
He stepped outside the palace, feeling the sunshine from the morning sun, bathing in the black robe, and the extremely handsome man in black robe whispered: "I haven't walked out for many years!"

Outside the palace.

There were many figures.

There were palace maids.

There were eunuchs.

There were guards.

There were sentries.

They didn't notice the black-robed young man coming out at first, but the low whisper made them shudder and they looked in the direction of his gaze, only to see the black-robed young man standing calmly in the air, even though he was close at hand, they didn't notice the slightest breath.

This made the palace maids and servants tremble wildly, because the servants who could serve in the Qin Emperor's Palace were not ordinary people, and they didn't notice the black-robed man who suddenly appeared, especially the sentries responsible for safety, all of them had cold sweat on their foreheads, and some sentries wanted to subdue the black-robed young man.


The black-robed youth took only a light step, and walked towards the Qin Emperor's Palace with his feet on the void. The person who wanted to stop him was completely stunned. He felt that the black-robed youth was one with the world. He could see him with his naked eyes, but he could not detect any of his breath and fluctuations. If he had not seen him walking by, he would not even know that he existed.

The commander of the imperial guards guarding the important area of ​​the palace took a step in the void, but did not dare to be in the same line with the black-robed youth. Instead, he lowered himself several levels and saluted respectfully, saying: "The Qin Emperor is waiting for the son-in-law!"


The black-robed man nodded gently.

"Who is he?"

"In the imperial court!"

"When did this person appear?"

The secret sentinels were confused and did not recognize who this handsome man was for a while. After getting familiar with him, they suddenly realized: "The Great Saint Zhenwu, Ye Wushuang!"


In an instant.

These secret sentinels.

Palace maids.



All woke up in shock.

His face showed a look of astonishment. Ever since the day when Emperor Qin personally invited Ye Wushuang to the Qin Dynasty and betrothed his daughter to Ye Wushuang, he had been in seclusion in the palace for a long time. When he first entered the Qin Palace, he was immersed in the Sutra Library all day long. In the following years, he went to various places of opportunity in the Qin Palace to absorb good fortune.

In recent years, he has been in seclusion in the hall. No matter what happened in the outside world, he never alarmed him. Even if he ranked third on the Saint List, he never tried to go further. Even if the ranking of the five young giants emerged, he never alarmed him. But today, he suddenly walked out, which still surprised people.

But soon, a feeling of joy filled his heart. Whether Ye Wushuang's appearance would save the face of the decadent and defeated dynasty, this suddenly swept away the low morale.

Under the gaze of those who care.

Ye Wushuang stayed in the Qin Emperor's palace for three hours. No one knew what they talked about inside. Then Ye Wushuang left the Qin Emperor's palace. This was the first time he had walked out of the palace since he entered the Qin Dynasty. For a while, a storm was set off in the Qin Dynasty, and the spies of other forces throughout the Qin Dynasty also keenly noticed it.

For a while.

A tense atmosphere filled the Shenzhou Continent. It was thought that the matter of Huangzhou was over and there would be no more storms in a short time, but it was unexpected that it took such a short time to set off a storm again.



Tianyan Daotong.

As one of the most ancient forces in Shenzhou Continent, the ancestors of Tianyan Daotong gave birth to a great emperor. With the subsequent decline and decay, it can still occupy a place in Zhongzhou, and has at least one quasi-emperor in all dynasties, and sometimes has several quasi-emperors like the Qin Dynasty.

It has always been one of the oldest inheritances in Zhongzhou, and it is also very famous in Zhongzhou. Countless geniuses who have achieved success in cultivation want to join this Taoist sect, but unfortunately, the requirements of Tianyan Taoist sect are too high, and only a handful of people can be accepted as disciples. From Dugu Jue's talent, it can be seen that he is the first on the Saint List.

And today.

A young man in black robes walked into the territory of Tianyan Taoist sect. Everyone thought that Zhenwu Great Sage was going to Huangzhou to finish the matter of Huangzhou, but no one thought that he would come to this Taoist sect silently.

Leisurely stroll.

Casual and calm.

As if walking in your own garden.

Unknowingly, I shuttled through the territory of Tianyan Taoist sect. From a distance, I could see the military formation of the Qin Dynasty stationed here. Long before, the Qin Dynasty had the idea of ​​swallowing up Tianyan Taoist sect, but the Qin Dynasty had too many enemies, and Tianyan Taoist sect was very strong, so it took a gentle approach.

I hope that the Tianyan Daoist sect will know what's interesting and surrender on its own. It can magnanimously retain the Tianyan Daoist system and not store the ancestral magical powers in the Qin Dynasty's Sutra Library.

But unfortunately.

The Tianyan Daoist sect is very stubborn.

Such a stalemate.

It lasted for many years.

Due to the geographical location.

The place where the Tianyan Daoist sect is located is the buffer zone between the Qin Dynasty and the Yuhua Dynasty. The reason why the two supreme dynasties did not fight head-on is because the Tianyan Daoist sect is there. If you want to send troops, you must pass through the Tianyan Daoist sect, and neither side wants to break through this pass and make them face each other.

In addition, the Tianyan Daoist sect has been very strong in the past dynasties, at least there are two or more quasi-emperors, so they dare not take action even if they want to. Only more than a hundred years ago, a quasi-emperor of the Tianyan Daoist sect passed away, resulting in only one left, which made the Qin Dynasty think of annexing it.

But they dare not attack rashly.

But three years ago, Dugu Jue joined the team of the Desolate Heaven Palace and declared war on the Qin Dynasty. The split caused the only remaining softness between the two to disintegrate in an instant. The friction between the two sides is growing day by day, and a war may break out at any time. However, due to the events in the Desolate State, the attention here is slightly less, but the tension is no less than that in the Desolate State.

But today.

Ye Wushuang.


He came to the Tianyan Daoist sect, looking at this ancient and supreme Daoist sect, which had experienced ups and downs in the Shenzhou Continent, and there were quasi-emperor ancestors in it, which could be called the holy place that countless cultivators in the Shenzhou Continent longed for. However, pity appeared under his dark eyes, and he shook his head slightly and said, "You are pedantic and can't see the situation clearly!"

The current Qin Dynasty wants to swallow up the Nine Continents, and there must be a war between it and the Yuhua Dynasty. When the Qin Dynasty did not want to go to war with the Yuhua Dynasty, it would have been fine if there was this supreme Daoist sect standing in the middle. Now that they have to fight a decisive battle, there is no way that a nail can be left in the middle. They are destined to pull this place out. Wouldn't it be better to surrender earlier?

He shook his head.

He continued to move forward.

After just a few steps, they arrived at the gate of the real Tianyan Daoist holy land. Looking at the simple door plaque, the four characters "Tianyan Daoist" were vicissitudes and powerful, with dragons and snakes sketching, containing traces of imperial intentions. It was the door plaque written by Emperor Tianyan himself. He shook his head and said, "If Emperor Tianyan is still alive, I wonder if he would feel sorry to know how stupid you are!"

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