The chief priest of the Supreme Taoist Palace also smiled, flipped through the book in his hand, and tore off a piece of paper from it. As it burned, a great breath descended. The pupils of the leader of the Shenxiao Sect from Daozhou froze slightly, staring at the vague figure in Taoist robes, and whispered: "It's my Taoist family!"






The moment the illusory figure of Daozhou descended, he activated the Taoist Nine-Character Sutra. It is said that this is a supreme imperial law. In an instant, ancient statues of gods fell from the sky between heaven and earth.

Like an immortal general.

Like a god coming!

Surrounding the Taoist priest of Daozhou, the nine characters surrounded him, and he turned into an ancient god. Just one step forward and he crossed countless miles. He slapped General Zhennan's chest lightly with a palm, and the red armor that protected him instantly cracked, accompanied by dense cracks, and Qin Nan, who was exhausted, flew across the sky.


Blood sprayed from his mouth.

Chasing back to the distance.

The flying direction was Zhang Ji's angle. This was not because Qin Tian deliberately took this terrible blow, but because his blood and qi were in decline, he realized that he could not withstand this attack. His long experience in the battlefield allowed him to make the greatest rationalization in an instant. Since he could not avoid it, he took advantage of this attack to get close to the enemy and dragged his body to attack and kill.

What a pity.

Zhang Ji had been on guard after the previous incident, and his mouth was full of contempt and disdain, saying: "Vulgar warrior, this kind of low-level trick is not even worth playing with for a three-year-old child, slip away!"


Changed position.

Disappeared instantly.

This made Qin Tian's eyes look regretful, and the chariot that was stagnant in the void also rushed over and caught the flying Qin Tian. As Qin Tian stood up weakly from the chariot, his eyes were still so sharp, and he sneered: "I have felt the withered blood returning, I want to know how long you can suppress me?"

The young master of the Yin-Yang family frowned slightly. He was surprised by Qin Tian's resistance and fighting power. His withered hair had slightly returned to black, and he felt that the suppressed blood in his body was recovering. If it recovered to its peak, it would be even more terrible if it exploded under long-term suppression.

Buddhist cultivator.

Ji family.



Even these hostile or allied forces could not help but exclaim: "This Zhennan General of the Qin Dynasty is really not to be underestimated. If he breaks through the Quasi-Emperor Realm in the future, he will be a towering mountain in the Qin Dynasty, and no one can shake him!"

Zhang Ji curled his lips slightly, his eyes were full of disdain, and he sneered: "What a stupid warrior, your blood and qi are dry!"



The blood and qi that had just recovered fell in a more decadent posture. This strong contrast made Qin Tian stagger. If it weren't for the support of the chariot, he would probably fall down. The onlookers looked at the old Qin Tian, ​​and their mouths twitched. They were determined from the bottom of their hearts that they would never fight with Confucianism in the future. It was too perverted, it was simply a monster!

"Continue!" The chief priest of the academy also smiled.


A booklet also appeared in Zhang Ji's hand, which recorded his observations of other powerful cultivators fighting, and used the unique energy of Confucianism to record their fighting process briefly, preserving a certain strength. Now he has to use this booklet, because Qin Tian is too strong and can't be easily suppressed.

"Let's go!"

The silver-haired and blue-eyed old man of the Ji family also whispered that Qin Tian couldn't win. A great priest of the Supreme Taoist Palace and a great scholar of the Academy, it would be troublesome to meet one of them. The combination of the two is not something Qin Tian can win at all. Moreover, there are too many masters in the lineup of the Wasteland State this time. Their failure to fight does not mean that they will not fight next.


Qin Tian, ​​who was in his twilight years, still roared ferociously and roared, as if he was unyielding to the way of heaven. His pupils burst into a fierce killing intent, and the wrinkled skin of his withered palms stuck to his bones. He said strongly: "I, Qin Tian, ​​am the general of Zhennan. I can't even kill a few scholars. How can I pacify the south of the Qin Dynasty!"


He drove the chariot.


The chariot rushed forward, recreating the scene of the past, with golden swords and iron horses, and murderous spirits rushing into the sky. Being in such a battlefield, Qin Tian's weak body was replaced with some firepower. The withered blood and qi were like the setting sun in old age. Even if the blood and qi were withered, there was still a short-lived terrible fighting power.


The galloping chariot trampled forward, carrying the imprint of the ancient battlefield in the past, making people confused. The ancient chariot suddenly disappeared. Even the leader of the Jianzhou Wulin Alliance did not notice where it went. This made him change color slightly, and a sharp sword intent suddenly appeared on his body, ready to help at any time.

The rest of the people were also numbing.

Qin Dynasty.

Is it so terrible?

This is just a general of the Qin Dynasty. There are a total of four people who are qualified to drive this kind of carriage. In addition to them, there are also generals and kings of the Qin Dynasty. If they come together, it will be a terrible momentum. No wonder they can expand the territory in Zhongzhou and achieve supreme hegemony!

"There are runes on the chariot!" Bai Luli narrowed his eyes slightly. Although they were not good at the formation method following their master, they also understood a little and understood why it suddenly disappeared.

"The Confucian people are in danger!" The young master of the Yin-Yang family, Donghuang Qing, also frowned, and was weighing whether to take action in his heart. If he took action, he would be completely tied to the Huangzhou chariot. This was not what he wanted to see. In exchange for a favor, he should not pay such a high price.

"The chariot appeared a hundred miles away!"

The great sacrificial wine from the Palace of the Holy Spirit and Zhang Ji from the Academy did one thing at the same time. They no longer followed the words, but wrote them personally on the white paper. In an instant, they saw the energy of Confucianism manifest, and the chariot killing that had disappeared When he arrived in front of Zhang Ji, he was already less than three feet tall. He jumped out of the void suddenly, like a tiger that pounced on its prey, leaving no chance for him to dodge.

But the energy of the spoken dharma takes effect.


The chariot appeared hundreds of miles away.

This pounce.


At that moment, I don't know how many people's hearts were in suspense. They thought that a great scholar from the academy was going to break here, but they never thought that the energy of Confucianism was so unbelievable. Just one word could easily resolve this terrible killing move. , they all looked sympathetically at General Zhennan of the Qin Dynasty.

It's not that he isn't strong.

The enemy is too perverted!

Do it this way!

Who can bear it!


Qin Tian's eyes were also filled with disappointment. The teleportation and disappearance formations on the chariot could only be used once. This sudden sneak attack had no effect, and it was destined to be meaningless again.


"Vulgar warrior!"

"That's it?"

Not to mention others, even passers-by in Tianji City couldn't help but twitch their lips when they heard the words of the Confucian group. If they started fighting with them, they would be angry to death even if they didn't start.


Qin Tian, ​​the Zhennan general of the Qin Dynasty, said in a low voice that he had already tried his best but could not hurt the two Confucian people, so there was no point in continuing.

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