
The head of Liushui Sword Sect laughed out loud. Before, they were under great pressure and were beaten up by an unknown person, even challenging the leaders of seven first-class forces in Jianzhou. But after revealing his identity, it was normal.

He could have killed Gu Yuancheng earlier, but now he was just pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger. What was the point of losing when they didn't know the details? Besides, they were not opponents. Now let Alliance Leader Cao worry about it.

They laughed secretly.

There was also a relaxed look on their faces.

More curious.

This legendary figure suddenly appeared in front of him, still with a sense of surprise, and he knew that he was a demonic figure that even Zhongzhou's Supreme Dynasty, Qin Dynasty, and Yuhua Dynasty rejected.

"This battle... I can't fight!" Alliance Leader Cao restrained the sword light on his body after a brief silence. If Chu Xun changed his name, even any name on the Saint List would dare to fight with the other party, but the target of this battle was Chu Xun at the end of the Saint List, but he couldn't do it.

As we all know.

Chu Xun.

Good at formations.

It would be fine if he, a tough guy ranked 11th on the Saint List, attacked someone at the bottom of the Saint List, but the opponent was not the best at swordsmanship. Instead, he used his most advantageous side to crush the disadvantaged side. If it got out, he would lose face. Even if he won, it would be an unfair victory.


Anyone with a discerning eye could see that Chu Xun was young. He was already bullying the weak. If he continued to bully others in his advantageous field, he would lose face, so he couldn't fight this battle.


Chu Xun frowned slightly. He still wanted to fight with Alliance Leader Cao.

"It would be unfair to fight you!" Alliance Leader Cao shook his head and said, "You are good at formations, not swordsmanship. If you were a pure sword cultivator, I would definitely fight you, but you are not, so I won't fight you in this battle!"


Tianyun Ancient Battlefield.


Those crowded cultivators.

They also let out a long breath of foul air.

Although this reason was a bit far-fetched, they were somewhat relieved. For some reason, they were afraid that Alliance Leader Cao would capsize. In their opinion, not taking action was the best solution. If I didn't take action, I wouldn't lose. If I didn't lose, no one would admit that Jianzhou's swordsmanship was not as good as an outsider.

Thinking like this!

Very good!

"What a pity!"

Chu Xun nodded gently. He had seen that Alliance Leader Cao's fighting spirit was fading. It was meaningless to force a fight at this time. Even if he won, it would not be so comfortable. Since the other party was unwilling to fight, it was fine!

Alliance Leader Cao was also slightly relieved in his heart. Although he looked honest, he had his own little thoughts. Otherwise, he would not be able to sit on the position of Alliance Leader. If it was just a fight, he would not be afraid, but he panicked after exposing his identity. He also knew a lot about Chu Xun.

The formation raised his hand to kill Gu Yuancheng.

This shows.

The way of formation.

At least it is in the top 30 levels.

In terms of swordsmanship.

It has been revealed in the fight just now.

At least it is in the top 30 levels.

Don't forget.

The reason why Chu Xun became famous.

At that time.

Tianji Pavilion didn't know that he was good at formation.

They only knew Ruzhou.

If this guy really knows Confucianism.

What if he can match the two again.

My head is numb!

Even if he is not necessarily the opponent, what if this guy has a backhand? If he loses, it means the luck of the entire Jianzhou. He can't afford to gamble, at least he can't afford to gamble in this situation where everyone is paying attention. If he changes to another place, he is still willing to fight in his heart. At this time, the other party is willing to give a step, and he also said: "Then wait for Chu Daoyou to be completely named in the Saint List before fighting again!"


Chu Xun nodded.

Took this step.



Many cultivators also breathed a sigh of relief.

There is both dissipation after suppression.

There is also some indignation.


"Damn Yujian Sect!"

"Why did you provoke their disciples for no reason!"

If it weren't for Yujian Sect, how could this incident have happened? An outsider sword cultivator defeated seven people on the Saint List alone. Unlike the last time when some of them were not included in the Saint List, this time there were seven real Saints. It was a typical example of helping others to become famous, which made them angry. The most annoying thing was that Alliance Leader Cao gave up in the end.

Divine consciousness permeated.

The emotions below.

It also caught Chu Xun's eyes. He also knew that his trip had caused many setbacks to Jianzhou, where the chivalry was flourishing and the sword was prosperous. These people saw him fighting seven people. Even if Alliance Leader Cao suppressed the subsequent decadence, the news spread out, and the hearts of the Jianzhou cultivators were finally covered with a layer of haze, which greatly affected the fortune of the state.

Besides, he also gained a lot from this trip to Jianzhou. Whether it was the sword technique that nourished his mind or the sword experience he learned from the seven leaders of the first-class forces, he gained a lot and was not stingy in turning the potential grudges into nothingness and friendship.


The index finger and the middle finger stood together and drew a virtual line downward. In an instant, a huge sword energy gully appeared on the Tianyun Ancient Battlefield, and surging sword energy surged out of it. It was extremely pure, and people could feel the endless sword energy as soon as they got close.

Destruction sword intent!

Destruction sword intent!

Killing sword intent!

Life sword intent!

In an instant, Leader Cao, who was standing in the sky, felt several clear kendos under the kendo abyss. They were attached to the side of the cliff. If a person who practices this way just approaches, he will feel the rich Taoist fruits. This pair of For Jianzhou sword cultivators, it is equivalent to a holy land. The most terrifying thing is that anyone can come here to practice. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for casual cultivators and rangers.

"There are several opportunities for me in it, including a great saint level and a quasi-emperor level swordsmanship. It is contained in it. Those who are destined can get it. In the future, Jianzhou monks can also come here to learn!" Chu Xun said loudly.

In an instant.


The sky is filled with monks.

I don’t know how many people.

His eyes suddenly lit up.

Look up again.

Looking at the handsome man in green shirt, he murmured: "How can this person be from outside the state? He is clearly a swordsman who was born and raised in Jianzhou, and he is also the kendo master I have never met before!"

Alliance leader Cao and the seven leaders of the first-rate forces first had horror in their eyes. They had only felt the pure sword intent before, and did not know that there was a quasi-emperor level inheritance contained in it. This made them suddenly excited when they heard about it, and they also saw it immediately. At this moment, the low luck in Jianzhou suddenly soared like a trapped dragon rising into the sky, roaring for nine days.

This moment.

They are blessed to the soul.

Jianzhou's luck soared.

Some great geniuses will be born, and these reasons are closely related to the man in green shirt. For a moment, they all forgot their previous displeasure and saluted seriously: "Thank you, fellow Taoist!"

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