34 people.

It has surpassed the Saintess of Liuli Palace.

Knocking her ranking down one spot.

As others look.

There was a bit of weirdness in the eyes of the Saint of Liuli Palace, and she muttered: "What a monster." She watched Chu Xun rise step by step. When they met in the tomb of Emperor Confucianism, No. 9 was not even in the Great Saint realm. The Great Sage Daoguo has never mastered several types, but in just a few years, No. 9 has surpassed her and is still rising upwards.

33 people.

32 people.

31 people.

30 people!

As they continued to surpass, some masters on the Saint List who came after hearing the news saw the name flashing and squeezing them down. They couldn't help but feel strong disappointment in their hearts. But watching him squeeze out another master, the feeling in his heart His balance has improved slightly, but he is also curious: "I don't know where he can go in the end!"

"30 people!"

"Wow even!"

"It's 30 years old!"

"I'm hit!"

Some people in the crowd showed joyful smiles. They were not as greedy as others. Even if the odds were extremely low and the results were unsuccessful, as long as Chu Xun came up with the name Chu Xun, those ranked below 30, their bet would be considered successful. Chu Xun broke into the top twenty, even the top ten and first place had nothing to do with them.

Because only the top 20 need to win the exact quota, the rest of the rankings not only have greater risks but also have minimal rewards, these top forces still look down on these odds.

29 people.

28 people.

27 people.

26 people.

As the rankings continued to rise, the crowd continued to make excited sounds of joy, and this atmosphere made those who placed bets express nervousness and apprehension. They all clenched their little hands, expecting Chu Xun to be unparalleled at this moment. It's best to go straight to No. 1 and give those people a shock.

Inside the sword tower.

36 floors.

A swordsman in golden robes stood face to face.

"The swordsman in golden robes!"

"Finally we met!"

Chu Xun also showed a strange look. When he met the swordsman in yellow and then the swordsman in silver, he thought that he would meet the swordsman in gold robe next, but he wanted to know what level this swordsman was?


The golden-robed swordsman stood there and moved slightly, his stiff face slightly raised to look at Chu Xun. In an instant, whistling sounds came from all directions. At this moment, Chu Xun felt like he was transported into the vast ocean of the sword field. He is an insignificant swordsman. In front of him, behind him, left and right, and above and below, endless sword intent is roaring towards him.

You don't know where they come from.

But it came in an instant.

"The swordsman in golden robe... is not bad!" Chu Xun's figure sunk in the sword field suddenly opened his eyes, and a flash of brightness bloomed. In an instant, a powerful sword field was also born around him, instantly surrounding him. All the sword intent collapsed one after another, and a flash of sword light lit up. It was the red killing sword intent!


A sword seals the throat.

The swordsman in golden robe.


outside world.

25 people.

24 people.

23 people.

As this ranking emerged, it also pushed down the ranking of the Palace Master of the Huangtian Palace. The Palace Master of the Wanxiang Palace could not help but fall into panic. His eyes were actually filled with rare regret, and he also looked at the Palace Master of the Huangtian Palace.

Make eye contact with it.

A slight sigh.

"So fast!" The owner of the Wanxiang Palace sighed. He was very optimistic about Chu Xun before Chu Xun entered the Huangtian Palace. He intended to recruit him to the Wanxiang Palace, but the owner of the Huangtian Palace beat him to it. When he really forced Chu Xun away, he He was also present. What would have been the result if he had been stronger that day?


But you can know.

Chu Xun!

Still a member of the Huangtian Palace.

And who would have thought that a person who was expelled from the Huangtian Palace could achieve such achievements in a very short period of time. Everyone in the Huangtian Palace knew that Elder Chu had extremely sharp eyesight, stronger talent, and would occupy a place in the Huangzhou in the future. , even Jiuzhou has his name, and who would have thought that it only took him less than ten years to do all this.

From the Seven Realms of Saints!

One jump!

Already surpassed the Lord of Huang Palace!

"Time is also destiny!"

"That's fine!"

The Master of Vientiane Palace sighed. At the same time, he glanced out of the corner of his eye and did not see Ye Huang. There was also a sense of surprise in his heart. Didn't she come to take a look at this critical moment?

"too strong!"

"This is the first twenty!"

"How long did it take him?"

The scattered rangers also expressed their amazement, and the joys and sorrows of human beings are not the same. Compared with these people who suppressed the top twenty and below, the faces of those forces who suppressed Chu Xun and could only get into the top twenty became dark. , as long as a normal person can see that this rapid progress must be more than the top twenty.

The opening of Tianji Pavilion has clearly stated that they must accurately hit Chu Xun's final ranking. In other words, if they miss it, they will miss out on this bet, although Tianji Pavilion's betting market seems to have a dominance clause. It means, but who else besides Tianji Pavilion can place such a bet?

Even the Qin Dynasty.



Who will recognize the opening of these top forces? What can you do if you betray? Tianji Pavilion is a brand that has been standing for a long time and will not collapse because of this small profit. Therefore, even if Tianji Pavilion’s betting market Some are domineering, but there are still countless people. Besides these top forces and dog gamblers, how many people will bet all their wealth?

"Almost in the top 20!" Qin Dynasty's Zhennan General's face was dark. Although he looked down on Chu Xun in his words, his bet was on the 16th place. According to Chu Xun's current trend, there is a high probability that he will be in the top 15, or even the top 13. If nothing unexpected happens, his bet will be scrapped this time.


When seeing Chu Xun's ranking soar to the 20th at a very fast speed, Qin Dynasty's Zhennan General felt unlucky. Damn, since meeting Chu Xun, nothing has been smooth for Qin Dynasty. This made him doubt whether this guy is the nemesis of Qin Dynasty.

"20th place!"

"No sign of stopping yet!"


The group of Buddhist monks also frowned. They didn't care about the bet. After all, they were not good friends with Chu Xun like Jian Qingzhu. They had limited knowledge of Chu Xun and just bet a little for fun. It didn't matter whether they won or lost. Instead, Chu Xun's crazy promotion made him feel an inexplicable sense of crisis.

He couldn't explain the source of this.

It was born in the dark.

And he.

Believe in this feeling.

This is the guidance of the Buddhist sages...It can't be wrong!

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