The nearby hills were filled with crowds, and many knight-errant heroes from Jiuzhou gathered here. There were extremely young juniors with ignorant innocence on their faces, their heads raised, and their clear eyes showing curiosity and seriousness. This was different from them. It is said that this is a rare opportunity to watch the battle between seniors and such strong men.

There are also monks who are on the list of geniuses in China, sitting cross-legged in the cave with solemn expressions, waiting for the battle. For them, even if they are different from both sides, there is not much difference. Among them, there are people who practice the time lineage and want to leave Bai Luli here. Learn from and imitate, after all, Bai Luli's method of becoming famous is the time line.

Likewise, there are countless monks who have leisure time.

Come here.

Want to watch this battle.

Let this decisive battle between the monks of the Huangzhou and the monks of the Qin Dynasty cause an unimaginable sensation. The monks all over the sky are waiting. Yuzhou, Zhanzhou, Chenzhou, Daozhou, the geniuses on the list of geniuses in China have also arrived, causing a little bit of excitement. The sensation was enough to see the grandeur of this battle.

Saw this scene.

Chu Xun looked surprised.

Unknowingly, I saw that my disciples had such great influence, but it was just a battle in the saint realm, but it attracted so many monks to watch the battle.




"Qin Tianyi is here!"

As a figure of a young boy appeared in the distant sky, he was wearing a palace robe, embroidered with the texture of mountains and rivers, and every stitch and thread contained the mystery of the connection between heaven and earth. Although the palace robe was not as valuable as those armors Under the uniform, he himself is extremely young.

The face is handsome.

Give people a simple and honest look.

But when he walked forward, there was a faint roar of a true dragon on his body. It was a furnace of energy and blood, mixed with the true dragon energy of the Qin Dynasty. From the trampling, a golden true dragon condensed into a phantom, looking up to the sky. Roaring, the sound was low and thick, which made people blush. After roaring, the real dragon surrounded the young man.

The grandson of Emperor Qin.

Qin Tianyi.

The pinnacle of the ninth realm of saints.


In the direction of Huangzhou, a young man in white clothes also stepped forward, but within a few steps he landed on the top of a mountain. He was dressed in a gorgeous white robe, with a soaring divine flower on his body, and stood quietly under a tree. On the top of the tree, with a slight tap, he jumped, as if he were banishing an immortal.

Barren state.

Donglin Sect!

Bai Luli!


The noisy discussion in the field suddenly became quiet. A pair of eyes did not dare to blink, for fear of missing the wonderful details, and the breath was slightly choked, nervously watching the upcoming confrontation!


Qin Tianyi clenched his fist with his right hand, and the roar of the golden dragon covered his arm, and the energy and blood all over his body boiled away. The power of his fist was astonishing, and a sonic boom and roar erupted. Others did not even see the details. Seeing that he was approaching Bai Luli's side, he was a martial artist whose blood was boiling with martial arts energy.


Bai Luli did not dodge. He spread out his right palm, with the mysterious laws of time fluctuating on it. He resisted the domineering martial artist's punch at a very slight cost, and all the force that was exhausted from his body was lost. .

"Dong dong dong dong...!" Qin Tianyi naturally would not miss this rare opportunity to get close. The shadows of the fists in his hands flashed like light and electricity, and every part of his elbows, knees, fists and shoulders turned into martial arts. If it touches the weapon, the physical body of ordinary monks will disintegrate and shatter, unable to withstand this terrifying force.

Bai Luli stood there, his body filled with extraordinary elegance, and his eyes also revealed a strange color. His opponent before was the Crown Prince of Qin, Qin Nan, but this person had no winner or lose after the last battle on the edge of the deserted state. Thinking of this, another son of the Qin Emperor, Sun Qin Tianyi, appeared, but his attainments as a martial artist far surpassed any of his brother-in-laws.

"However, this alone is not enough!" Bai Luli looked indifferent. As he opened and closed his palms, he was surrounded by the law of time. It seemed that he could predict the opponent's attack in advance and could easily evade it, avoid its edge, and counterattack. body.

"This is the law of time!"

"Absolutely awesome!"

But the people watching the fight were amazed. How could they not see that the law of time was clearly used to slow down the flow of time in the surrounding area more than ten times. No matter how terrifying it is, it is easy to dodge or attack with a backhand.




"It's so hot!"

The monks who had been waiting around for a long time all showed excited expressions. The two of them fought without any unnecessary nonsense, and they used such masterful methods. The descendants of the Qin Dynasty looked like martial artists, but in fact, every punch contained hidden meanings. He has strong magical powers in martial arts, which makes the monks in Zhanzhou shudder.


"not bad!"

Observing the confrontation between the two, Chu Xun also nodded slightly. Although he had neglected the practice of several disciples during these times, he could tell by the actions at hand that he was not lazy. However, what confused Chu Xun was that Prince Qin Although Sun is extremely talented and powerful, he has a deep foundation.

But he wanted to defeat Bai Luli.

There are still some difficulties.

That so-called disaster for disciples.

Where does it come from again.

Thought slightly.

There was also a flash of strange color in his eyes.

When looking again.

The two people on both sides have already offered their Dharma images.

Bai Luli's Dharma is a supreme long river of time. It is turbid and mighty, with endless creatures wandering around, and the vast world turns into a weak drop of water, drowning in the long river, and rises and falls with the ups and downs of the waves. , this is a Dharma sign that Bai Luli rarely displays.

"Time flows!"


dark place.

The eyes of the generals watching the battle from the Qin Dynasty showed strong fear. Bai Luli had also used this method at the border of Huangzhou in the past, seriously injuring Emperor Qin's son Qin Nan. Now that he had used it again, even if it was not the first time, he was shocked in his heart. He was also very strong and murmured: "This boy has the appearance of a quasi-emperor!"


Fear arises.

A genius at the level of a quasi-emperor, it’s just that Chu Xun appeared in the Huangzhou, but now there is a Bai Luli. If you really count, there are a series of figures hidden in the eastern region of this small Huangzhou. Jiang Chen, Liu Jian, and Bai Luli are all evil geniuses of this level.

If they were allowed to grow up, wouldn't it be a serious problem for the Qin Dynasty for a long time? The pressure would not be weaker than those of the ancient traditions of Zhongzhou. This gave birth to the evil thoughts of strangulation in their hearts. If they were in the Eastern Territory, they would never be able to I dare to think this way, but this is the border of a deserted state.

His eyes looked far away.

Even if it is the one from Donglin Sect.

Think about it.

It also takes time!

Converging his eyes, the general of the Qin Dynasty had deep eyes, but he was not in a hurry to take action. Jiuzhou was watching him. Even if he had murderous intentions and thought that killing him was better than the face of the Qin Dynasty, if the descendants of the Qin Emperor could kill his opponent There was no need for the Qin Dynasty to lose face in the execution, and they were still very convinced of Qin Yuansheng's son.

A tiger father has no dog sons.

You are so brave!


On the void.

There was blood splatter.

The bright red color is eye-catching.

This made everyone watching the battle feel trembled. Looking at Qin Tianyi who was already holding a heavy sword, sweeping down and releasing the brilliant domineering sword intent, he said in horror: "Qin Tianyi is worthy of being ranked first on the genius list. He has already The Dao Fruit of Revealed Power and the Dao Fruit of Sword are probably no match for ordinary great sages!”

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