"Mr. Liu!"

Chu Xun also saw the great scholar coming over. He was a famous senior in the academy. When he mastered the "fruit of Confucianism", this great scholar was the first to show up. He brought many great scholars to congratulate him, so he was deeply impressed.

"Hmm..." Liu Donghua paused slightly, trying to find words. Some things were not convenient for the dean to say. He also had to consider how to make Chu Xun accept it tactfully. After all, after the destruction of the Tianyan Dao, the Ten Directions Diagram was no longer used to cover up the secrets of heaven. These ancient and top forces were reviewing and letting time flow back briefly.

Can't see the whole picture.

But can also peek a little.

Among them.

There are several pictures of Ye Wushuang, and the majestic figure revealed makes these great scholars and the helmsmen of the various forces in Zhongzhou feel trembling. For the first time, they understand how this son-in-law who has been silent in the Qin Dynasty is against the sky. Therefore, they show such a strong interest in this battle, which is even praised as the battle of the future helmsmen of Shenzhou!

"What's wrong?" Chu Xun asked.

"Nothing!" Liu Donghua shook his head. It was because of those pictures that he knew the horror of the black-robed young man. Even though he was full of confidence in Chu Xun, he didn't think he was his opponent. He said in a gentle tone: "I want to talk to you about the young people of Jiuzhou. I see that Qin Yuansheng and Ji Yuantian were defeated by you!"

"Except the Great Saint Zhenwu!"

"We haven't fought yet!"

"Why don't we pick a time... make an appointment!" His tone was very light, trying to trick Chu Xun into telling him a time when he was sure to defeat Ye Wushuang, and then he would leak this news to delay the time.


Chu Xun looked at him calmly, and at this time, the Jie Xin Ling also had news.

[No. 4: Ye Wushuang is here! ]

[No. 5: Do you want to come back? ]

[No. 6: I see that after Ye Wushuang entered the East Region, he did not come to the Donglin Sect to know that you were not there. If you are willing to delay it, I think Ye Wushuang should be able to do it! ]

[No. 7: It is not recommended to come back now! ]

[No. 3: Since Ye Wushuang has not explicitly declared war on Donglin Sect, then just wait. Anyway, he has not issued a letter of challenge, so it is not shameful not to fight! ]

Simply scan it.

Chu Xun put away the Jie Xin Ling, looked at the great scholar in front of him and smiled slightly. When the two words "Zhenwu Dasheng" were said, he had a premonition, and the news from the Jie Xin Ling group members confirmed this source. However, as he slowly stood up, Chu Xun's eyes were warm and peaceful, and he said calmly: "He has not issued a letter of challenge to me, so I know there is no need to go!"

He knows.

In the East Region.

The news has reached my ears.

No need to issue a letter of challenge.

"As for avoiding the war?"

Chu Xun smiled.

Perhaps Ye Wushuang had come out to fight with him long ago, just to give himself some breathing time, or because of his stubbornness, or because he felt that he was too weak to kill, and that he was satisfied with so much time. As for the dream of hiding in Ruzhou, not to mention Ye Wushuang, even he would look down on himself.

This battle.

Although late.

What is coming will come.

Liu Donghua looked at the man in green who stood up, and his heart was filled with strong decadence. He also suddenly realized that the dean obviously wanted Chu Xun to stay here for a while, even if it was only a year, but in the end he said nothing, because they knew that the ending was already determined, and it would be useless to say anything, but he still couldn't help but say: "Do you know what this battle means to you!"

"I know!"

Chu Xun's green shirt fluttered, and his eyes were bright.

This battle.

He has waited for more than ten years.


Isn't it the same. The first time he simulated his life, he was seriously injured by the Great Saint Zhenwu after a battle and was dying. In the past ten years, he had been practicing hard to change this fate. The mountain that weighed on his heart, even if he didn't say it, would always exist. He had to face it!


At this time.

He was particularly calm.

What was coming.

It would come eventually!




Teleportation array.

When the two figures were teleported away, the entire Shenzhou continent was watching silently, and the Samantabhadra Bodhisattva who was guarding Ruzhou outside had murderous intent flashing in his eyes several times. When the teleportation array was transmitted, it would eventually pass through the outside world. He was fully capable of intercepting it, but he could sense that the leaders of all forces in Jiuzhou were all there, and he was able to stay calm with the promise of the God of War.

A stream of light.

After being teleported.

Entered Huangzhou.

These two people.

They were Chu Xun and Dugu Jue!

The teleportation array descended.

Donglin Sect.


A group of figures gathered here. Looking around, Xiao Rongyu, Jian Qingzhu, Wang He, Elder Jiang, Elder Sun, Li Sheng, Wang Ye, Gu Dongliu, Jiang Zhenshan, Jiang Chen, Liu Jian, Bai Luli, Li Yaochi, etc. These people, who were either old friends or disciples, were all waiting here. When they saw the teleportation array coming down, there was unspeakable worry on their faces.

"Chu Xun!"

"Elder Chu!"

"Number Nine!"


People called each other differently, but the tense atmosphere was the same. Chu Xun looked around at his friends and then looked into the distance, which was the direction of the Zhenwu Holy Land. He suddenly smiled and said confidently: "Three days later, Wudao Cliff!"

Others didn't understand.

Elder Jiang.

Wang He.

Elder Sun.

But they understood that back then, Chu Xun had his Taoist heart destroyed in the battle at Wudao Cliff and imprisoned himself in the Sutra Pavilion for sixty years. Now they looked around and saw this free and easy man in blue shirt entering the sculpture gracefully. Inside the Sutra Pavilion of Lanhua Building.

Xiao Rongyu and others showed worry. Even the already slim little girl Li Yaochi had a worried look in her eyes, but she pursed her lips slightly but didn't know what to say.

Master returns.

This battle.

It is inevitable.

I only hope that Master can gain something else in these three days. When Xiao Rongyu turned around, his delicate and pretty face also showed indifference and said: "From now on, no one is allowed to set foot in the Sutra Pavilion."

Three days.

She wanted to give Chu Xun a quiet environment, whether it was for enlightenment and practice or to adjust his mentality, and he should not be disturbed by other people.

And time.

It also passed quickly.

Three days.

It’s gone in the blink of an eye.

And Chu Xun did not practice within three days, but sat calmly in the Sutra Pavilion, just like when he first came to this world, with his green shirt floating and the hair on his ears and temples blowing, but compared to the first time. Come, his kind old man with gray hair on his temples has now transformed into a handsome man in blue shirt.

Holding a scripture in front of his hands, he read it with fascination as he flipped through it.

He likes reading books.

Want to see it too.

It's just that the tedious things made him less time to read books. In the past three days, he did not practice or meditate. Instead, he read books here. For three days, he did not feel tired. Instead, his mind became more and more empty, just like the third day of great enlightenment. day.

When the sun rises.

Purple air comes from the east.

Those warm eyes slowly looked out the window and murmured softly: "Three days are here!"

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