Their scalps are numb.

This kind of battle.

Unheard of.

What's even more shocking is.

A thought is formed.

At this time, cold sweat broke out on their foreheads, and they said in shock: "Is he really only in the top ten of the saint list? How do I feel that he can be in such a position just by relying on one formation!"

"Forbidden Fruit!"

Chu Xunyou slowly opened his mouth, and then opened his mouth with an unparalleled ultimate move, which actually directly cut off the Dao Fruit of the world, making the monk's perception between the world and the world instantly indifferent to the extreme. It can be said to have disappeared, and this level of performance method Even Jian Qingzhu had to be cautious, but when she looked around, she saw the man in green shirt still slowly stepping forward.

One step at a time, a lotus flower.

That's the formation.

Still blooming.

Qin Fu's wild eyes were filled with horror. The moment Chu Xun stepped forward, he smelled the unparalleled danger and no longer dared to be careless. But at this moment, with the power of the words, the relationship between him and the world No matter how enlightened you are, you must know that if you practice to a certain level, you must rely on the power of heaven and earth.

Now that he has lost the ability to borrow the power of heaven and earth, his own Tao power has not only been weakened exponentially, but has been reduced by 90%, but his eyes are still cold and he said: "I major in strength. , defeating all laws with one force, the demand for heaven and earth is not that strong, and the threat is acceptable!"

"The terrifying No. 9!" Jian Qingzhu and Wang Ye looked at each other and kept smacking their tongues. This sentence about the forbidden fruit reminded them that there is an area in the Ruzhou Tomb where the forbidden fruit cannot use the power of heaven and earth. He can only rely on his own Dao Fruit, but that kind of danger seems to be nothing in front of No. 9, who is good at formations; but he cannot deny the danger of that place.


Chu Xun was still using the power of words and methods.

Qin Fu only felt that his body was imprisoned.

"Forbidden sight!"


"Forbidden feeling!"

"No killing!"

Cold sweat broke out on the bare foreheads of the Buddhist cultivators who were watching. This was a forbidden method in their Buddhism, and people without great wisdom could not learn it. However, they never expected that Chu Xun would practice it in an alternative way, looking at the wooden sculpture-like figure. Mr. Qin couldn't help but said: "Amitabha, Master Qin is in trouble!"

This is something no one expected.

I thought it was evenly matched.

But when Chu Xun stepped forward, two poles seemed to appear, forming a completely different situation. He seemed to be climbing a celestial body. Every time he took a step forward, the cumbersome formations intensified, and the number continued to evolve. Not only that, Confucianism's words and deeds are continuously weakening Qin Fu!


At this moment, the world is filled with unparalleled supreme sharpness, which is the most profound sword intention. Any sword cultivator who feels this pure sword intention cannot help but express horror, and Alliance Leader Cao of Jianzhou naturally feels the deepest. He looked at Chu Xun's back in horror and couldn't help but said in shock: "His sword intention... is stronger than mine!"

this moment.

He choked.

Can't figure it out.

Not to say!

Is he only tenth?

Tenth on the saint list!

But this?

Is it really just tenth?

The dazzling formations, the terrifying words of Confucianism, and the powerful killing sword intent that permeates the world. Any one of them can give people the possibility of being ranked among the top ten saints, but so many methods are gathered in one person. , is he really one of the top ten saints?


General Zhennan Qin Tian had tears streaming down his face at some point, and his eyes were full of horror. He never expected that Chu Xun could hide his clumsiness so well. If he didn't help him at this time, he would probably be killed by just one face-to-face meeting. Qin Fu kills instantly!

Twelfth on the saint list.

Killed instantly!

No one would believe it if I said it a quarter of an hour ago. They would think that even the top three people on the saint list, Zhenwu Great Sage, Jian Qingzhu, Dugujue and the others would have to think about it later, but now the real means are here. A face-to-face encounter could really kill the saint in an instant, and what was even more shocking was that Chu Xun might not be at full strength yet!

It's not that they have persecution phobia.


The power of the deserted state.

He hasn't fought in actual combat yet? he really going all out?

"hold head high!"

Not only General Qin Tian of Zhennan, but even the chariot under his feet was also resonating, emitting powerful power, recreating the ancient battlefield of the past, the battlefield of gold and iron horses, galloping war horses, roaring The chariot, and the mighty general holding this flag and waving it in all directions!

He knew that he couldn't carry it, not even with Qin Fu's strength. Therefore, with the movement of the chariot, even the sword and gun marks on it resonated and shone with a dazzling edge. This was compared to the Great Sacrifice with the Palace of the Holy Saint. Liquor, Zhang Ji from the academy mobilized more energy, fully activating the chariot.


Chu Xun's eyes were cold.

Holding a sword in one hand.

One step forward.

A sword cuts the heaven and earth apart like two lines.

A white sword energy shines brightly. This is a sword move that has never been performed in the sword tower. It has also experienced the blessing of Confucianism, making the power of this sword skyrocketed. It can be said to be the ultimate, and the sword intention blooms. The terrifying killings everywhere in the space at that moment were so frightening that even the soul was trembling slightly.



However, all the monks who were watching, no matter how strong or weak, gasped. They even saw the gorgeous formations coming down from the sky to form a killing blow. They really thought that the formations were just for show. When the formations are combined, they can kill. The explosion of cutting power also did not give in at all, and the strongest power surged out.

There is a vast expanse of white between heaven and earth.

Dazzling white!



Even if everything was forbidden, Qin Fu, the general of the Qin Dynasty, was not an ordinary person after all. After a long period of life and death, the blood and evil spirit in his body finally awakened. He almost instinctively urged his strongest punch to smash the sky.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

But he only smashed the layers of formations. With the continuous explosion, his fists were also infinitely weakened, and the sword light that was blessed was cut in an instant. Qin Tian drove the chariot across in front of him.


The chariot emitted a holy light, but the two of them slashed the chariot with a sword, and even the top of the subsequent transformation was cut off. Qin Tian was attacked by the formation and the sword light. The armor he wore was directly shattered by the formation light column, and the sword energy almost cut off his head.



He was bleeding.

The body was spasming.

Qin Fu was not much better. Both of them were in the same situation. The people watching the battle were all gasping for air. They thought that the arrogant Qin Dynasty generals were going to purge the people below, but they didn't expect Chu Xun to just stand out and sweep with a sword, and almost killed the two of them.

"If it weren't for the ancient chariot's final power, bursting out with holy light to block most of the sword light and formation attacks, the two of them would have died here!" The soul of the passerby who said this was trembling. If it weren't for seeing it with his own eyes, how could he dare to believe it?

The two of them were almost as strong as the twelfth or thirteenth on the Saint List.

But they met one person.

They attacked together.

They were almost killed.

It was simply the biggest joke in the world.


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