
Over Jishi.

The sky collapsed.

The rules are broken.

Stars from outside the realm fall into this world.

This supreme blessed land known as a paradise has been completely destroyed, and the emperor's blood is dripping red in the sky. The ancestor of the Ji family has suffered an unprecedented setback. His black hair turned into white hair, and his face was filled with With wrinkles and vicissitudes, he is older and has been pushed to a certain extent.

"call out!"

The feather-like fairy light penetrated the void and came suddenly from the outside world, which caught people off guard. Even Chu Xun's divine consciousness and spirit were not aware of it. He relied on Confucianism to avoid this harm.


Xiaoyao Tianzun, who was wearing old Taoist robes, came here, with regret in his eyes. It was a very powerful attack. If he was hit by the opponent, his combat power would be stranded, weakened to the limit, and he would no longer be their opponent.

"You're here!" The ancestor of the Ji family sighed. He was pushed to the limit. If Xiaoyao Tianzun didn't appear again, he would be forced to sublimate to the extreme, and there would be no room for relaxation.


Xiaoyao Tianzun nodded slightly.

Look the other way too.

An ancient emperor.

The same thing is walking out.

"The Ancient Emperor!"

It once created a supreme dynasty, claiming to be the divine court and immortal for all eternity. However, it eventually withered and was buried under the long river of time. However, the legends and deeds left behind have been passed down for many eras. Even today, clues of the divine court can be traced. , can be described as a true legend.

Many people thought that he had died long ago, but they never thought that he had been buried in dust and lived in this world. Moreover, he was not there in the last revival of darkness. Even Chu Xun could not find any trace of him even when he traveled all over the mainland of China. He was hiding extremely well. Okay, but now he takes the initiative to jump out and join in to hunt Chu Xun.

"The Forbidden Zone Supreme!"


In the outside world.

People who saw this scene.

Inexplicably scared.

The shadows of more than a hundred years ago came back to my mind. It was clear that the dark turmoil had just passed, but it was reappearing now, and it seemed to be even more terrifying than that time, because all three of them were extraordinary, and the ancestor of the Ji family had pacified them. Dark and turbulent, there is no doubt about their combat power.

Xiaoyao Tianzun is both powerful and terrifying, and the scriptures he wrote are now the supreme Taoist scriptures in Daozhou, and no one is qualified to read them; and the ancient emperor even established the Divine Court, which lasted for endless years, and many people were born in the Divine Court. Although the three great emperors did not come from the same line as the ancestors of the Ji family, they were still extremely glorious.

Now the three ultimate beings under the imperial realm have revived.

Hunting Chu Xun!


Dean of the academy.

An old Taoist priest.

They suddenly looked at Emperor Qin. They were also worried about Chu Xun, and they had heard about the previous transaction between the two. The dean couldn't help but said: "Emperor Qin, you still haven't fulfilled your promise!"

"There's no rush." ​​Emperor Qin said calmly, his black dragon robe fluttering in the wind. He turned around and looked at another place. Everyone who followed his gaze trembled: "Is it possible that there is a restricted area? Supreme?"


The terrible aura revived.

It also comes with thunder punishment.

Make people aware.

There really is a Supreme Being.

"The man behind the Yuhua Dynasty has been silent for so many years, how could he miss this? This battle should be a decisive battle between me and the Yuhua Dynasty!" Emperor Qin said indifferently and arrogantly. He put his hands behind his back and went to fight this man alone. The emperor who is about to resurrect.

"Do it!" Xiaoyao Tianzun's tone was indifferent. He opened and closed his hands to form Tai Chi, and strange phenomena bloomed all over his body. The yin and yang Tai Chi rotated with four images and eight palaces, and the poles of heaven and earth were rotating. Illusions appeared all over him, as if they were in a small world. Born from a wisp of dust.

This is the supreme Taoism, and its operation requires the cultivation of the emperor. However, he relied on the quasi-emperor's realm to forcefully operate this Taoism. For a time, a terrible collision was formed, which seemed to be the world in the ring and the mainland of China. The collision caused sparks from friction.

"Supreme Tao Sutra!"

Chu Xun's eyes flashed with runes, and he tried to inscribe this Taoist method. This is a method unique to Confucianism. However, after looking at it for a few times, he shook his head in disappointment. This imperial scripture was too profound, even if he was already in At the limit of the quasi-emperor, it is still impossible to see the completeness and difficult to imitate.


But when he followed suit, the other supreme beings were not idle. A terrifying divine seal suddenly came above Chu Xun, releasing the power of heaven that was as bright as a divine court. Chu Xun looked up and saw only a divine destiny releasing it. The ancient seal is suspended there, with the two words "Shen Ting" carved on it. ’

This is an imperial weapon.



When it hits suddenly.

Covered everything.

Chu Xun only felt that his physical body was disintegrating. There was strange energy in the 'Shenting Seal', and there was also a terrifying spiritual impact. It was like thousands of troops and horses reappearing the remaining power of the ancient Divine Court, along with all the great generals in the former Divine Court. They appeared vividly, including many emperor-level figures, who were mentally shocking him.


Looking at Chu Xun who was in a trance, Xiaoyao Tianzun gave a weak sneer. He dared to be distracted while fighting against the three of them, who have been the strongest figures since ancient times. He carelessly observed his method. It is true that newborn calves are not afraid of tigers. They deserve to die. He suppressed the Dao Jing that had gathered momentum to a certain extent.

The sky fell apart.

The entire secret realm collapsed.

It cannot bear this power.

Countless people of the Ji clan have suffered unthinkable disasters, but the ancestor of the Ji clan is even more indifferent. Even though there are his descendants below, he imprisons hundreds of millions of clan members in the palm of his hand with a cold big hand, and suddenly collects a cloud of blood mist and explodes. Open, he greedily absorbed the blood, restoring balance to the body that was on the verge of despair.


There was a quasi-emperor below who was horrified.

Hard to imagine.

"The time has come for you to serve!" The ancestor of the Ji family stared indifferently at the quasi-emperor who spoke. Just a look in his eyes broke the latter's frightened spirit. The dignified quasi-emperor directly obliterated him. He greedily absorbed the high-level quasi-emperor. With his special blood, his white hair began to turn black again, he said coldly and conceitedly: "I have everything when I live, but when I die, you will also die!"


Faced with the crazy behavior of the ancestor of the Ji family, even Ji Yunshu trembled in fear and ran away in fear. He was afraid that the crazy ancestor would use him to sacrifice the flag next. However, the ancestor of the Ji family did not There was no time to pay attention to him, because there was a fierce collision behind him, and Chu Xun, who was already in a state of lethargy, released a dazzling light.

Released a trembling energy, getting rid of the shackles of the 'Shen Ting Seal', and the hazy eyes also released Shenxia, ​​staring at the opponent coldly, raising her hand to move the imperial weapon that had been dusted for a long time, trembling with joy It fell into the owner's hands with a 'squeaking' sound, releasing cyan light.

The light of the sword is green and hazy, but it does not have the sharpness and killing power of the imperial weapon, but only endless joy and joy. It has not been used by its master for more than a hundred years. Now it has transformed into an imperial weapon and can finally help its master.

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