Yin Hong.


But so bright.

"I lost...!" Madam Xu's eyes showed horror, and she knew that if Chu Xun hadn't kept her hand, her head would have been separated. What she didn't understand was that the Shadow Sword Sect's sword was already the fastest in Jiuzhou, why? His sword can even be faster.

The entire Tianyun ancient battlefield.

There was dead silence.

Countless looks.

Stay there.



"How can it be!"

The eyes of these people were horrified, and there was a lingering sense of shock in their pupils. Even if they were of a low level and didn't understand anything, the people around them were not the same. Those elders were all frightened and said: "The wind of the Shadow Sword Sect. The sword intention was learned by him!"

"Just one look!"

Even the leaders of the seven first-class forces entrenched in the sky and the beings on the saint list looked horrified. They couldn't help but think of Ruzhou. Only Ruzhou has this incredible ability. You can understand it at a glance. Mysteries can be turned into one's own use in a short period of time, which is indistinguishably related to Confucianism's natural reading of tens of thousands of volumes.

Close books all day.

Cumbersome text.

Endless mystery.

All can understand.

Just take a look at someone else's unique skills and borrow them for a short period of time.

"It's not Confucianism!" Alliance leader Cao took a deep breath and said slowly. Just now, he was stunned for a moment, but soon realized that there was no fluctuation of Confucianism in the world. Some young man used a similar sword technique in some unknown way. , making his sword faster than the Shadow Sword Sect, thus defeating both sides.


The leader of the Shadow Sword Sect who coughed up blood weakly climbed up from the ruins of the Tianyun Ancient Battlefield. His clothes were ragged and his lips were stained with blood, but he stared at him in shock.

"You guys, please come together!" The man in green shirt said his tone was as frivolous and calm as ever, but this time the remaining five sect leaders of the first-rate forces straightened their bodies and showed their solemnity.

"excuse me!"

They got up.

The swordsmanship just now.

He has proven his strength.

Just one person.

Impossible to win.

The leader of the Flowing Water Sword Sect is an old man who sits cross-legged. He has a gentle expression, but his wrinkled cheeks are full of solemnity. His flowing water sword intention is even more unique. In a place where Jianzhou is famous for its sharpness and speed, he can still achieve great power. It can be seen that in the place where Jianzhou is famous for its sharpness and speed, The ability of Flowing Water Sword Intent.


A sword river.

From heaven.

Just like the gorgeous Milky Way.

Such as Jiutian Waterfall.

Falling down.

"Wow...Grandpa, that's a waterfall!" Some young children said innocently, pointing to the crystal waterfall and full of joy, but their elders were full of horror, knowing that every drop of water and every crystal sword flower was like a waterfall. It's the shining sword intent.

"Hmm~!" Chu Xun looked at the Flowing Water Sword Intent thoughtfully. His initial practice was also this kind of method. He was a big river Sword Intent and regarded himself as a trump card. As his practice increased, no one gave him guidance in this way. , which led to his slow progress and being abandoned by him. Now that he saw the flowing water sword intention, he became even more enlightened.

It turns out...it can still be like this.

Dahe Sword Intent.

Not only can it be soft.

It can also be soft yet strong.

Like the Milky Way hanging down from the sky, it looks weak, but in fact there is no room for resistance under the impact of the general trend. This is the real silence that is better than sound. It seems fragile is the most terrifying. The green lotus in the body also follows the trend in my heart. After realizing it, the sound of gurgling water also appeared, making Qinglian more and more vivid.

"Thank you!"

Chu Xun thanked him softly.

Raise your hand and hold it empty.

A sword light appeared in his hand. To his current state, sword light was everywhere in the world. If he wanted to, the light could be a sword, the breeze could be a sword, the eyes could also be a sword, and everything in the world could be condensed. It turned into a sword, so a sword was born under his empty hand, and it passed gently, and a sword light appeared in the sky and the earth.

"Dahe Sword Intent!"

surge out.

Raging rivers.

After many ups and downs.

Different from the old man's hanging Milky Way falling from the sky, Chu Xun's sword light is the pure sword intention of the river, as if it is drawn from the Donglin Sect. This sword river also contains mottled swordsmanship. Although it is weak, every sword light can be They were all realized by the monks of Donglin Sect, and when they came together, they filled the world with fireworks.


The mighty sword river.

Collide one after another.

Like the sound of a bank breaking.


The leader of the Zhengyi Sword Sect has never been idle. As the oldest sect in Jianzhou, the Zhengyi Sect of swordsmanship is quite pure in the way of swordsmanship. He stared and said: "I have a sword that can cut mountains!"


Pure sword!

There are no other fluctuations.

It is not accompanied by any laws.

Law of destruction.

Break the rules.

The law of killing.

King's Law.

Overbearing law.

These laws that are often rare in swordsmanship do not appear at all in the hands of the Zhengyi Sword Sect. This is an extremely pure sword cultivation, loyal to the sword, and obsessed with the sword, without any rules, just simply moving the sword, but this The destructive power of a pure sword cultivator is far greater than that of any other person!

"Pure sword cultivation!" Even Chu Xun's eyes froze slightly. This was the first time he sensed an extremely pure sword, without any Taoist fruit involved, and with this alternative method, he achieved the status of a great sage, and even became a saint. This person is worthy of respect, but unfortunately his attainments in kendo are too high.

Green Lotus Sword Intent.

It may seem weak, but it is an out-and-out imperial inheritance.

This alone.

He surpassed them countless times.

In addition, this Green Lotus Sword Intention could absorb their pure sword intentions all the time to nourish himself. For example, the Green Lotus in his sea of ​​consciousness had expanded more than twice as much as before. This was asking the sword, and also nourishing his own swordsmanship.

"Nine Swordsmanship Styles!"

Chu Xun said calmly.

He held the sword in his hand.

He slashed down in the air.

This was the swordsmanship he had realized when he was in the ninth realm of the Saint of the Desolate Heaven Palace. It was the prototype of the Great Saint Sword Intention. Even so, he was expelled from the Desolate Heaven Palace. It was a pity. However, this swordsmanship was also completely perfected when he was preaching in the Donglin Sect. He condensed the Dao Fruit of the Swordsmanship in one fell swoop, which was also the first Dao Fruit of his own practice.

It can be said that using this move to deal with the leader of the Zhengyi Sword Sect was quite respectful.

The leader of the Taijian Sect murmured, "I'm sorry!"

He held the sword in the air.

Between heaven and earth.

One hundred and eight sword lights were derived.












He spat out the names of the sword lights one by one, and as a name was called out, a bright star suddenly appeared above the nine heavens, reflecting a beam of light from the distant outside world into the sword body, making the illusory sword light instantly accompanied by spirituality, like an ancient god possessed on the sword body.

In an instant.

His whole body.

Filled with an ancient atmosphere.

It was heart-shaking.

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