
outside world.

Those who watch.

He was also suddenly stunned.

Seeing that the emperor's son of the Ji family was actually involved in this war, their first reaction was that of a misunderstanding. Although the emperor of the Ji family had no victories since he entered the world, his reputation was there, and he was the head of the young giants. , who didn’t want to sell him three portions of thin noodles, but today he chose to do such a shameful thing as a siege, which is too ridiculous.

But soon.

They fell silent.

Looking at the man in green shirt, his face was full of strong fear, and he murmured: "Is this the pressure that even the Ji family emperor feels? He lives up to his previous pride!"


The deserted state lineup.

Jian Qingzhu.

King Ye.


The three of them all took a step forward. Even the young Taoist priest who had always been playful and lazy narrowed his eyes. He faintly exuded a Taoist charm that was one with heaven and earth. The lineup of the Qin Dynasty was too bullying, so they joined forces and treated him as a waste. No monks in the state lineup?


But the steps they had not yet taken paused because they saw Chu Xun wave his hand, indicating that they did not have to come over, which caused their forward steps to pause slightly.

Standing among the holy and flawless green lotus, Chu Xun's eyes were gentle and peaceful. Even though he did not have that invincible grace, his understatement made the whole world vibrate: "You three, let's get together!"


All of a sudden.

Shocked eyes.

One after another.

They are all full of disbelief.



Not crazy!

It's too confident.

The Buddhist disciple Xuanjing, who was far away and was not about to enter, raised his head silently after hearing the words. The clay figurine was even three-pointed with fire, not to mention the young and vigorous Buddhist cultivator, who was already known as the most outstanding Buddhist disciple that Buddhism has not produced in thousands of years. He is highly regarded by the Buddha, and he has mastered the Six Paths of Buddhism at a young age, so he can be honored as Arhat.

A provocation to be treated with such contempt.

That thought of watching.

Instantly transformed into substance.

"Amitabha!" He raised his hands ten, had a fair face, and had a good skin. He also chanted Buddhist scriptures and said softly: "I have heard about the reputation of the Lord of Huangzhou for a long time, so I came here today to ask for advice!"


Step forward.

Join the war group.

Be part of it.


The whole Jiuzhou.

In an instant.


Pairs of scorching eyes stared at the battle group in the field. Some were excited, some were excited, and some were shocked, immersed in the incredible, and murmured: "It's crazy!"

Three against one!

If it's an ordinary person, it's nothing.

But who are these.

The Ji family’s emperor’s son—Ji Yuantian!

The Crown Prince of Qin——Qin Yuansheng.

Buddhist disciple - Xuanjing.

Perhaps Xuan Jing is slightly weaker in terms of fame and has not been ranked among the five young giants, but don't forget that Xuan Jing is a genius who came from behind and was in the same era as Chu Xun. In this era, he is also the only genius who can be tied with Qin Yuansheng and the others. His true strength is probably It has already surpassed Chen Feilong before.


at this time.

Another group of people came here.





"Brother, go and help Chu Xun!"

Gu Dongliu, the third prince of the Yuhua Dynasty, arrived late. As soon as he entered Huangzhou, he saw three people standing in three directions. One was surging with blue flames, the other was a Buddha whose light was shining brightly in the heavens, and A person has a bronze cauldron on his head and is wrapped in a golden dragon's luck.

Three against one.


"We can't go!" Qi Wuhuo shook his head. This was a confrontation between Huangzhou and the Qin Dynasty. It was better for the Yuhua Dynasty not to interfere in this sensitive period, and during the process of coming, he also sensed the fluctuations here, and even heard When Chu Xun was about to fight three, he said, "Let's take a look first and then talk!"

Gu Dongliu was anxious, but when he saw that the other members of the Jie Xin Order were there and not participating, he suppressed the restlessness in his heart and asked nervously: "Can Chu Xun cope with it?"

"As long as the Buddhist disciples don't realize the Arhat status, there will still be a chance of improvement!" Jian Qingzhu murmured, Ji Yuantian has a high probability of mastering the 'Great Way', and if the Buddhist disciples don't master it, the pressure will be much less.


Stand in the middle of the battlefield.

Buddhist disciples.

Recite the Buddha's name.

Behind the scenes.

Bloom slowly.

A Dharma statue filled with the color of colored glaze rose up. This Dharma form is female, with a kind face, giving people a sense of peace and security, but it is also filled with streaks of colored glaze, making it instantly recognizable as Liuli. Everyone was not too surprised by the Dharma Appearance. This Dharma Appearance had been revealed by the Buddha before.

And at this time.

People are curious.

He condensed several statues.


The second one.

The third one.

The fourth one.

The fifth one.

The sixth one.

In an instant.

Six Buddha images filled with sacred and flawless light appeared behind the Buddha. He was dressed in white and had fair skin. He was sitting cross-legged with his hands raised. Behind him, six huge images of heaven and earth appeared above his head, just like the six protectors. God, followed by the release of Buddha's light, occupies a space.

"Namo Amitabha!"

The Buddha's light was faintly surrounded by the chanting and chanting of endless monks. They all sat there cross-legged, whispering softly, and the Buddhist Sanskrit sounds lingered in this space.



"Six Dharma Appearances!"

People who are well aware of the Buddhist practice system have their pupils constricted, looking at the entrenched young monk in shock, with unspeakable shock and emotion in their hearts. You must know that the six Dharma images can realize the Tao and the quasi-emperor, and it is even more so in Buddhism. He is an Arhat, but he has only been practicing for a few years, and yet he has reached such a profound level.

"Amitabha!" Outside the deserted state, a Buddhist monk sat cross-legged in the void. His body was thin and weak, but his eyes were shining like two torches. His face was filled with a happy smile and he said brightly: "I teach Buddhists that there are The posture of Buddha!”

"The Palm of Ten Thousand Buddhas!"

After sitting there, people did not expect that the first person to take the initiative was not the Emperor Ji or the Crown Prince Qin, but the young monk who entered the room last. He sat cross-legged with a flower in his left hand on his lap. Forming a seal with his right hand, he slapped it downwards, and the sound of mighty Buddhist chanting came from the void.

It was like three thousand monks appeared here.

They all pressed their palms forward.


A shining golden Buddha palm is condensed from the void. It is like the condensed Sanskrit of the Buddha's voice in Buddhism. It carries the thought of salvation, causing the opponent's thoughts of murder, hostility, and resistance to fade away. Let this Buddha The arrival of palm has the function of degree transformation.


Chu Xun snorted coldly, with indifferent eyes. In his eyes, it was as if there were three thousand Buddhist monks chanting at the same time, trying to save him. Hearing the upsetting Buddhist music made his head swell, and he frowned and said: "Tai Noisy!"


He punched out with his right hand, and the terrifying energy and blood in his body coupled with the power of power he mastered, caused the heaven and earth to resonate. It was like the domineering punch of a god of war, suppressing the sound of the Buddha, and violently tearing apart the Buddhist chant. sound.

This kind of overbearing method made the Zhanzhou monks stunned for a while. Seeing that the man in green shirt couldn't even catch them with a punch, he couldn't help but be confused and said: "Are we Zhanzhou warriors, or is he a Zhanzhou warrior? "

The monks from other states also looked at him with strange expressions. Zhanzhou was best known for its blood and crude brute force. It was respected as a martial artist, but now there seemed to be a more ferocious existence.

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