Guarding the Sutra Library for a hundred years, investing in the villain of destiny

Chapter 687 I have become an emperor, invincible in the world!


There is no pause.

This monstrous thunder.

The catharsis came out, and it was no longer a small red appetizer of thunder, but a thunder calamity that shook the sky up and down, turning into endless calamity light. First, there were huge crimson thunder pillars, and they blasted towards the figure as black as carbon. Go ahead, if he were to bathe in this kind of thunder during the initial tribulation, he would be directly exploded.

But in the repeated tribulations of recovery and strength, these thunderbolts no longer have the ability to destroy him, and there are enough ways to deal with it. A circle of deep black holes rotates above his head, absorbing the thunderbolts, and dividing them into pure energy, which sinks into physical body.

This is the way of devouring.

He rarely uses it.

But in the process of overcoming the tribulation, he clearly understood its secret.

Now taken, it plays a vital role. The torrent of vitality contained in the terrifying thunder calamity energy is quickly nourishing the withered body, and in an instant, the black hair grows, but there are flowers in the sky like the other shore. The strangely beautiful color, the strange blue calamity, directly exploded the black hole into powder.

"What a pity~!" Chu Xun softly regretted that it was too late to realize the way of devouring, and the thunder tribulation at this time was too powerful and could not carry such terrifying energy.



Endless thunder.

Falling down.

Directly flooded this place.



That kind of strange thunder is too domineering, and more importantly, there are human-shaped lightnings in the deepest part of the thunder. They are all the shadows of ancient sages, but they no longer manifest one by one, but all emerge, standing in the distance. The space, then possessed and charged indifferently, turned into sharp lightning.

Dozens of ancient sage imprints, although they erupted at the level when they became quasi-emperors, could not withstand such a large number. Coupled with the blessing of thunder, their combat power was still soaring. When they met two people alone, It’s hard to do it alone, let alone so many.

"Get ready to take action!" Xiaoyao Tianzun also said coldly. The ninth level of thunder tribulation is about to end. Either Chu Xun will be destroyed by the thunder tribulation or die in their hands.

The thunder in the sky continued to vent, intertwined and flooded the earth. Even Xiaoyao Tianzun and the others could not see the blazing white light clearly. They could only vaguely see a vague figure struggling to fight against the heavenly tribulation, emitting terrible fluctuations. It made them all frightened, and they only wondered how anyone could survive.

"He is most likely to die inside!" Gu Tianhuang was also breathing rapidly.

And below.

Jiuzhou monk.

They also held their breath and looked around. They not only hoped that Chu Xun would survive the thunder tribulation, but they were also worried about the sneak attack of the several forbidden zone supremes. As for assisting Chu Xun, they could not intervene when the forbidden zone supremes were not revived, not to mention that they had already reached the highest level of sublimation. This heaven-defying battle can only rely on himself.


The thunder that filled the sky finally dissipated, and in the center of the thunder, a figure that looked like a blackened skeleton sat cross-legged in the center. The flesh and blood on his body was destroyed by the thunder and turned into powder. If it weren't for the powerful Emperor's substance that kept him alive, he would have died. Dead, but now the skull is filled with a ray of luster, and it suddenly looks up.

I only saw a pool of thunder calamity pool exuding divine substances in the depths of the thunder. The fragrant thunder calamity liquid was condensed in it. It had appeared earlier when he overcame calamity and became a quasi-emperor. Emperor Qin also coveted it, but now This Thunder Tribulation Pond resurfaced, containing new life.

"Thunder Tribulation Pond~"

The Ancient Emperor and the others were shocked. It was no accident that the Emperor Overcame the Tribulation was born in the Thunder Tribulation Pool, but this was the Thunder Tribulation Liquid that had survived the ninth level of Thunder Tribulation. It contained the ultimate terrifying divine substance, which made their aging sublimation one of them. Instead, a pair of dark eyes exuded blazing heat, and he said greedily: "What a strong vitality, even if it doesn't allow us to live in the second life, we can still stay here without falling!"



They plundered like lightning. Although there was still some residual thunder, they didn't take it seriously. The most terrifying thunder tribulation had been overcome, and there was nothing missing that needed to be put into their eyes.

Xiaoyao Tianzun slapped Chu Xun with a palm. His big hand contained Taoism, forming a mysterious Taoist palm print. Chu Xun could not avoid it. When he was at his weakest, his body was hit, and cracks appeared on the black bones. If it weren't for The emperor who has overcome the tribulation and strengthened his body will be beaten alive.

But there was more than one person who attacked and killed him. The Ancient Emperor and the ancestor of the Ji family were also taking action. The other two terrifying hand seals also carried terrifying imperial magic, trying to completely destroy him while he was weak.


Chu Xun roared, with a ferocious look on his face. He finally became emperor, but how could he fall directly? The source of life was born from the deepest part of his bones, nourishing the dry and blackened bones. Wisps of imperial power were constantly overflowing, and his figure was moving like a cunning rabbit. , evading the attack and killing of the Emperor's Palm, his body was also quickly running towards the Thunder Tribulation Pond, wanting to rob it with them.

"Bang bang bang!"

The terrifying big hand was clapping behind him, but Chu Xun was moving forward quickly. If he couldn't avoid it, he would take damage. When he got close to the Thunder Tribulation Pond, he jumped into it. In an instant, thunder rolled and arcs shot. But he only felt the sour feeling of rising up, and the cells in the bones of his body were also sucking up energy.

The closed eyes opened a crack, stared at them and said coldly: "If you want to kill me, you would be too contemptuous of me!"

Those three people were both attacking themselves and coveting the Thunder Tribulation Pond. They were doing two things. Who were they looking down on? He was running through the Thunder Tribulation unimpeded. On the other hand, they had to carry the Thunder Tribulation's obstruction, so their speed was naturally much slower.

"Let him take the lead!" Xiaoyao Tianzun's eyes were cold and his brows were knitted together. He was a step late when Lei Jie blocked him.

Sitting cross-legged in the thunder pool, new flesh and blood quickly emerged, and every cell exuded an amazing devouring power, devouring life like a bottomless pit. He knew that this time would be short, so he did his best to absorb and strengthen himself as much as possible, and a wisp of imperial power also overflowed from his body, becoming more and more intense.

Xiaoyao Tianzun.

Gu Tianhuang.

Ji clan ancestor.

His scalp was numb, and his soul was trembling slightly. He seemed to realize that he should not pay attention to the thunder liquid just now, and should attack him with all his strength. Even if he couldn't kill him, he shouldn't let him fall into the thunder pool. Now under the extreme sublimation, the amazing breath he released was trembling.

"Could it be that we will really die!" Gu Tianhuang's face was ferocious. He couldn't believe that he had created the Divine Court and had been glorious for countless years, but he was going to fall today?

But the young emperor who was reborn from his flesh and blood brought him great pressure. He had just broken through the emperor realm, but his soul was trembling. That was the change caused by going through the nine-fold thunder tribulation.


He roared fiercely, raised his hand and a powerful divine seal appeared, covering him, but Chu Xun's eyes were cold, raised his hand and punched out, overturning the divine seal and blowing it up.

The killing of Xiaoyao Tianzun and Ji's ancestor followed, and the unstable thunder pool was about to disappear at any time in the mist, and Chu Xun stood up slowly, with an aura of swallowing the world and invincibility emanating from his body.

He stood on the thunder pool, looked down at them coldly, and said arrogantly: "I have become an emperor, it's time to end!"

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