In a trance.

I can see.

The shadows of ancient sages.

Someone wrote on it.

"Learning is like sailing against the current. If you don't advance, you will retreat!"

"The way to study is to make gradual progress and think deeply while reading."

"A gentleman follows the way. If he gives up halfway, I won't be able to do it for long."

Every scripture is left by the ancient sages of the academy. Now, with the help of the brilliance released by the academy tower, it seems that the ancient sages are reappearing. They recite scriptures in their mouths. These scriptures are born between heaven and earth, blooming with rich righteousness, enveloping the world, and suppressing it in a roar!




Every word.

is as heavy as a thousand pounds.

How heavy.

Carrying the beginning of the academy civilization!

"I'll do it!"

The man in ancient costume holding the shroud was anxious. He knew that his master was too weak. He had just been bathed in thunder and his body was trapped between reality and illusion. It was not suitable for him to mobilize energy at will. He used his own means to buy a line of time for his master. As long as the master recovered a certain amount of ability in a short moment, the man would be an ant and could be crushed to death at will!

Of course.

Chu Xun had a cold expression. He did not even look at the man in ancient costume. Instead, he slapped him with a crisp sound. Along with the explosion of a ball of blood, half of the man in ancient costume's body was cracking and exploding.

This made the latter shocked and horrified. It was only a short two days ago that he could barely resist. Now, he was like this after just one encounter. If it weren't for the shroud that wrapped him at the end, his entire body would have exploded. He trembled all over and said, "Is the gap so big?"


But what greeted him was a huge ancient tripod, which exuded the breath of the primitive wilderness. This was the last legacy of the master of the Desolate Heaven Palace. It did not belong to the Desolate Heaven Palace, but the only imperial weapon in the Desolate State, the Desolate Heaven Tripod, which he obtained by chance and inherited the inheritance of the owner of the Desolate Heaven Tripod. But unfortunately, he had not practiced to a certain extent before he ushered in the dark turmoil era.

"There are really no idle people in the Jiexin Order!" Chu Xun also whispered to himself in his heart. If it weren't for the dark turmoil, with the steady character of the master of the Desolate Heaven Palace, plus this inheritance, it would be inevitable to achieve a quasi-emperor. It was just that the catastrophe revived in advance, and the Desolate Heaven Tripod could not exert its full power in his hands, so he handed it over to him.


This tripod blooms its power.

It belongs to a rare treasure.

Released suddenly.


"Trump card!"

The Qin Dynasty Martial God saw this scene through the screen and his scalp tingled. He was also extremely grateful. Fortunately, Chu Xun did not use this tripod to intercept him that day, otherwise he would have died with the carving knife and this thing. Then he felt lost. This was clearly what he prepared to deal with the Supreme of the Forbidden Zone. He was not worthy of letting him use it.



Blood rushed to the sky.

That was the blood of the emperor.

The shroud was showing its power, releasing the blood of the fallen emperor on it, accompanied by terrible visions and curses, corroding this ancient tripod filled with the breath of the primeval world. Even though it was engraved with the Ten Thousand Spirits Map and the Wilderness Scripture was imprinted in the tripod, it still became a little dim in an instant.


But the other big hand was indifferent and ruthless. This time, the man in ancient costume had no defense. He looked at his master pleadingly, but saw the hazy figure, still standing there conceitedly, as if being able to delay for a breath was the best reward for him.

"It doesn't matter. I am invincible in the world after all. After I kill him, I will have a way to resurrect you!" The Lord of Samsara said calmly and conceitedly.


The blood mist exploded. Even if he didn't want to die, he was easily crushed like an ant under the absolute crushing. At the same time as the blood mist exploded, the Lord of Samsara's breath surged, absorbing the blood and qi of the servants in the world. These were all rich life essences, not to mention a quasi-emperor at the peak. Even if he was not as strong as him in combat power, he had already arrived in blood and qi.


The rich blood nourished the Lord of Reincarnation and revealed his true form. It was the first time that people in the world got a glimpse of the Great Emperor's lineup; he wore a purple gold crown, a Taoist robe, and his long gray hair was scattered. In his eyes, there was the change of the sun, moon, and stars. He looked more like a Taoist, a former Taoist priest.

But the breath of the Great Emperor surged in his body. It is undeniable that this Lord of Reincarnation belongs to the supreme emperor. Even if he cut off one of his own limbs and lost the realm of the Great Emperor, he was still a symbol of invincibility in the realm of the emperor. Moreover, at the moment of life and death, he could still make a desperate move and briefly advance to the realm of the Great Emperor.

Look at him.

The people who originally had a ray of resistance were completely desperate. The emperor was revived and was invincible. Who in the world could defeat him?

"You still have one last chance...!" The Lord of Samsara stared at him with his deep eyes. It was the heavens and the worlds. One era after another was withering. Only he stood on the long river of the world, overlooking all of this. He was the one who was truly qualified to be invincible. Ordinary people had already been awed by this aura.


But what greeted him was the carving knife of the Confucian Sage. The two of them had reached this situation. There was no need to talk about the so-called subjugation of the opponent. It was just an excuse to buffer and delay time.


The Lord of Samsara laughed sarcastically and contemptuously, his eyes swept over the carving knife of the Confucian Sage and the ruler of the Principle Sage. These two things belonged to the things that were born after he was sealed. He was very familiar with the Desolate Heaven Cauldron that was contaminated by the shroud. He had beaten and taught it in the past. He said lightly: "With these things, you also want to kill me?"

The imperial power was revealed, and the laws of heaven and earth became more chaotic. If an ordinary great sage stood here at this time, he would not even be able to breathe, and the order and laws in his body would collapse and explode into blood mist.


He stretched out two fingers conceitedly, as white as mutton-fat white jade, and easily clamped the Confucian sage's carving knife in the gap. He looked at the Desolate Heaven Cauldron with contempt and said lightly: "Even if his master revived, holding this imperial weapon, standing in front of me, would he have the courage to attack me?"


The other hand slapped extremely domineeringly, sweeping away the Academy Tower, the ruler, and these imperial weapons, and the stars outside the domain were shattered into dust under this palm. He released the domineering of the emperor to the extreme, and the invincible aura came with contempt. When he took a light step forward, it was like Mount Tai hitting Chu Xun's heart.

The sweet blood rolled up and squirmed in the Adam's apple, and the internal organs were displaced and sent a burning pain. Even if he clenched his teeth, a strand of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth, which made the onlookers feel desperate.

The gap.

Is it so big?

Just one step.

Chu Xun was injured.

"Ant!" The Lord of Samsara had cold pupils, and his temperament and cold expression were terrifying. The ruthless bombardment was accompanied by the suppression of the will on the soul. The huge imperial will invaded the sea of ​​consciousness like a torrent, trying to destroy Chu Xun into a fool.

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