
Jiang Chen.

Liu Jian.

Bai Luli.

How brave they were when they crossed the calamity before, how miserable they were now. They fell to the ground one after another, raising dust and smoke to drown them. They didn't know whether they were dead or alive. This also touched the hearts of the creatures in Jiuzhou, and more despair came with it.

The bravery of the three people was remembered by them. In the era when the Supremes of the forbidden area were revived, no one wanted to break through the realm. The high-level cultivators would only become the objects of attention of the Supremes and belong to the prey. Everyone was afraid of breaking through the realm, but in this situation, the three of them resolutely broke through the realm, raising thunder in the sky in an attempt to protect the master, but the ending was sad.

Reviving the emperor.

The ultimate peak.

When the world is invincible.

No one can compete!

The thunder that is so powerful that it can destroy the world is like a toy in their palms. Such a peerless realm is inevitably despairing. Who can fight against the emperor?

"Jiang Chen...!" Chu Xun also felt a suffocating heartache. After traveling to this world, he didn't care about many people. The eldest disciple who always respected him was always a satisfactory object. He was also one of the few people he cared about in his heart over the years. But now he saw that his disciple suffered such a disaster because of him, and even destroyed his foundation.

Emperor's attack.

The remaining scars.

It's not a small matter.

He shouted: "Reverse time!"

The law of time was slowly urged by him. He reversed the three people from the state of falling to the ground to a few seconds ago, allowing them to restore the moment before they were attacked by the emperor. This was destined to pay a price. This was different from reversing time for himself for a short time. This was the avenue of reversing other people's time, and the price paid would be greater.


The fishy and sweet blood rushed into his mouth and nose. Only a little blood flowed out of his mouth and nose when he pressed it hard. His body also became a little sluggish at this time. This action was even more weak in the eyes of the Overlord. He mocked: "Ants are ants. You are still seriously injuring yourself for a few weak ants. No one can save you today!"




The three disciples stood between heaven and earth again. They already knew what had just happened. Just standing here was overwhelming pressure. If it were not for the protection of the master, their bodies would have exploded under the impact of the pressure of the emperor and turned into a ball of blood mist. Only by standing here can they truly realize the vastness of the emperor realm.

Such a horror is simply beyond human power, which is why those quasi-emperor predecessors dare not intervene. The four of them, the master and his disciples, stood alone. Looking up, no one could come to their rescue. A huge sadness surged into their hearts, especially Bai Luli with a guilty look. If it weren't for him, the master wouldn't have to face the Lord of Samsara, and there wouldn't be such an ending.

"Are you afraid?" Chu Xun looked at several disciples. Even if the emperor's calamity had not been completely bathed, their realm had already reached this point, and they had truly entered the quasi-emperor.

"Master is here, I'm not afraid!" The disciple responded.


Great relief surged into his heart. Having these disciples in this life was not in vain, and when he closed his eyes, the long-lost voice of the system slowly resounded.


"Congratulations to the host for accepting a disciple and breaking through to the Quasi-Emperor!"

"Trigger the mysterious reward!"

"Do you want to claim it?"


The closed eyes opened instantly, revealing a glittering luster, staring at the illusory panel in front of him, the mysterious reward emerging on it was waiting to be claimed, this situation hardly required any hesitation, the communication that others could not detect, whispered: "Come!"


A brief silence.

The whole world seemed to be frozen.

The Overlord.

The Dragon Emperor.

The Dean of the Academy.

Several disciples.

They all seemed to be frozen in place, with dull expressions, and the system came with a voice: "Trigger the mysterious reward, you can temporarily have the Great Emperor realm cultivation, gain the Great Emperor realm perception, and last for one day."


The light voice, but at this time it was like the sound of nature, making his eyes bloom with unparalleled desire and excitement. This seemed to be an extremely ordinary possession, a brief experience of the cultivation of the strong to prove the safety of the subsequent cultivation path, but at this moment it was so precious and charming.

"I... accept!" Chu Xun took a deep breath and said slowly.


A huge amount of energy.

Came from the sky.

Poured into the body.


At the same time.


It felt like a blink of an eye had passed, and the sarcastic expression of the Overlord was still on his face, but suddenly, he frowned slightly and felt that the aura of the man in front of him was slightly different, especially his eyes, which were decadent before, even if they were exchanged for vitality again and again, they still surged with powerless decadence, but at this moment they were particularly energetic, with bright eyes and full of vitality.


He frowned.

Deep in his heart.

He felt alert and uneasy.

"Do it!" He said uneasily. "Pop~!"

But Chu Xun's aura suddenly surged, causing the Overlord to pause slightly, and his eyes looked at him with a little horror. The aura that had consumed his blood and qi, and had been weakened to the point of being unable to move after a series of battles, suddenly surged, and this degree was no less than when they cut themselves off. He was shocked and said, "What kind of secret technique is this?"

I have never heard of any powerful secret technique that can forcibly raise a person from the quasi-emperor realm to half a realm, even the emperor method does not have such a miraculous effect.


The next breath.

His realm.

Still soaring.


Like a long rainbow that can't be stopped, like the rising sun, such a change even stunned the great saints and quasi-emperor cultivators in the Jiuzhou Continent. They stared at the young man who seemed to be bathed in flames and reborn from the fire, and said in horror: "He is... also sublimating to the extreme?"


In the consensus of the Jiuzhou cultivators, the extreme sublimation can only be achieved by those who have set foot in the Great Emperor. When the deadline comes, they cut themselves off and faded from the Great Emperor, falling to the Quasi-Emperor, and then sealed in the forbidden area, becoming the Supreme of the forbidden area. After a long time, they swallowed the essence and blood of hundreds of millions of lives again and again to consolidate themselves, so as to survive for a long time, but this kind of extreme sublimation is only possessed by these Supremes of the forbidden area.

I have never heard of someone in the Quasi-Emperor Realm who can defy the sky and have the combat power of the Great Emperor Realm, but today, this strange scene appeared. His aura was as high as the scorching sun, shocking: "Is he breaking through the Great Emperor? Or is it some invincible secret technique?"

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