Ye Huang's arrival attracted the attention of countless eyes with her absolute appearance. However, although those with evil intentions were frightened away by the master of the Vientiane Palace, there were still many people who showed strange expressions and looked forward to Ye Huang's follow-up. .

"Barren State!"

Many people murmured softly.

This state.

It's been too long.

Didn't enter Nine Continents.

Instead, it was gradually forgotten.

With the arrival of Ye Huang, they gradually realized that Huangzhou was also a good place. If they could marry here, many things could be done better. Some strange things were ready to make a move, but they still did not take the lead, but There, I was waiting for Ye Huang's trip, wanting to see how far she would fall in the final ranking.

“Hopefully I can get into the top 100!”


"So disappointed!"

They whispered to themselves, and many noble young people were murmuring. If Ye Huang's pure appearance is worthy of their favor, but her noble status since childhood has long been cultivated into a unique character, no matter how beautiful a woman is, she is just an accessory. If she can't Show enough value, the palace is still hers.

Ye Huang did not hesitate.

Come here this time.

He came here for the Jiuzhou Genius List with a clear goal and did not linger in the city. This refreshing behavior also made those noble young people express their appreciation, but they were even more looking forward to Ye Huang's final results. If he could really enter the previous one A hundred is the best, being in the top fifty is excellent, being in the top thirty is worth their big investment.


Enter the tower.

A brief moment.

Ranking skyrocketed.

90 people.

80 people.

70 people.

40 people.

30 people.

15 people.

In just a short period of time, he quickly hit the top fifteen with extraordinary results. This made those early arrivals in Tianji City lose their temper. They came to the Shenzhou Genius List one after another. Looking at the soaring names, they couldn't help but exclaimed: "Still improving."





When the impact reached this point, the entire Tianji City was shaken. Not because of him, the deserted state had been silent for too long and had been gradually forgotten over the years. The shock of the sudden impact to the top ten was still quite big. They couldn't help but stare at that name, followed by a complete freeze.

Ninth place!

Deserted state!

Huangtian Palace!

Ye Huang!

The faces of these onlookers showed wonder, and as the woman wearing the armor walked out, even though she had just experienced a battle and was extremely tired, the cold arrogance revealed in her beautiful eyes was still itchy and inexplicable. A desire to conquer arose, and even more powerful cultivators had the idea of ​​​​wanting to protect her. They couldn't bear to watch the beautiful woman fight so hard.

"Ninth place!"

"Although the name will still be retrograde!"

"Still strong!"

The extremely handsome Ninth Young Master in the Qin Dynasty narrowed his eyes and said, now the top geniuses in Jiuzhou are on their way. Although some have arrived, they have not made it to the genius list. For example, the imperial family in Zhongzhou, the direct descendants of the ancient inheritance, every one born They are all figures who dominate the contemporary world, and none of them have appeared.

As they come to Tianji City, there will be some changes in the top of the Shenzhou Genius List, but it is only fitting that Ye Huang can firmly occupy the top twenty, and it is also the main reason why these characters are so excited.

"Brother Seven!"


The Ninth Young Master of the Qin Dynasty said calmly.

"Not bad!" Qin Nan nodded lightly. He knew Ye Huang quite well. After all, she was the woman who almost defeated him. It was expected that she would rank ninth on the list of geniuses in China. There was no exception!

"I didn't expect that this character would be born in this long-dormant Huangzhou. Could it be that Seventh Brother was defeated by her that day!" Ninth Young Master laughed lightly. He knew Seventh Brother's will after his trip to Huangzhou. After falling for a while, there is a very high probability that Ye Huang will appear.

After all, think about how Brother Qi's arrogance could defeat him so completely and his Taoist heart was severely shattered. Isn't it because he was defeated by the female class that he always looked down on?


Qin Nan narrowed his eyes slightly.

in mind.

Another figure appeared.

Elegance in white.


So far, he was the only one of his peers who had defeated him in a head-to-head confrontation and pursued him for tens of millions of miles across the entire deserted state. If it weren't for the outside monks who didn't want to set foot there, I'm afraid it would be a problem for him to even return to the Qin Dynasty. And every time he thought of this, there would be a brief sting in the corner of his eyes, which was the pain of his life.

"Bai Luli...!" Qin Nan whispered.

Inside Tianji City.

The news is in the air.

Word spread quickly.

All in amazement.

The deserted state remains silent.

Is this a sign of a rise?

First there was Chu Xun.

There is Ye Huang again.

A person ranked at the bottom of the list of saints remained motionless, and his fame spread vaguely throughout China. Even though most people had never seen his true body, his Taoist title and name spread throughout China. Now a powerful dark horse has emerged, in When everyone ignored him, he suddenly burst out and broke into the top ten of China's genius list. It is amazing!

Such remarks.

It just rang.

Then he was ridiculed and scorned: "It's just to occupy a place. I can't even keep the top ten. I don't know what exaggeration there is. The top five in China's genius list in the past are all from Zhongzhou. I have never seen anyone praise them. Now it’s just a new girl, but someone is praising it like this, I don’t know if it’s the evil wind that’s blowing here!”

This kind of remarks gradually suppressed the touting voices, and some people ridiculed: "That Chu Xun is just at the bottom of the saint list, not to mention the top twenty, even the top thirty people have not fought against each other, I really don't know those people who brag. Why do you have the nerve to say this? If I were Chu Xun, I would have come here to break into the tower and prove my innocence. If you have it, you have it, if you don’t have it, you don’t have it. Isn’t it shameful to hold a 72 and occupy the manhole without shitting? "

The city is polarized.


Someone is targeting Huangzhou.

I don’t know if he wants to deliberately suppress Huangzhou, isolate Huangzhou, and then appear next to Ye Huang at the right time to give her support and a sense of security, or if he wants to do something.

And at this time.

Tianji City.

Two more guests arrived.

All are so elegant.

One is as rich as jade, with handsome features like a person in a painting, and the other is also so extraordinary, dressed in white clothes and spotless. The two of them came to Tianji City hand in hand, making everyone who saw the extraordinary temperament feel Surprised, I thought he was the direct descendant cultivated by some ancient Taoism in Zhongzhou.

"Junior brother!"

Jiang Chen had a slight smile on his face. They had just entered Tianji City, but they didn't expect to hear rumors against Huangzhou and his master.

"Yes!" Bai Luli also nodded lightly, looking with eyes as bright as stars. He understood the look in his senior brother's eyes with just one look, and said calmly: "I have informed Liu Jian that it won't take long for the three of our senior brothers to will get together!”


Jiang Chen stretched lazily.

Listen to the rumors.

Squint slightly.

But he didn't rush to take action.

But thinking about it in my heart.

This trip.

He should be the successor of Butian Sect.

Or is Huangzhou's identity revealed to the world?

The seventh day.

Tianji City.

Another well-known figure was welcomed, the black-robed swordsman Liu Jian. This is not an ordinary figure. He set up a ring in Jianzhou and won for thirteen consecutive days. In the end, he lost because of his inferior level. I heard that Not only did he catch up to the next level, he also absorbed these setbacks and nutrients, and his strength reached an unimaginable level.

I don’t know if I broke into the tower this time.

Which one will be ranked.

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