
The Lord of Yuling was also sneering. Just now he took a peek at the vigorous auras of the creatures in Jiuzhou. Among them, Chu Xun's energy and blood were as strong as the sun, but they were at their peak and declining. He mocked: "It seems that you are not much better. , maybe the Tyrant Emperor and the Dragon Emperor worked hard to make a wedding dress for me!"


He greeted him head-on, without any fear. Just as he had said before, Chu Xun had fought two supreme emperors in succession, and was unable to fight with three great emperors on the same day. The result of force was sudden death. Thinking of the fact that even the Overlord coveted it before He was ready to take action even if he did not hesitate to use the most sublimated medicine.

"Imperial weapon!"

He opened his mouth, and deep in the collapsed Yu Mausoleum, a small stone tower flew up into the sky with a buzzing sound. The tower was filled with ancient divine inscriptions, which were not written in this era. It was him who condensed the Taoist fruits of the heaven and earth from generation to generation. Together, gathered on this small tower, we have achieved a supreme treasure.

All it takes is a gentle jolt.

The stars outside the territory are falling.

The terrifying ripples turned into murderous weapons and struck.


Even though the opponent was extremely strong, Chu Xun was still unafraid. Not only did he rely on his invincible aura, he also wanted to kill the opponent as much as possible in the afterglow of the imperial realm, and forcefully led the Lord of Yuling to the outside of the territory. This place The battlefield he was familiar with was filled with fierce battles. For a time, endless divine clouds flooded the place, and the surging pressure was terrifying.

Imperial war.

Get up again.

But at this moment.

People still have another curiosity in their hearts, and that is what Chu Xun did when he went to the Ji family. As for the ancestor of the Ji family who did not recover, they naturally guessed that the other party ran away, but they wanted to know about Chu Xun, the people of the Ji family. How was it handled? With one wave of his hand, Ji's family was wiped out like a restricted area, or what?

Immediately, someone wanted to use the secret treasure to spy on the Ji family. They could not find the location of the Ji family, nor could they find the entrance to the Ji family. Now, the location of the Ji family has not been clearly determined, and the barrier left by the emperor to protect them has also been After it was cracked, it was easy to find it, and the secret techniques fell there.


There was a flash of light, forcibly piercing through the barrier, allowing people to see Ji's current situation. All they saw was that the sky was filled with thick dark clouds, and there was a turbid stench buried in it. This made many people who saw Ji's situation for the first time Showing shock and astonishment, this was far from the auspiciousness and immortality they had imagined.

Even when I first saw it, I thought I had seen it wrong. I rubbed my shocked eyes and said confusedly: "Is this really the Ji family?"

call out!

There is a secret treasure in the Ji clan that is shaking, releasing light, and I feel that someone is peeping at the Ji clan, but it is covered by the rich turbidity. There are thick resentful spirits wailing, and at the same time, there are blood spirits looming in the virtual and reality. , is frightening, causes the secret treasure to become ineffective, and cannot hinder those who watch this.


After repeated confirmations, people felt a chill in their hearts. They were convinced of the depravity of the ancestor of the Ji family, but a huge blow still arose in their hearts. The Ji family has always been the patron saint in people's hearts. The last barrier in Jiuzhou, unexpectedly, it was broken today. , but there were still people looking at the Ji clan members.

For countless years, the Ji family has continued to branch out, and the accumulation of generation after generation has already resulted in endless tribesmen. Even though the Ji family has the blood of the emperor, which makes it difficult to produce heirs, the accumulation in such years is still an astronomical figure. It could be seen that there was more than one mortal kingdom in the secret realm, and they looked at the sky in horror, thinking that the end of the world was coming.

Seeing this scene, people sighed again in their hearts, lamenting Chu Xun's kindness and compassion. If it were not for these ordinary people, Chu Xun's strength would be enough to destroy the Ji family with one hand and wipe out the once glorious clan, but they could not bear to move forward. The two ancestors of the Ji family had done great service to Jiuzhou, so they were graciously let go.

But they are looking for a strong person from the Ji family.

Under the secret treasure.

Nowhere to be found.

Ji Yunshu.

Ji Mo.

There are others.

There was no trace of them.

Only the monks in the Great Sage Realm were still in the Ji family, which made them doubtful. They speculated whether they were killed by Chu Xun, but they quickly denied this idea. If they were really killed, it would be the birth vision of the quasi-emperor after all. , murmured: "Could it be that Yu Ling's active killer was too quick, causing Chu Xun to turn back in a hurry, thus ignoring the Ji family?"

People think it is possible that after Chu Xun broke through the emperor, he did not even bother with his former enemy Qin Dynasty, and he would not waste time on people like Ji Yunchu. It is more likely that he will miss these people.


There are still people watching.

Looking outside the territory.


Still fighting bloody battles.

The emperor's blood was spilled and fell on a territory of Jiuzhou. In an instant, the territory turned into a sea of ​​blood. What was even more magical was that there was a strong concentration of vitality in the sea of ​​blood. In an instant, a vibrant fruit tree was born. It bears mysterious fruit, which is surprising and uncertain, but some people show sorrow and recognize the drop of blood.

He belongs to Chu Xun. He is the only one who is in the imperial realm, has strong blood, and has swallowed the mysterious medicine. The blood contains special attributes. It is not surprising that such a scene will bloom. But what worries them is that Chu Xun is injured again. It was too heavy, and it was very heavy. This emperor's blood was his essence blood. He had to fight three emperors in a row in one day. Couldn't even he handle it?

"Dean!" The voice of the old woman in the academy was trembling. She also saw the dripping blood and couldn't help but ask, "Is Chu Xun his opponent?"

The dean of the academy also looked solemn, his brows furrowed into a Sichuan pattern, and he said nothing.


"The Realm of the Great Emperor!"

"Do you understand?"

There were also nervous inquiries from the scholar.

"Imperial Realm!" The dean of the academy murmured softly, and looked at the helmsman of the Palace of the Holy Saint. The latter also looked downcast and whispered to himself: "It is only recorded in ancient books that the nine realms of the Imperial Way, It should be the ninth level of the imperial realm as we call it, and all the great emperors in China mainland are the first level of the imperial realm. Only the Lord of Reincarnation has reached the second level of the imperial realm!"

"That is to say, Chu Xun is now in the same realm as the Lord of Yuling!" The others expressed joy.

"You can say that!" The dean of the academy nodded.


People are relieved.

In the same situation.

They still trust Chu Xun.

Of course.

The dean of the academy shook his head and said: "Don't be too happy too early. Although you are all in the first level of the imperial realm, Chu Xun's fighting is too fierce. A normal imperial battle can last for several days, even if it lasts for several months. Even one or two years is normal. Whoever has the better background will be able to survive for a while."

"Of course, Chu Xun today has already faced the third quasi-emperor. He turned all quick battles into a duel of unique moves. He killed each other without holding anything back. Most of the time, he exchanged injuries for injuries. Shortening the time of the battle, the third quasi-emperor fought in the same situation, and even he... was pushed to the limit! "

Looking at the emperor blood essence.

Unless it reaches the limit.

How could this be?

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