Ancient Emperor.

The Ji clan ancestor.

They were all shocked.

From the intermittent words, they heard a lot of important information. Chu Xun would break through the Great Emperor in this battle. If this also fully confirmed their guess, it would be useless for them to break through the Great Emperor even if they tried their best to sublimate. They would be killed here. The only hope of a comeback was to kill him before he became the Emperor.


In the intermittent words.

They also revealed an important information.

This battle.

There was also an outsider involved.

If it weren't for his (her) intervention, Chu Xun would have been killed by them. And who would that mysterious senior be? They looked around and became alert. They had always thought that Chu Xun was the only great enemy, but they never thought that there was a lurking existence that was suspected to be no weaker than Chu Xun.

Who would he be?

"Never mind!"

"Kill him first!"

"Don't give him hope of becoming an emperor!"

The Ji clan ancestor said gloomily. He had captured an important piece of information. It was not that the three of them could not kill Chu Xun, but that the appearance of a mysterious person caused them to miss the opportunity. If someone stopped the subsequent entrants, they would be able to kill Chu Xun and prevent him from reaching the emperor realm.


The third tomb where he was located exploded in an instant. A heavy ruler burning with red flames turned into lightning. It seemed to be buried in the lava, emitting incomparable heat. When it fell into the palm of the hand, the imperial weapon trembled slightly, and the whole world shook violently and trembled.

"Chi!" When the sword was swung down, the ten directions of heaven and earth resonated, even the stars outside the domain fell at this moment, a star streaked across the starry sky outside the domain and landed here, the terrible ruler turned into a black gate of opening the sky, slashing towards Chu Xun, he was very confident, because he was sure that if no outsiders intervened, the three of them would be able to kill Chu Xun.

The ancient emperor also showed indifference, and he was still growing cold in his heart, but he was no longer so desperate. Since the future was known, there would be variables. They firmly believed that if they killed the person in front of them, they could change the future. He used a terrifying finger technique, ignoring everything between heaven and earth, and directly injured Chu Xun.


Chu Xun's heart seemed to be pierced by a finger print, and the beating heart suddenly stagnated, and then burst with blood splashing along the finger hole, staining the green shirt red. Everything he had prepared to cut down suddenly paused, and it was this moment of one of the ten thousand people that Xiaoyao Tianzun and Ji's ancestor keenly captured.

"My heart is the Tao, the Tao is the heart of heaven, heaven and man are one, 'Zhou'!" Xiaoyao Tianzun made seals with his hands, drawing the energy between heaven and earth to gather, turning into one of the universe. His combat power had already soared tenfold, and now it suddenly soared a bit, silently slapping Chu Xun, containing the art of time.

If Chu Xun was at his peak, he would have his own means to disintegrate, but now his heart is broken, and the Qi he mobilized is slowed down and he can't resist it at all. He was slapped on the left arm, and his strong body withered at a speed visible to the naked eye, his muscles withered, and his vitality was lost. The terrible 'Nine-Layer Ruler' behind him also chopped down, and he couldn't avoid it, and his body was almost cut in two.

In a moment.

He was severely injured.

He was covered in blood.

He was completely different from the strong posture just now.


Blood was spilling from Chu Xun's mouth. He suddenly looked at the Ancient Emperor. What he had just used was not some magic, but a terrible cause and effect. He killed people invisibly and could not be avoided. He was seriously injured. With the help of the killers of the other two supremes, he almost made him fall into ruin. He suffered a serious injury.

"Heh, you want to kill me with this?" Chu Xun sneered. The world was changing in an instant. The mountains and rivers were flowing. Everyone seemed to have changed the world. The world and the sun, moon and stars that moved horizontally cast starlight and beams. They shone on Chu Xun. His old body was reborn at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"It's really hard to kill!" Xiaoyao Tianzun frowned, but then he was relieved. In the future, the three of them were killed by him. If they were killed so easily, they would not die. They looked at each other and said, "He won't use this trick many times. Just kill him directly to eliminate the trouble!"


The three forbidden area supremes nodded.

They surrounded and killed, and Xiaoyao Tianzun was extremely powerful under the blessing of the two powerful spells of "War" and "Zhou", while Chu Xun stared at him coldly, thinking in his heart that since the word "Zhou" had come out, would the word "Yu" also come out? However, he did not take the initiative to rush, but waited for the other party to come.

Standing there, with the essence of the sun and the moon, the luck of the mountains and rivers gathered on him, like a huge blessing, which made his combat power, which had already reached the limit of the quasi-emperor, slightly improved. This combat power should not be underestimated. At this level of killing, it is often a fluke to win those insignificant ones.

"Xiaoyao Tianzun will make the secret technique disappear for a short time!" When Xiaoyao Tianzun was close to kill, Chu Xun suddenly whispered and used the Confucianism's words and laws, and a mysterious energy deprived Xiaoyao Tianzun. He had never used words and laws that were too against the sky. After all, the other party was a great emperor, and even if he killed himself, he could not use it too against the sky.


Xiaoyao Tianzun had a cold smile on his lips. Did he really think he was defenseless? There was a clear and bright elixir bead shining in his body. His ferocious face twisted and he said, "I have been invulnerable to all kinds of attacks!"

"I swear in the name of the Confucian saint!" Chu Xun whispered again. A huge backlash came, and a trickle of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth. He chose to hold on.

But Xiaoyao Tianzun was not so lucky. The elixir bead in his body suddenly dimmed. At the same time, the energy of "words come true" descended, instantly weakening the opponent's strength. Without the blessing of the two ancient characters "Zhan" and "Zhou", his aura was instantly weakened to the level of the Dragon Emperor.


Chu Xun moved. He was as fast as lightning. He clenched his right fist and chopped with his left sword in an instant, with the invincible fist intent tilted. Xiaoyao Tianzun obviously did not expect this. Seeing the wild killing eyes of the opponent in close proximity, his heart suddenly palpitated for a moment.

How could he be similar to this look? When he was young and frivolous and experienced life and death, he was also so sharp. When the fist intent hit him, he knew that he had no way out. He wanted to exchange injuries for injuries. He had to bear the killing of the two forbidden area supremes and severely injure himself!


In an instant.

Blood splashed in the starry sky.

Xiaoyao Tianzun bled.

Sword marks.

Fist Intent!

All torn apart on the weak body in an instant, one after another domineering fist intents were bombarding, his sleeves of Taoist robes exploded, his hands were bloody, revealing the eerie white bones, and then he could not bear the fist intent, and his hands were suppressed and broken, and more fist intents came, bombarding his body recklessly, and blood pierced him.

And Chu Xun also endured the suppression of the two forbidden area supremes. This bloody fighting style was life-threatening. Whoever was more ruthless would get that glimmer of life.



Xiaoyao Tianzun was bleeding.

His body staggered.

He retreated in panic.

But the blood and qi in his body were fluctuating violently. He once cut a path to become the forbidden area supreme, but now the seal that was ready to move is gone, and he has to step on the peak again and sublimate to the extreme.

"No, suppress it!" Xiaoyao Tianzun's face was distorted, with fear in his eyes. If he sublimated to the strongest combat power, he would die. He didn't want to die and wanted to continue to live. He frantically suppressed the revival that was about to happen, but his blood surged up again and again, asking him to sublimate.

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