Countless people looked at this damaged little cauldron. Even if they knew that it was an imperial weapon and if it was obtained, it would be regarded as a family treasure that would be passed down for generations, no one dared to make any plans. After all, there was a man who just sat next to it. The fierce man who killed the Emperor.

Looking at him, people who were familiar with Chu Xun laughed unconsciously. Even the monks in Huangzhou had smiles from the bottom of their hearts. It was glory, pride, and incomparable pride. This was from their Those who go out of the deserted state are the masters of their deserted state and protect the main road of China.

From now on, who dares to say that Huangzhou is weak?

Dean of the academy.

The helmsman of the Palace of the Holy Way.

There were also happy smiles on their faces. The younger generation who grew up under their protection had grown up and turned into a towering tree. Even they could protect him. However, seeing his seriously injured body covered in blood, they felt strong. Heartbroken.



Every time he vomited, infinite energy gathered and poured into his body, and the mountains and rivers under his feet quickly formed a large array of offerings, nourishing the healing quasi-emperor, and the blood-stained long hair There was no wind, and people looked at the blood stains and dirt on the handsome cheeks, and they only felt admiration and peace of mind.

"I, the mainland of China, are also protected by people!" The old Taoist priest from Daozhou muttered to himself happily, thinking of the Lord of Samsara who had just died, and mocked him regardless of respect: "Oh, what kind of Lord of Samsara, you still see me as reincarnation, in the end Isn't he the one who died? If you ask me, this kind of supreme being should have entered reincarnation as soon as possible."


In sarcasm.


Aura riot.

between heaven and earth.

There were terrifying fluctuations, just like the sun hitting the stars. The sky above Chenzhou collapsed instantly. There were extremely terrifying demon claws probing towards Chu Xun. There were extremely terrifying fluctuations on it, trying to put the healing young man to death. In the place of death, not only that, there is another aura that is suppressing the killing.

In an instant.

Jiuzhou was in an uproar.

A pair of eyes looked in astonishment, with endless anger in addition to shock, and couldn't help but shouted: "It's too much, the emperor is actually attacking!"

Those two auras were all familiar to them. One was the Dragon Emperor of the Demon Clan, who became the supreme emperor through the Demon Clan, and the other was the extremely domineering and protective Overlord. Both of them used to be Godless. Today, he did something sneaky. Not only did he admit weakness to attack, but he also attacked sneakily. It was really despicable.


Even though the Wild Sky Cauldron lacked spirituality, it was still a godless weapon. It instantly turned the palm-sized cauldron into a height of thousands of feet, blocking the Dragon Emperor's sneak attack. Chu Xun, who was recovering from his injuries, suddenly opened and closed his eyes. The pupils released a cold beam of light, and he held the sword in his right hand and swung it down.

But the hasty sword light, even with the blessing of the Imperial Sword Ancestor's sword, burst out with limited power. The sword energy was easily torn apart by the Overlord. The palm prints were arranged on the blood-stained body, and a palm print penetrated the body. It exploded from the center of the back and landed on a mountain below, causing the mountain to collapse and stampede, leaving a huge palm print.


Bright red blood gushed out of his mouth. This was something that no one had expected. This sudden sneak attack came too quickly. Looking at the blood-stained man's injuries, countless creatures cried bitterly. At this moment, they just felt so disgusted with the Supreme Being. He is so disgusted with these self-proclaimed supremes, and at the same time calls for another person like the supplicant Lord of Desolation.

But it has been a long time.

The one who becomes emperor.

Still a minority.

And how many people who are truly upright are willing to proclaim themselves? Even if it is to hunt a few of these restricted area supremes, it has been a blessing to wait for a long time for the Lord of Desolation. As for wanting to fight for a second one at this time. But it is too difficult. Even if there are them, they may not be willing to help Su.

after all.

Dark turmoil.

Not quite yet.

Only the Dragon King and the Overlord were revived this time. Even if they were killed, what would happen to the Lord of Yuling and the ancestor of the Ji family who were gradually revived?


Rich blood spilled.

The sky is dyed red.

in sight.

I also saw a hazy figure slowly walking towards him. His eyes were filled with a look of non-hostility. As he got closer to his real body, he saw that he was a tall and powerful middle-aged man. Even just now, The recovery was also full of vitality and blood, and the unparalleled energy was undiminished. His eyes were as sharp as arrows, and he said condescendingly: "I kill you to avenge future generations!"


The person who heard this was inexplicably trembling, and at the same time he felt that he was worthy of being the Overlord, and the guardian of the calf was still as good as before. He stood with one hand on his back, and the pressure of the emperor's way overflowed, and the remaining power alone made it impossible for the monks in the Great Saint Realm to stop. Soar into the air.

Of course.

There was also a man in green with unparalleled energy on the other side. His aura was evil, and even his face was evil and handsome. His lips pursed slightly and he said greedily: "With such strong energy and blood, you can bathe in the emperor's blood and survive." , if it swallows you, it will be better than hundreds of millions of people, even many quasi-emperors cannot compare with it!"

Obviously, the Dragon King and the Overlord appeared together and took advantage of Chu Xun's weakness to sneak attack on him. However, it also reflected Chu Xun's power from the side. Otherwise, as an emperor, how could he be so proud of himself that he would do such a sneak attack? A shameful and dirty thing.


Stabilizing his figure, the body released a strong vitality to suppress the wound on his chest. Chu Xun's eyes were still as sharp as a magic sword, and he wiped the blood on the corners of his lips. There was no fear in his fierce eyes. Even a supreme They were all slaughtered, so why not face the weak two?

The will to fight rose from his chest. His invincible hostility made him fearless and he had the intention to swallow the world. He stared at the two with cold and clear eyes and said arrogantly: "You two, come together!"


The Overlord was slightly mocking. The two of them were not prepared to go alone. This ruthless man who could kill the emperor at such a young age really shocked them. If he was allowed to heal his injuries, he might not be his opponent before he reached the highest level. Therefore, they had to join forces to strangle him in the cradle. But when he clapped his palm, he heard a sacred Buddhist chanting: "Namo Amitabha!"

I saw Guangfa Bodhisattva sitting cross-legged, with a strong Buddha light on his body, which dispelled the red. He twisted the Buddha's palm in his palm and turned into a sacred and flawless Buddhist monk, whispering softly: "Buddha has mercy!"

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