"Who is he?" Dugujue frowned. He had been to Daozhou but didn't know who the quasi-emperor was. He also knew that Taoist practice was quite scattered. .

"No need to think about it, he is not from this era!" Chu Xun said lightly. He could see at a glance the muddy soul of this Taoist priest wearing the robe of the five internal organs. It had been sealed in the dust for countless lifetimes, which made him squint and think of it. Xiaoyao Tianzun.


"So lively!"

"I'll join in too!"

A lean little old man with his feet on the Ten Directions Diagram walked out from the void. Under the pressure of the powerful aura, many monks changed their expressions and recognized who he was. Among them, the New War City here The allies' expressions changed one after another. They had really dealt with the God of War and knew how powerful he was.


"A fake Chu Xun!"

"You dare to cheat!"

"Even though I, the Qin Dynasty, were not on good terms with Chu Shengxian back then, I still don't deny my respect for him. I fought bloody battles with the Dark Lord for the righteousness of China, until the sky fell apart and the sun and the moon lost all light. Even I respect him as a person, but at this time If someone is pretending to be a deceased person, I will be very angry!" His eyes were cold, and he also wanted to take the opportunity to kill Chu Xun.

"call out!"


There are still strong people coming out.

They are all quasi-emperors.

Count them up.

One person.




This is a number that even Chu Xun has never thought of. There are still so many quasi-emperors alive after the dark age. This makes him want to laugh sarcastically. The ancestor of the Ji family is so incompetent. There are still so many quasi-emperors left after a dark recovery. What a strong man.

But in an instant, he felt relieved. After all, he had never been to the imperial realm, and he was full of blood and food. There was no need to waste energy searching for these quasi-emperors. If Xiaoyao Tianzun, Dragon Emperor and others had not reached their highest level, then those present These quasi-emperors cannot escape and will be hunted.

"Do it!"

"He is not Chu Xun!"

"Kill him quickly!"

"Give Jiuzhou an explanation!"

The Buddhist monk Pu Lun was the first to speak. He was surrounded by sacred Buddha light and spoke sanctimonious words, but he was the first person to deal a cruel blow to Chu Xun.

This made Zhang Ji and the others furious. It was in vain that they had experienced Guangfa Bodhisattva and thought Buddhism was good. Now it seems that Guangfa Bodhisattva is the only good person, and the rest want to kill Chu Xun.


But the aura of these quasi-emperors is too strong. There is a long ravine between the quasi-emperors and the great sage, which cannot be crossed at all. Even if there are many people, the advantage will be lost when the quasi-emperors on the opposite side have a large number of quasi-emperors.

"Back off!"

"let me!"

Chu Xun said calmly.

He stood there.

Blue robes fluttered.

The long black hair was blowing, and his eyes revealed the sharp tranquility. He was very quiet at this moment, but Mu Xue glanced at him and knew that this man was about to kill. Unlike just now, he was really preparing to kill.



The God of War is a little creepy.

Very intimidated.

Smell a crisis.

He skimmed.

Seeing a handsome young man wearing ancient robes walking towards him, he calmed down a little. He recognized the young man from Yuling. He escaped the disaster and did not die. He had been killed by Qin earlier. The emperor invited him to be a guest and came to have a look when he heard that Chu Xun had come back from the dead. But just now he heard someone saying that he was useless, so he walked over and tried to kill him.

But, it works in general.

A glance out of the corner of his eye.

Saw a familiar woman.

The figure immediately froze there.


"Little... Lord!"

He naturally recognized Muxue, but what surprised him was that the young master actually walked with Chu Xun. He was not sure whether it was the real Chu Xun or the fake Chu Xun, and he immediately became sure that the one was the real Chu Xun. The murderous intention was instantly suppressed. He glanced at Muxue and immediately retreated. With her here, what was the difference between wanting to kill Chu Xun and dreaming?


The sky cracked.

A quasi-emperor has taken action.

With the world in ruins, the power of the quasi-emperor was further exaggerated. Every time he moved his hands and feet, he felt that the sky was tearing apart. A terrifying quasi-emperor Taoist weapon fell on the slender old man. It was a guqin. He placed his hands on it. On it, play it gently, and in an instant, a sonic boom that destroys the world is heard.

It was like a huge tornado tearing towards the front, destroying everything, with a trembling sound of the avenue, blasting directly into people's souls, causing serious damage to them.


Someone retreated violently.

There are people watching the battle.

Some people also recognized it.

Whispered: "That Guqin is very evil, it is an ancient weapon, very powerful...!"


The Purun Bodhisattva stirred up a mutton-fat white jade-like vial. It was somewhat like the jade purification bottle in the hand of the Guanyin Bodhisattva. It spilled a lot of crystal clear liquid, but was filled with terrifying thunder and thunder. It was obviously a secret technique collected, and it was suspected to be Chaos Divine Thunder makes even the monks in the later stage of Quasi-Emperor feel numb when they see it.

"The Tao method is natural!" The Taoist priest wearing the robe of the five internal organs was doing pure Tao method, which was in harmony with heaven and in harmony with the Tao. However, the moment he started doing it, he was judged to not belong to the Tao method of this era. It was the Tao method from earlier times. The skills lost in Daozhou are now available, which can prove that he is not from this era.


Holding a small tower in his hand, with the charm of Taoism, he flicked it gently, and the small tower circulated the laws of Taoism. It was blessed by heaven and earth, had supreme blessings, and carried the will of God when killing.


He is very scary.

Ordinary Quasi-Emperor.

Not an opponent at all.

I thought this was scary enough, but who knew there was another sharp cold light flashing, filled with a killing weapon, and even more surging imperial power, making people's souls tremble. They couldn't help but look over and saw a man sitting cross-legged in the blue flames. He was immediately awakened and recognized and shouted: "Ji Mo!"

He had hunted Chu Xun more than once. Whether it was the oath with Qin Huang in Ruzhou or the sneak attack with Ye Wushuang in Huangzhou, he had been there. After Chu Xun broke through the Quasi-Emperor, he had no time to settle accounts with these ants in the past. He never thought that they would all come to his door today!

However, compared to these people, people looked at the thin old man in the sky. He was stepping on the Ten Directions Diagram. This was the real big man.

God of War!

If he ends.

Those who pretend to be Chu Xun must die.

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