Such a shock.

So much so.


Even the resurrection of the Dragon King, the master of the restricted area, was ignored.

Great abyss.

An abandoned place located on the border of Zhongzhou.

Here is the end of the sky.

No one is coming here.

No chance.

No one alive either.

After a long time, only the endless evil spirit remains, but it is rare and unknown that there is a very famous and evil person alive here, the Dragon King, a heaven-defying demon cultivator who has become the demon emperor since ancient times. Covered in dust, buried in this place, silent year after year.

In the past, the ancestors of the Qin Dynasty were hunted down, and they fled into this forbidden area. As they walked out, they broke into the world-famous dynasty. But today, there is endless thunder here, and the light of calamity in the sky is constantly flashing, and it is about to be annihilated. Everything in the world is many times more terrifying than the resurrection of the young man in Yuling.


The air is damp and dark.

The thunderous calamity light is about to shatter all the filth and filthiness, but underneath there is still a huge dragon figure, ten thousand feet long, with a pair of open vertical eyes that are cold and emotionless, staring at the abyss indifferently. The figure of the man in imperial robes outside was disturbing the turbidity here.

Bang bang bang!

The sky is filled with tribulation light.

Exploded on its huge body.

Endless thunder.

Shocking to the sky.

Shortly after.

There was a low dragon's roar loud and clear in this abyss, which was low, depressing, and also a little bit of rare excitement. The vertical eyes in the black abyss were slowly staring at Emperor Qin.

"Senior!" Emperor Qin also stared at him.

"Slave, kneel down!" The Dragon King spat out human words, with a cold and captivating beam of light shining through his erect pupils. The power it had established in the Chinese continent actually wanted to overcome the catastrophe and become the emperor while it was sleeping, which posed a great threat to it. , the dragon head protruding from the abyss covered the sky and the sun, and the black scales reflected sharpness.

"Senior Dragon Emperor has been in seclusion for a long time, and it is normal for him to be a little unclear about the affairs of Jiuzhou. Although our ancestors have inherited the kindness from our predecessors, the Qin Dynasty has also made a lot of sacrifices for Senior Dragon Emperor, whether it is the worship for thousands of years or the annexation of the forces of Jiuzhou Weakening the potential enemies of Senior Dragon King has invisibly repaid this debt, and it would be a bit unreasonable to use it as an excuse!" Emperor Qin stood there with dignity.


The demonic pupils of the Dragon King released blood, and murderous intent was already growing in the vertical pupils. The dragon's tongue poked out and licked his lips. The energy and blood that had been missing for a long time was about to move. The dragon's claws were slowly held across the void. With cruelty in his eyes, he said: "Those who disobey me will die because of their delusions!"


Of course.

The dragon's claws are slowly being clenched.

And there was a hint of shocking emotion in its vertical pupils. This method that could easily control the life and death of the entire Qin family failed at this time. Only the man in imperial robes could be seen, his deep pupils showing depth, staring at it. : "Senior has been in seclusion for a long time, and now his energy and blood are dry. I might hurt myself if I use my hands. It's better to repair it first!"


The demon dragon showed anger. It used to be the supreme emperor. Even though it has been dusted for a long time and it has not been able to achieve the status of a great emperor due to its self-destruction, it can still be capable of a short burst. The little quasi-emperor also tried to challenge his own majesty, but When its energy and blood were rolling like a swimming dragon, it discovered that the aura of the man in imperial robes was also rising sharply.

For a long time.

For a long time.

No one knows what happened here.

With the ups and downs.

This place is mired in filth.

A huge divine dragon raised its head and roared from the abyss, bathed in the thunderous light of the sky, and fought out of it. A dragon roar resounded throughout Jiuzhou.

"The Forbidden Zone Supreme!"


at this point.

The entire mainland of China.

It's like being woken up.

The gaze quickly became introverted, and a strong sense of crisis arose deep in his heart. Once the terrifying Forbidden Zone Supreme revives, it will devour endless creatures to make up for the energy and blood consumed this time. From the quasi-emperor to the holy realm, It is their nourishment. Everyone may be the food of the Forbidden City Supreme. This sense of crisis makes them panic.

Dark turmoil.

Accumulation from ancient times.

Finally, it’s really here!


A huge divine dragon emerges from the abyss. Its cold and bloody huge dragon eyes peer at Zhongzhou, revealing the greed of desire, but mixed with rational patience. There are many quasi-emperors in Zhongzhou today, although it is the first to appear. Those who absorb Qi and blood have endless food, but they also face the risk of being besieged.

Moving his greedy eyes with difficulty, he finally gave up on the place that attracted him so much, and instead focused on the remaining eight states. He already knew the current China mainland clearly through the Qin Dynasty.


The eyes came.

Deserted state!


These two places.

It is the weakest place it knows. Not even the quasi-emperor can enter and replenish it, and it can devour the creatures inside wantonly. From the quasi-emperor to ordinary people, it can devour it at will without any risk.


The huge divine dragon appeared in unexpected places while wandering around.

War state!

In this place that even Chu Xun paid very little attention to, as a huge dragon eye poked out, the entire sky above Zhanzhou shivered, then collapsed, and then snorted, like a violent storm. The thunder rumbled loudly, shattering the entire Zhanzhou avenue into pieces.

Countless cultivators in the entire Zhanzhou looked up in horror and saw an indescribably large and rotten dragon slowly squeezed in. It looked like an old dragon, its blood and qi dried up, and its scales no longer shiny.

Of course.

It was such a monster that entered, and a breath of air spread out, causing the nearby avenues to collapse. The Dragon Emperor looked down at the Zhanzhou below and showed greed, muttering: "The nutrients are more fertile than I imagined!"

Abandoning Huangzhou.

Abandoning Chenzhou.

Coming to Zhanzhou.

Having a purpose.

Although there are many cultivators in Huangzhou and Chenzhou, their cultivation is ultimately mottled and complicated, and there are very few people who exercise their bodies. Zhanzhou is different. Here are the purest warriors, and the emphasis is on nourishing blood and qi. From the quasi-emperor to the ordinary cultivator, they all have vigorous blood and qi. The people here can devour one person better than several or even dozens of people in other states.


The first stop.

Came here.


The old dragon just took a breath, and in a city with a population of one million below Zhanzhou, the people inside were instantly turned into wooden sculptures, standing there stupidly, and the vigorous blood in the body was drawn out from the top of the head, turning into a torrent and sinking into the old dragon's breath, and its old dragon body was rejuvenated at a speed visible to the naked eye.

And this city.

It became a dead city.


A passing monk saw this and was horrified in shock, and then with infinite anger, that was an entire city, with countless people and countless families, but with the casual breath of this evil old dragon, all turned into dead people, and there was no life in the city, only eerie white bones.

"Evil dragon!"


"Everyone should be killed!"

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