The master of Vientiane Palace.

A native of Chenzhou.

A native of Jianzhou.

All expressed sadness.

And thankfully.

Even though Jiang Chen repeatedly emphasized that the master would solve it, they still didn't have much hope, especially the master of the Wanxiang Palace who knew that Chu Xun had only been in Jiuzhou for a short period of time, and even the close friends he knew were unable to deal with him when he was in crisis. People are willing to help, and even though Chu Xun has a few friends and is willing to do much, he just didn't expect such a heavyweight to come up.

Yin Yang family.

Little Lord.


However, looking at the posture of the young child, it seemed that he did not know Chu Xun, but it was because of the people from Liuli Palace who came forward to solve all this. However, no matter what, the disaster was finally over.


In an instant.


Regeneration Ripples.

This shocked many people who were watching the show, and they were upset and murmured: "Is it possible that there are still people who dare to come so arrogantly into the void today!"

Donghuangqing dares to be so arrogant not only because of the strength in his hands, but also because he thinks that his status is there. The second generation who is the most respected in Jiuzhou, even the direct descendants of the imperial family do not dare to be too arrogant towards him, and this Who is it again?

"The void splits!"

A man in Taoist robes walked across the abyss, which made everyone around him breathe quickly. He said solidly: "Taoist robes should be from Daozhou, but besides that Taoist temple, who else in Daozhou would dare to be so arrogant?" !”

As the man who trampled the void gradually got closer, his figure became clearer and clearer. When a familiar face appeared in Tianji City, countless people were stunned and couldn't help but exclaimed: "Master of the Shenxiao Sect."

"So scary!"

"It's him!"

"How can I have such qualifications!"

The weight of being in the top ten of the saint list is quite terrifying. After the rise of the new generation of direct descendants of various forces, the master of the Shenxiao Sect can still occupy the top ten of the saint list. It can be imagined that his own strength is so strong. After crossing the void and arriving at Tianji City, naturally no one was willing to say a word.


His arrival.

Is it possible?

Is it also related to this matter?

After the leader of the Shenxiao Sect came here, he stared slowly with a pair of introverted eyes. He saw Buddhism, people from other states, and even the young master of the Yin Yang Family. A flash of surprise flashed in his eyes, and immediately Normally said: "The people of Huangzhou are protected!"


Countless people were stunned.


And disbelief.

Deserted state!

When did you meet so many important figures in Jiuzhou?

It would be fine if Huangzhou got to know Liuli Palace by chance. After all, Liuli Palace has many good relationships and is famous in Jiuzhou. It is reasonable for Huangzhou to know each other. However, the master of Shenxiao Sect has a close relationship with Huangzhou. They I have never heard that the master of Huangtian Palace knows the master of Shenxiao Sect!

And in between thoughts.


More cracks.

This time.

Everyone is numb!

Seeing the cracks widening step by step, their scalps were numb and their eyelids were twitching wildly. They murmured, "Could it be that the person who came out this time is related to this matter?"

The young master of the Yin and Yang family who was originally hugging him indifferently looked at a group of people in Huangzhou. It would be interesting if the people who came across the void this time were also related to Huangzhou. I thought it was something I could do easily, but I didn’t. The thought of this was far more interesting than I thought.

Liuli Palace.

The leader of Shenxiao Sect.

There are still people who have never arrived. When did a person with such great energy come into being in Huangzhou, enough to leverage such energy in Jiuzhou, but he didn’t know anything about it!

Ripples appeared in the void, and a middle-aged man wearing a long-sleeved Confucian robe slowly walked out from inside. He had long hair and short beard, his thin face had the rich scholarly air of a scholar, and his pair of ancient and unrippled eyes revealed the luster of wisdom.


Great scholar.

Zhang Ji!

His arrival made many forces frown and couldn't help but whisper: "Zhang Jinai is the successor trained by the previous academy. However, the Confucians of this generation are so outstanding that Jian Qingzhu came from behind, but Zhang Ji's achievements But it should not be underestimated, I never thought it would cause such a big disturbance!”

"Huangzhou, the academy is safe!"

Under Zhang Jiqing's thin cheeks, there is the old-fashioned attitude of a scholar, but his unquestionable voice is full of determination. Even though it is not clear who is the enemy and who is the friend of all the forces present, he still exerts his Confucian pride to the extreme, no matter who is against him. Huangzhou took action and he secured these people.

"Confucianism, academy!"

Dong Huangqing, who was dressed in noble purple-patterned clothes, slightly squinted his eyes as he looked at the group of people in Huangzhou, his eyes flashing. Any one of their forces could disrupt today's events, but He Fangsheng did not hesitate to invite them all at once. Come so much?


Cracks are still being born in the void.

It's suffocating.

There is even a sense of numbness.

Even Leo, the general of the Qin Dynasty, had a bit of horror in his eyes. When he took action, he was sure that Huangzhou would have no contact with the outside world for a long time. No one would fight to help when something happened. How could he know that in an instant There are many gods coming one after another, but looking at this scene, it is not over yet.

His heart trembled.

I don’t know the deserted state.

Which boss is hiding?

How terrifying!


Even before the figure walked out, people already had a premonition in their hearts. Staring at the Confucian crown worn high, they couldn't help but frown and said: "It's Confucianism again, could it be the Palace of the Holy Saint?"


An old man in his sixties, thin but full of energy, walked out of the room. He was chanting the words of a saint, and the aura he exuded was infinitely close to that of a quasi-emperor. Even the fluctuations that overflowed were filled with the aura of a quasi-emperor, which made people doubt whether this old man was a quasi-emperor!

The Supreme Saint Palace!

The Grand Priest!

Donghuang Qing.

The leader of Shenxiao Sect.

The leader of Wanren Mountain.

The people who were ranked higher on the Saint List all looked serious. The Grand Priest of the Supreme Saint Palace was also a famous figure in Jiuzhou back then, and he had a great background. However, for some reason, he chose to give up the competition for the helm of the Supreme Saint Palace and become the lazy Grand Priest. He was a rare person who had been promoted to a quasi-emperor but unexpectedly fell.

Looking at the history of Shenzhou.

They were all extremely rare.

His appearance was extremely heavy, especially the bamboo jade carving knife in his hand, which was an absolute quasi-emperor weapon, and he personally sacrificed it. Could it be that such a person came here for the sake of Huangzhou?

"The Qin Dynasty is so arrogant!" After the arrival of the Grand Priest of the Supreme Saint Dao Palace, he did not directly say that he would protect the people of Huangzhou, but the meaning of his words was clear.

Leo's forehead was covered with cold sweat.

Around him.

It was his heavy cavalry, all of whom were in the holy realm. However, such an army was accompanied by the appearance of the Grand Priest of the Supreme Saint Dao Palace, which made it extremely difficult for them to breathe. It can be seen how terrifying the Grand Priest of the Supreme Saint Dao Palace was. What puzzled them even more was that such a small matter was necessary to alarm such a heavyweight figure?

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