However, the Dragon King frowned slightly and smelled a hint of uneasiness. When he wanted to step forward, he saw the helmsman of the Palace of the Holy Saints striding towards him. Standing between the two, the Dragon King in Tsing Yi showed a look of contempt. , what kind of ant, the quasi-emperor dares to challenge him in the later stage?


He raised his hand and slapped it, and the sky collapsed and the earth shattered. There was light in the palm of his hand, like a fairy light, which was indestructible. His expression always showed indifference. If an ordinary quasi-emperor faced this blow in the later stage, he would be crippled even if he didn't die.

Of course.

He provoked it.

Not an ordinary person.

From the Holy Land of Ruzhou.

"Please give me the ancestral weapon!"

"Confucian robe!"

"Confucian crown!"

It struck him naturally, and he was already quite skillful. The helmsman of the Holy Palace, who was bathing and changing clothes, even laughed and said: "I will temporarily possess the power of Emperor Qin!"

In an instant, the aura of the helmsman of the Palace of the Holy Saints changed drastically. From the Confucian spirit and breeze all over his body, he turned into a cold expression and a wanton imperial aura. Many insights came to him invisibly, making him instinctively raise his hand gently. It seems to be an understatement, but it contains boundless secrets. It is like the sun, moon, yin and yang converging under the palm of your hand, easily intercepting this attack.


The Dragon King's pupils also shrank suddenly. He actually felt the aura of the cunning and insidious descendant of the servant on this person, making his whole body tense slightly. Then he frowned and realized that it was not that person coming.

"I knew this old guy was hiding something!" the helmsman of the Supreme Holy Palace whispered. Last time he briefly inherited Emperor Qin's ability in Ruzhou, the method he used was terrifying and powerful, but it did not give him the ultimate threat. , I decided that the evildoer was hiding something, but now that he is possessed by him, his perception is obviously different.

Emperor Qin... is so powerful.

This is the only thought in the mind of the helmsman of the Holy Palace. He even has a weird thought that Emperor Qin may not be weak even if he faces Chu Xun. However, while possessing Emperor Qin's ability for a short period of time, he can block this person for ten breaths. It becomes more and more determined.

"He left it to me!" the helmsman of the Holy Palace said proudly.


Overlord Tong looked cold and said: "Don't give him a chance!"


He was the first to take action. In an instant, the sun, moon, mountains and rivers were dimmed. The creatures underground shivered from their souls. Inexplicable fear overwhelmed them. They couldn't help but kneel down. That was the full action of the Forbidden Zone Supreme, releasing them. No one can defeat him, even the quasi-emperor is far from his opponent.

However, Guangfa Bodhisattva and others joined forces, with the blessing of Confucianism and the support of Taoism. Even if they were not opponents, they could survive for a moment without any problems, and whispered softly on their lips: "One!"





After being unable to attack for a long time, the Overlord also looked quickly at the man sitting cross-legged. He didn't know what he had taken, but the rich breath of life was nourishing him. Even the overflowing scent made their Adam's apple squirm, and they felt worse than swallowing the quasi-emperor. Their qi and blood need to be greatly replenished. If they take it, they will be reborn and even give birth to a second life.

"What is that...!" In the whisper, his Adam's apple was wriggling frequently, and his desire had reached its limit. Countless longevity medicines flashed in his mind, but none of the magic medicines could compare with this breath. He was swallowing frequently, longing for it. His expression was extremely contaminated, and he was even more disgusted with these ants that harassed him.

It was clear that his ability was not harmed, but he still had to stop.





Time passed by second by second.



The man sitting cross-legged opened his closed eyes silently, like the sharpest beam of light in time, reflecting the terrifying sword intent, slashing forward, it was obviously a single eye that could kill the great sage.


There was a ray of anxiety in the Overlord's heart for no reason, but his aura was still melodious and long, and he stared with his deep eyes: "Dragon Emperor, if you don't exert your strength, the boat will really capsize in the gutter!"


The dragon emperor in blue looked up to the sky and roared. As his body swayed, his true body was revealed. It was a divine dragon that was about 10,000 feet in size. Its scales were dark and glowing with ink. Each scale had the mark of the great road, which belonged to the emperor's body. , unable to be harmed by ordinary weapons, suddenly the dragon swung its tail and drew it.


The void detonated, and the helmsman of the Holy Palace was in great panic. He heard a gentle voice coming from his ear: "It doesn't matter!" The young man who was sitting cross-legged raised his hand and grabbed the dragon's tail. There was a chill in the sky and the earth around him. Collapsed into nothingness, his bloody hair danced backwards, like a bloody wave, but his body remained motionless, as stable as a rock.

"Damn it, he recovered!" The Overlord also noticed this, which horrified him. He could recover from a seriously injured body with only ten breaths. What exactly was he taking, especially the smell? Even his decayed soul was sublimating when he smelled it. If he swallowed it, he would definitely live for thousands, tens of thousands of years, or even live a second life.

"That's mine...!" He found that not only himself, but also the Dragon King had smelled it. His huge dragon eyes were staring at Chu Xun and he was drooling. He was even thinking about whether to swallow him in one gulp, so exquisite. Even if the great medicine is melted into flesh and blood, they can refine some of it themselves, which makes them unable to sit still.

"Leave it to me!" Chu Xun also stood up and said. The blood soaking through his clothes had dried up. His long blood-colored hair was fluttering in the wind, revealing a delicate and resolute face. He raised his hand to wave the desolate sky that had been left on the earth. The cauldron and the ancestral sword fell into the palm of his hand, and he took the initiative to attack the two supreme beings.


The cauldron split the stars, the sword cut the wasteland, the terrible and invincible hostility swept the battlefield above, and the quasi-emperors who were still in the sky were forced down.

In the deep eyes of the Overlord, there was the illusion of the sun, moon and stars, and the truth between the fingers and palms contained the truth of heaven and earth. At the same time, he suppressed Chu Xun, and in just a moment, everything withered and all living beings trembled.

"It's terrible, he actually attacked two supreme beings at the same time!" Some people were still breathing rapidly, and they couldn't extricate themselves from the shocking scene. You know, these two were once great emperors, invincible figures who suppressed an era, even if they killed themselves, they were unparalleled, but today a strange man stood up and challenged the supreme beings one after another.


When they fought together, it was far from the previous scene. The whole sky collapsed in an instant, the sun and the moon lost their light, the mountains and rivers sank, the flowers of the road bloomed, and some people even saw a turbid Yellow River rushing in the haze, and on the opposite side of the river bank swayed a holy and flawless white Bianhua.

But this hazy picture was extinguished in an instant, and another strange image emerged instead. They flooded the place, and three figures were seen fighting in the blur. Whether it was the Overlord or the Demon Dragon, they were all crazy, extremely obsessed with the breath that could allow them to live a second life, and even willing to sublimate to the extreme to seize it all.

"Can Chu Xun stop it?" The souls of the cultivators under Chenzhou trembled, and they did not dare to look up at the confrontation above. Deep in their hearts, there was a hopeful plea, but more of it was powerlessness. They knew that Chu Xun was strong, but if they forced the Forbidden Zone Supreme to revive, everything would be back to square one. Without the protection of the Great Emperor, they would still face a dead end.

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