"Two breaths left!" The remaining three people's faces were pale and empty. They were not sure to stop these two people, but their spiritual sense sensed the emperor's weakened breath, and the sadness in his pupils instantly turned into unparalleled anger.

"Two breaths!"

“If you don’t believe it, you can’t stop it!”

They drank.

The body is full of energy and blood.

Like a god of war.

Burning one's own essence and blood.


"Don't overestimate your capabilities!" Chu Xun responded coldly.

And the outside world.

Those who saw this scene through the light curtain fell silent. No one thought that this would be the case. The emperor of the Ji family went to hunt Chu Xun. He never thought that he would be hunted back. Not only would he fall, but also the emperor's son would fall. Several of the beheaded servants he brought also suffered such disasters, which is really sad.

Qin Yuansheng stood outside Huangzhou and witnessed the tragic and tragic battle. His heart was touched. A blood-stained Fangtian painted halberd was taken out and held in the palm of his hand. The rich bloody evil swept the void. He strode forward. , said forcefully: "If outsiders do this to me, the monks of the Qin Dynasty, how can we retreat?"


He stepped forward, his steps getting faster and faster, and his speed became more fierce. Almost instantly, it turned into a stream of blood-colored lightning, rushing into the border of Huangzhou, raising the Fangtian Painted Halberd in his hand high and slamming it down. Down.

dull sound.

Shocking everyone's life.

That hidden formation.

Appeared suddenly.

Revealed in front of everyone.

"Come again!" He shouted, turning a blind eye to the constantly shining formations around him, while others only thought that the prince of the Qin Dynasty was crazy. He dared to break into the large formations in Huangzhou alone. What was the difference between this and death?



Neatly trampled.

The pace of the army.

resounded across the border of the barren state.

"What a sound!" Both the Yuhua Dynasty and the other forces were shocked. Their pupils shrank and they looked around in shock. They saw only a group of soldiers in strict formation. They were slowly moving forward. Every step was firm and they were trampled together. The sound resonated in the void, but it was not as powerful as the panic in people's hearts.

"When did the Qin Dynasty have another large army?" In everyone's acknowledgment, the prince of the Qin Dynasty had a bad start and had already returned to the court to move reinforcements. No matter how fast it was, it would take time, and now the sudden appearance of the powerful cavalry and the The steel army was ready to go. They were approaching step by step with long guns in hand.

It was as if these were the real elites of the Qin Dynasty, and those people sent to die by Qin Yuansheng before were nothing more than miscellaneous fish of the Qin Dynasty. They looked at the armored young man who stormed the border formation of Huangzhou in shock, and said horribly: "This That’s his main attack!”

Everything before.

It's all illusion.

It's all a pretense.


That's the truth.

They trembled, but in the deepest part of their hearts there was endless awe. If it were them, with such a steel-tight army, they would probably trample the Huangzhou immediately and calmly destroy the Huangzhou instead of all at once. Ambiguously convinced and tempted, he only showed his fangs at this moment.


They suddenly realized that the prince of the Qin Dynasty disappeared during this period, not because he was not valued by the Emperor of Qin, but because he had further education. Those who had dealt with the prince of the Qin Dynasty said complicatedly: "This is the prince of the Qin Dynasty." , firmly occupying the position of crown prince, even if the Qin Dynasty continues to have monsters, he will always be the crown prince of Qin! "

The border of the desert state.

Huangtian Palace.

Earlier, there were people urging the Palace Master of Huangtian Palace to help, but now looking at the sudden attack of the Qin Dynasty army, their faces were pale and bloodless. Chu Xun had been dispatched to the eastern region of Huangzhou, and the reinforcements of Daozhou Daozi, Ru None of the Confucian scholars in Jianzhou and the swordsmen in Jianzhou are gone, and there is not a single top combat force on the border of Huangzhou.


Chu Xun's previous enemy, General Qin Fu of Zhennan, was holding a spear, and his body was filled with the true meaning of the spear. He stabbed suddenly. The wave of the spear fell, and he shouted: "I'm here to protect an army from entering." Huangzhou!"

after him.

There are several more generals.

Soar into the sky.

Or holding a long knife.

Or holding an eight-foot spear.

Or holding a golden whip.

Protecting an army and marching forward, they want to fight a way through the unguarded border of the barren state, allowing the Qin Dynasty's army to penetrate deep and defeat the barren state in one fell swoop!

"It doesn't matter, there is also Chu Xun's formation!" Many Confucian cultivators in white appeared on the border of Huangzhou. Their faces were solemn, but they had high expectations for the formation.


"Let's work together to break it!"

In the lineup of the Qin Dynasty, an ordinary old farmer stepped out, and he was the craftsman specially invited by Qin Yuansheng to go to the secular world. Earlier, he entered the secular world as a teacher, and as he grew older, he became a teacher. Return to the ordinary, be that ordinary old man, do some craftsmanship every day, or make some wooden horses, or children's toys. Not long ago, he was invited by Qin Yuansheng to come out.


He stretched out his palms and released a palm-sized wooden boat that floated. The wooden boat suddenly grew larger as it floated, turning into a castle in the air with carved railings and painted buildings. In an instant, it turned into a huge building boat. When the murderous formation on the border of Huangzhou lit up, it calmly protected countless soldiers and submerged them into the building ship.


The terrifying murder weapon could not pose any threat to this castle in the air. There was a sword intent that might be approaching, but I saw that this castle in the sky was full of complicated runes. The old craftsman even smiled and said: "Deconstruct all things and reshape them into Treasures, carved seals and talismans are for refining weapons!"

Qin Yuansheng watched this scene from the corner of his eyes and couldn't help but say: "Good!"

The Eastern Region of Huangzhou.


As the last person among the three was also wiped out, only the Ji family's emperor stood in the sky with difficulty. He had already pulled out the ivy sword on his chest and threw it suddenly, but how could it hurt him? He killed his master, but after stopping in the air, he fell into Chu Xun's palm.

"You deserve to die!" Ji Zi was covered in blood, pacing staggeringly, with two lines of blood and tears in her eyes. No matter how conceited and ruthless he was in the past, the six servants who followed him all died in front of his eyes. He died for himself. Death, that kind of suffocation that could not be expressed in words, made his heart twitch, and there was a lot of blood coming out of his mouth.


He roared in grief.

Looks like a wild beast.

Crazy and stubborn.


The Donghuang Bell condensed from the nine heavens and crashed down suddenly. The staggering emperor's body softened and he fell from the high altitude in a daze. The young Taoist priest was also killing forward. Ji Zi was so difficult to kill. Far beyond imagination, these five people only bought him two breaths of time, and he was able to recover in a short time. If the time had been longer, there might have been changes.

"Bao Shu!"

Ji Zi's eyes were chaotic and hazy, and he was muttering almost unconsciously. Mysterious runes were flashing in his heart, containing rich vitality. It was the evolution of the avenue of life, quickly repairing the damaged body, but this kind of How can speed compare to the skill between two people?


The sword energy stabbed and tore a hole as big as a bowl in his abdomen. The Destruction Sword Intent was to block the new power of this precious technique, and the Destruction Sword Intent was destroying the cells and flesh in the body.

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