Guarding the Sutra Library for a hundred years, investing in the villain of destiny

Chapter 439 The Qin Dynasty army enters the deserted state!


Within the trap.

There is a faint light, like an invisible light of calamity. It contains the ultimate meaning of calamity. Touching it is like the calamity of reincarnation and rebuilding. As the light flashes, this light of calamity turns into Ten, ten turns into a hundred, a hundred turns into a thousand, a thousand turns into hundreds of millions! All over the sky, infinite calamity lights flashed within the formation.

The reason why it is called calamity.

In fact, this is sword light.

But it gives people the idea of ​​​​reincarnation and rebuilding immediately.

Hence it is called the Calamity Sword Light!

Billions of calamity sword lights were suspended in every inch of the formation. The uneasiness and terror in Qin Yuansheng's heart bloomed to the extreme at this moment. He roared crazily like the roar of a wild beast: "No!"

"call out!"

Following Chu Xun's wave.

The sky is filled with sword light.

Cut it off instantly!


Qin Yuansheng violently waved the great halberd, releasing the halberd that filled the sky and quelling the immeasurable calamity light. However, more calamity swords still descended from the sky above the formation.

Qin Tian.

War general of the Qin Dynasty.

The generals who were protecting their side all felt a chilling feeling at this moment. It was an artistic conception that even they could not resist, and they needed to go all out to target them. And if they were like this, how could the soldiers behind them resist?


The generals roared hysterically.

His eyes were full of blood and struggle.


Billions of calamity sword lights.

It's white.

Render the entire world.

And with the coming.


The entire sky was dyed blood red in an instant. Countless cries of sorrow rang out at this time. The formation was like a purgatory on earth. The Qin Dynasty's army encountered an unprecedented disaster. Ordinary soldiers could not resist it at all. Their bodies were as thin as thin. The paper was penetrated easily, causing heavy casualties.

Looking at the scene of hell on earth, Qin Yuansheng stood there blankly. He thought that after Chu Xun was transferred, the fierce power of the formation that no one controlled could not be released, which would be a great opportunity for the Qin Dynasty. In fact, this was indeed the case. , he was not far from breaking through the formation, but the man in the white bamboo hat who walked out of thin air defeated all his dreams.

His face gradually turned ferocious. He looked at the mysterious figure in the white bamboo hat, and the murderous intention in his heart reached the extreme. He had never been so angry. These deceased people were not only his generals, but also those he had single-handedly trained. The elite, but all of them were lost here, how tragic.

"Puff puff!"

If there is still a complete place.


Only the huge building with carved railings and painted buildings was safe from all kinds of calamities, while the soldiers of the Qin Dynasty on the building looked numbly at the hell on earth beside them, with cold sweat rising and endless sadness. , that is the sorrow of the rabbit and the fox, then I am glad, but also angry, because there are still their close friends who have not boarded the ship.



The old craftsman also sighed with regret. He took out several things in his hands, including a wooden horse, a boat, and a kite. They were all ordinary children's toys. Originally, these were of no use, but they didn't care about them at the moment. After letting go, the palm-sized wooden kite turned into a huge millstone kite as it escaped from the palm of the hand, blessing the soldiers.

Several things saved some of the elites of the Qin Dynasty, but even so, the Qin Dynasty's army almost collapsed at that thought, leaving only three-tenths of it!

"How bloody!"

"How cruel!"

Qin Yuansheng witnessed these. He closed his eyes sadly, and two lines of blood and tears flowed from the corners of his eyes. When he opened them again, his scarlet eyes had evolved into endless killing intent. He stared at the mysterious figure in the white hat. The murderous intention in his heart bloomed to the extreme at this time, and he roared: "I will kill you!"


The Fang Tian painted halberd blooming in the void trembled, and the monstrous blood seemed to glow with its true nature. Behind it, there was a shadow of a demon-like halberd standing there. It was bloodthirsty and cold, and like With wisdom, he stares greedily at those flesh and blood, devouring them greedily and wantonly, regardless of whether they are friends or foes.


Qin Yuansheng roared!

Holding a magic halberd!

Cut it off suddenly.

The bloody halberd light.

Shocked for nine days!

Qin Fu, the Zhenbei general of the Qin Dynasty, was also filled with a strong evil spirit. As a Zhenbei general, he was also a soldier. Seeing the death of his comrades, his heart was filled with grief and he waved the spear in his hand without fear of death.

And the generals who were protecting the soldiers beside him no longer had any worries at this moment. They all burst out with angry bloody courage, fighting forward desperately, displaying the general's military power to the fullest, so that the people watching the battle outside were stunned. , even from a distance, I could feel the strong evil aura of military art, and couldn't help but ask: "Is this the battlefield?"

It can show a person's strength to the extreme.

Practice in it often.

A fight to the death.

There are often unexpected gains.

At the same time, I also know why so many people choose to join the army after there is no hope of breaking through the realm. This is because the life-and-death battle and atmosphere of the battlefield will allow them to touch bottlenecks that they will never encounter again in this life, and will give them the ability to practice Buddhism again. The thought of this feeling made the battlefield very tragic!

"Dong dong dong!"

dull sound.

resounded throughout the sky.

The cracks in the formation continued to intensify.

Even if it is Chu Xun.

All feel powerless.

During this time, those infinite sword lights were not just watching the show. They tore apart a huge wooden horse. When this giant creature that looked like a Pegasus was broken, the Qin Dynasty soldiers attached to it were robbed one after another. The huge kite was cut open from the middle, and countless people died.


But this was all short-lived. When the terrible halberd passed through the formation and a halberd tip shone brightly, a terrible military evil rushed over, making the army of Huangzhou, which was waiting in full battle array, like a storm. There was fear in their eyes and their courage was faintly torn.

"Qingfeng Fuzheng!"

The Confucianists chanted together, using the righteous breeze to soothe the fear in the hearts of the allies. Looking at the figure like a demon god and the existence of the halberd tip torn out, they had a premonition that this formation would not be saved!

The Lord of Desolate Heaven Palace took a deep breath and looked at the man in the white hat beside him. He didn't know who this person was, but based on the formation he had just used in actual combat, he had already guessed that if nothing unexpected happened, he should be a master left over from the past of the Donghuang Holy Land. If so, then there was a reason why No. 9 was good at formation.

If there was such a master of formation, No. 9's true way would not come out of thin air. At the same time, he was slightly confused as to why this master of formation did not show his true face to others, but it didn't matter. He stared at Qin Yuansheng holding the magic halberd and said, "I will try my best to hold him until Chu Xun can get away and come!"


The man in the white hat shook his head.

Lord of Desolate Heaven Palace.

Can't stop him.


Qin Yuansheng's target was not the Lord of Desolate Heaven Palace.

"It's going to split!" Chu Xun whispered to himself.


When the spear tip penetrated the formation and entered the Wasteland State, people had this realization, and with the following several domineering attacks, a gap in the formation was torn apart. From then on... the formation of the Wasteland State was broken!

The remaining army of the Qin Dynasty.

Fight into the Wasteland State!

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