills and delivered a hearty blow, and the effect was also very obvious. Before he even waved his fist seal, his whole body became chaotic and hazy, falling into chaos. When the fist seal broke out, the whole world was silent. , seems to be coercing the entire universe to suppress the other party.

Order, rules, avenues, and the starry sky are all collapsing without exception. The collision between the two sides is like a collision between small universes. The dazzling fire light directly drowns the two of them. Even the two ancient emperors who have been extremely sublimated to the rank of great emperor are stunned. He couldn't help but take a few steps back, staring at the blazing fire in horror.

The flames coming out of it were extremely hot, as if they could melt them instantly. It was too hot, and the aura of Dao Annihilation was also surging out. Chu Xun activated the second fist seal with one punch, and the energy and blood all over his body were flowing. The height was surging, and his energy and spirit were all rising to the top. It was obviously a very simple punch.

But it’s definitely extremely difficult.

There seems to be an obstacle.

Make it impossible for him to blast out.

He knew that he was on the verge of reaching his limit, and his boxing skills were at the limit: "Kill!" But he roared low, veins sprouted from his forehead, and under the hot lava in the sky, he forced a second blow, and his fist glowed. The surroundings turned into endless heat, and time appeared faintly, and what was even more terrifying was that it appeared at the speed of the countercurrent.


The second fist seal.

Finally blasted out!


If the two of them were evenly matched before, Chu Xun could mobilize the limits of the Great Emperor Realm and burst out with a second punch that would crush the invincible ancient immortal god. In this battle, he was like a slayer of gods!


Xiaoyao Tianzun coughed up blood in his mouth, and his eyes dimmed for a moment. He saw the blazing fire, which seemed to be the big sun between heaven and earth rolling towards him. He even felt his own insignificance under this big sun, and The nine ancient secret characters in front of him shattered. He faced them head-on, unable to avoid them.

His hair was all white, and the wrinkles on his face were instantly white. His figure seemed to have aged endlessly in an instant, full of twilight and death, like a broken old Taoist standing there helplessly.


The fist light comes.

Submerge him.

"Xiaoyao Tianzun...!" Gu Tianhuang trembled. At that moment, he noticed that the life breath of his fellow Taoist suddenly disappeared. He was extremely shocked and felt the sorrow of the death of the rabbit and the fox. He felt that the heaven and the earth were both sad. He looked up with a trembling voice and saw the heaven and the earth. He had a strange vision, his lips twitched, and he trembled: "The Emperor is dead!"


The silence was overwhelming.

Figures stood there numbly. They looked up at the outside of the territory, but they were more affected by the avenue here. It was the sorrow between heaven and earth. Along with the wail of the avenue, it was the world wailing for a person. He cried over the death of the great emperor, and the vision produced around him made him stand there numb.

"The emperor... has fallen!" Even the dean of the academy felt that this sentence was so heavy. Not long after the dark turmoil, another major event happened in Jiuzhou. Some people became emperors but others fell. The birth of The vision truly tells the withering of the Forbidden City Supreme.

He is obviously the supreme one who poisons all living beings, but at this moment he can't feel excited. All he can feel is bouts of loneliness and confusion, as well as complicated emotions. After all, he is the emperor that he can only hope to achieve in this life, even if he goes wrong. He passed away, but when he died, he still saw it with his own eyes and was deeply moved in his heart.

"He... is dead!" The ancestor of the Ji family also had his Adam's apple squirming, and felt that his shoulders had never been so heavy. The passing of a great emperor not only brought oppression as simple as it brought, but he looked complicatedly at that figure. As if bathed in flames, energy and blood are surging from the sky.

This is because he also used the cooling capacity that exceeded his own ability. After standing there for a short time, the ancient emperor's face was already ferocious and twisted, and the blood and energy in his body were also sublimating to the maximum. If he didn't fight, he would die here, but he While taking action, he still said: "Why is it different from the future!"

Xiaoyao saw his body floating in the starry sky, but Chu Xun's fist just killed him firmly, not even leaving a complete body. How could he see such a scene?

"Could it be that the future has been reversed, but not completely reversed?" The ancestor of the Ji family breathed rapidly. They knew the outcome in advance through the dialogue between the future lovers, so their actions became more extreme and crazier; or maybe they learned from the insight The ending of the future tense changed quietly, but they still never changed the ending after all!

"Come together!" Chu Xun's whole body was glowing, that was boiling blood, and his eyes also released cold electricity. He decisively killed Xiaoyao Tianzun. The extreme collision was too exciting, and he had not felt this feeling for too long. He whispered: "It's too fascinating!"


The ancient emperor rushed up to fight. They had no way out. In the state of extreme sublimation, it was already a state of life and death. Even if Chu Xun did not attack them, they would not last long and would sit on their own and fall completely. On the contrary, if there was a glimmer of hope now, they would kill Chu Xun and obtain some mysterious essence, and there would still be hope of survival.

"Heh!" Chu Xun's eyes were indifferent, looking at the ancient emperor who came alone with indifference. He had injured him in a face-to-face encounter earlier. The founder of the God Court was not so terrifying, even not as strong as Xiaoyao Tianzun. The real troublemaker had been killed, so why care about him?

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