Inside the sword tower.

Twenty-seventh floor.

Chu Xun stood here.

Facing them are three silver-robed swordsmen. Their overall strength is at the bottom of the saint list. They are not at the same level as the previous yellow-robed swordsmen. Each of them is filled with rich artistic conception, and they are not only Ordinary swordsmen already have corresponding sword moves.


As the first silver-robed swordsman passed sideways, invisible sword intent raged in the air, and the remaining two people also attacked head-on and jumped into the air respectively. The three resonated with each other, filled with sharp sword intent, and Chu Xun stared at them calmly and said slowly: "The gap at the bottom of the saint list is still too big!"



in a moment.

The three swordsmen in silver robes turned into nothingness.

at the same time.


Saint list.

Hanging list.

Move up one more spot.

68 people.

67 people.

66 people.

65 people.

Rankings were constantly being surpassed one by one, and suddenly more people gathered from the outside world. People who had been lazily shopping or practicing in other places earlier came one after another. Among them, the ranger was the most popular. They looked at that man in surprise. The rankings continued to surge, and he was shocked: "Chu Xun's name has been moved!"

You know, this is an out-and-out legend. On the first day of his arrival, his name spread throughout China, and then it spread rapidly with increasing intensity, and one after another deeds continued. It can be said that the Tianji Pavilion in Tianji City is where Chu Xun truly became famous.

But like the Zhenwu Great Sage, he seemed to be indifferent to false fame. Even though he had been listed at the bottom of the list of saints for ten months, he still had not entered the tower once. Today's sudden arrival still caused a lot of trouble.

"too fast!"

“One breath, one rank!”

"This rising speed!"


54 people.

53 people.

52 people.

51 people.

Seeing that it only took a short moment to quickly hit the top fifty rankings, the crowd still let out bursts of surprise, but more people still sighed: "These are all expected!"

Thinking of Chu Xun's first battle after becoming famous, he used the formation to backhand and destroy Gu Yuan Cheng who was about to attack by surprise. With the strength he showed at that time, he had the strength of more than thirty people on the saint list. Later, he broke out with terrifying and powerful swordsmanship. The current strength of Chu Xun and the two of them should be firmly in the top twenty.

"Top twenty?"

"No way!"

"I do not think so!"

Doubts rang out.

"It's open!"

"It's open!"

"Tianji Pavilion is open!"

Suddenly accompanied by shouts, the people guarding in front of the sword tower were stunned. Immediately, they burst into joy and said in surprise: "Is Tianji Pavilion open?"


"Go and see!"

Jian Qingzhu's eyes also bloomed with a strange color. The opening of the market is easy to understand, but Tianji Pavilion has not opened for a long time. It seems that such a sensational figure has not appeared, and even if he appears, everyone is clearly interested in his combat power. However, Chu Xun and the others didn't know anything about it, not even Tianji Pavilion's specific strength.

Open this time.

Still extremely sensational.

Countless people gathered around in an instant. They looked at Lord Tianji's opening ratio. Chu Xun ranked in the top 30 with odds... 0.0009!

Seeing this odds, those who still wanted to make a fortune showed disappointment on their faces, but they could guess with their toes that Chu Xun would be in the top thirty, so such odds were unnecessary.

Keep looking.

Chu Xun ranks in the top twenty...the odds are 0.05!

The odds are slightly better.

Jian Qingzhu also nodded slightly. He knew Chu Xun's confidence to some extent. He was good at formations, swordsmanship, and Confucianism. With these three points alone, Chu Xun's ranking in the top twenty was quite stable. Tianji Pavilion is also aware of this, so the odds against Chu Xun are still not high.

"Top fifteen!"


"1 to 1!"

This is relatively normal.

No one is sure that Chu Xun can definitely enter the top fifteen, because everyone at the top of the saint list is a monster with great fortune. How can he be surpassed so easily, even if it is Chenzhou Dao? The palace master also hesitated and said: "How high do you think Elder Chu can be?"

"Top ten!" Jian Qingzhu said.


Not to mention others, even members of the group showed confusion. The palace master of Huangtian Palace said: "I have seen Chu Xun's formation. I should ask Cao Chong, the leader of the Jianzhou Martial Arts Alliance, for swordsmanship!"

Cao Chong was slightly ashamed. On that day at the Tianyun Ancient Battlefield, he was too timid to threaten Jianzhou's luck in a fight. However, after hesitation, he said: "I have never seen him go all out, but there is something hazy. I have a hunch that his swordsmanship can at least be ranked in the top thirty, just by relying on his swordsmanship!"

Jian Qingzhu from the academy also said warmly: "In terms of speaking and following the rules, Chu Xun's ability...should be no less than mine!"


Like being struck by thunder.

Several people.

Totally confused.

Looking at No. 4 in disbelief.

"Yeah!" Jian Qingzhu nodded slowly with his warm eyes. He was not lying. He was a man who had received 30% of Confucian luck. He alarmed the Confucian saints in terms of Confucian reading. With such a terrifying talent, he achieved Confucianism and Taoism in a very short time. If nothing else goes wrong, he still has the engraved knife of the Holy Master in his body, and if such an extreme imperial weapon breaks out, he will indeed be inferior.

I just don’t know if Chu Xun will use it.

High probability!


It's just a challenge to the tower.

There's no need to reveal all the cards.

If he takes out the carving knife of the Great Saint, he can easily kill through the sword tower with that thing. After all, that is the supreme imperial object, and it has been worshipped by Confucian scholars day and night. It has evolved to an unknown degree over the long years, so he swore to speak with confidence.


Seeing that Jian Qingzhu didn't seem to be lying, their scalps were numb, but they quickly looked at the remaining bets, and they directly glanced at the remaining ones and saw the first place.

Chu Xun!



1 to 1000!

How terrifying.

Obviously, even the people in Tianji Pavilion didn't think Chu Xun would come to the first place, otherwise how dare they pick such a high odds. If they bet all their worth on Chu Xun to win the championship, even if it was only part of their worth, it would be enough for Tianji Pavilion to pay, and Tianji Pavilion's reputation is here, even if it loses money, it will not lose its reputation, it is still trustworthy.

"If so...!" Leader Cao of the Wulin League was eager to make a move, staring at the odds ranked first, his Adam's apple kept moving.

"However, Chu Xun may not use his full strength!" Jian Qingzhu said slowly again. Although he knew that Chu Xun was very powerful and would kill everyone with the extreme imperial weapon, who could be sure that Chu Xun would use the extreme weapon? Therefore, he slowly stepped forward and said: "I will bet on a quasi-imperial weapon, Chu Xun is tenth!"

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