The battlefield in the East Region.

Just like the old craftsman's feeling.

Even more fierce.

In the sky.

Dyed with blood beads.

Drops of red.

Revealing a cold and murderous aura.

There is bright red blood with a golden luster, hanging in the sky without falling. If you look closely, there are Buddhist monks sitting in the blood, as if they have spirituality, never indifferent to the sky, falling to the earth and covered in dust.


The murderous aura remains.

Sweeping the nine heavens.

Annihilating the golden Buddhist monk in the blood, letting the blood be completely covered in dust, falling on the ground, and turning into a pool of blood. That is the Buddha's son. Under the joint attack of Chu Xun's green shirt body, black clothes, and Taoist disciples, the Buddha's son has several fatal scars on his body.

"Eight Desolate Palms!"

Just like now.

The palm print is pressed down.

The violent desolation and devouring power are raging.

"My Buddha... Mercy!" The Buddhist monk chanted the Buddha's name, with blood-stained lips and resolute Buddhist eyes. The little monk was squatting there, with a blazing Buddhist image behind him. Even though the image was already scarred and covered with many cracks, he still raised his palm and went to greet it.


At the moment of the collision, the Buddhist son's mouth was bleeding, and his face became increasingly pale and listless. He looked at the Ji family's prince who was standing beside him and was not much better. This fierce battle was too tragic. If it weren't for the black-robed man in a bamboo hat who appeared at the last moment, they might not have been so miserable, but now they really couldn't bear it.

"Cough cough!"

The Buddhist son coughed up blood, and the image behind him was dim, with many cracks on his body. It was all maintained by the Buddha's light emanating from the Buddhist son, otherwise it would have fallen apart and turned into Buddhist light and shadow.

"Not yet... okay!" The Buddhist looked towards the border of the Wasteland State. They had intercepted several elites for so long, but their reinforcements had not arrived yet, which made them feel very lonely and sad.

"Shenxiao Taiyi Thunder!" The young Taoist priest also looked pale. The power of Taoism in his body had been running for a long time and was almost consumed. It was no longer as abundant and casual as before. The condensed Shenxiao Taiyi Thunder made misty dark clouds appear above the chaotic sky, like clouds covering the sky, covering it, with thunder and lightning roaming and splashing inside.



One after another, the domineering thunder shuttled through the dark clouds, as if the dragon was constantly raising its head and wanted to dive down. The low rumbling sound made people tremble and feel boundless pressure.


Wang Ye spoke.


A huge purple beam of divine thunder descended from the sky, releasing a huge column of light, and around the huge column of thunder light as big as a mountain, there were countless tiny thunders, wandering and interweaving, like a thunder domain, covering this world and descending with a bang, bombarding the thunder of the Buddha's Dharma.


It was already on the verge of fragmentation, and with the arrival of this thunder, the Dharma was completely shattered, and the remaining thunder afterglow also bombarded the Buddha's body, and the whole body turned into charred black, and the Buddha's light was gone. If it weren't for the eyes that were still opening and closing, people would have felt that they had been killed by the overbearing thunder.


The Buddha's voice was hoarse.

I won't block it.

It's reached the limit.

He has smelled the crisis of death. This time, he has done his best to help the Qin Dynasty, and even his own foundation is damaged. It will take several months or even longer to simply recuperate. Ji Zi also broke an arm, his face was pale, and his body has reached the limit. This is something he has never been surprised by since he entered the Wasteland State or even set foot on the Shenzhou Continent.

Entering the first battle in Shenzhou.


Almost dying.


A crack in the void spread out and opened behind the two of them. A hand stretched out from it, covering Ji Zi and Fo Zi. The next moment, the crack in the void healed, but there was no trace of the two of them.


The monk from the East Region was dumbfounded, looking at the crack that suddenly appeared behind the two of them, and tremblingly said: "Could it be that the Buddhist monks or the masters of the Ji family took action?"

Even the king was stunned for a moment, and then threw away the idea. The Qin Emperor's paper was still there, and no one dared to do so. Quasi-emperors were not allowed to set foot, otherwise they would be destroyed together. In addition, the aura just now was not that of a quasi-emperor. If it was a quasi-emperor-level hand, with their current realm, I am afraid that one hand would be enough to beat him half to death.

"It's him!"

Chu Xun's eyes were filled with a gleam of light. His white-clothed clone was in the East Region Wasteland State. He knew this old craftsman. It was him who protected the Qin Dynasty army a little bit with his ship. It was also him who came to support. The time was just right, but the old craftsman was afraid of fighting with them and chose to rescue the two of them.

"How can it be so easy!" The clone in the black hat was full of murderous aura and extremely indifferent. The sword energy in his hand condensed into a blood-red red sword. He casually slashed the healed void and split it again. His clone went directly inside. After a slight hesitation, the original body looked at Wang Ye and others and said, "You wait here!"


The original body also rushed in.

Donglin Sect.

All the cultivators.

All looked up.

Looking at the suddenly silent sky, he was a little uncomfortable. The fluctuations of the fight just now were too shocking and terrifying, as if it was a collision between quasi-emperors. Both the Ji family's emperor and the Buddhist monk showed their strength, especially the Buddhist monk, who was unparalleled in defense. With the help of the Acala Dharma, he always entangled several people, leaving them no time to distract themselves.

Wang Ye.

Jian Qingzhu.

Sword Jiuxiao.

The three of them all had pale faces. They looked at the place where Chu Xun and the mysterious strong man had left. They wanted to chase after him, but they sighed softly and sat cross-legged on the spot, surrounded by mist. They healed their wounds inside and closed their eyes. When he looked at his eyes, he murmured softly: "I don't know what's going on at the edge of Huangzhou!"

The edge of the deserted state.

Qin Yuansheng's murderous intent was surging, and every slash with the bloody halberd in his hand was filled with terrifying weapons. However, he also showed deep disgust for the man in white clothes and bamboo hat who avoided the battle. He had never had such an anxious confrontation in his life, and it was clear that Feeling that he was no match for him, he relied on the formation to protect himself repeatedly, making it impossible for him to break through in a short period of time.

This only angered him.

He laughed and said: "Okay, okay, hide, right? If you can hide, I want to see how these monks in Huangzhou hide!"

Chu Xun's clone's spiritual thoughts also overflowed. When he saw the anxious battlefield below, his mind suddenly sank at just one glance. With the superior numbers and the Qin Dynasty's army, he never thought that the battlefield would be like this, one-sided. Crushing from all sides, Huangzhou's army was retreating steadily. If it weren't for its numerical advantage, it would have been completely defeated.

"How could this be!

Chu Xun couldn't help but said.

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