The seven sword boxes beside the old man sitting cross-legged above the Sword Sect were empty, without a single sword inside. He looked at the man in green behind him with a trembling voice, "Who are you?"


Chu Xun glanced at him indifferently and said, "You are not worthy!"


Such arrogant words.

He is really like a madman.

The Great Saint Realm cultivator is not worthy of knowing his name. Thinking of the natal swords that just shattered in the blink of an eye, and the two of them practicing at a completely different level, these passers-by have to admit that he has the qualifications to be so arrogant, and at the same time, they are also very confused. Is it appropriate for this character to be on the Saint List?

Good at swords!

Come to Jianzhou!

Looking for disciples!

For a while.

The news spread.

Caused a stir in Jianzhou. If Liu Jian's previous experience in Jianzhou and his disappearance did not cause any waves, it would have been just an insignificant incident near the Yujian Sect, which would have been insignificant in Jianzhou. But now it is different. A Saint-level master has entered Jianzhou, and he is good at swordsmanship. The impact is naturally different.


Wulin League.

Jianzhou was not simply called Jianzhou, but Wuzhou, a state faction composed entirely of wandering knights. Unlike other states, where there are dynasties or sects, Wuzhou was a notorious chaotic state in Shenzhou Continent at that time. There was no order. Those who were wanted in other states and could not make it rushed to Wuzhou.

Over time.

Wuzhou became the world of wanderers.

All kinds of people.

All gathered here.

Therefore, the Wulin League was born, a force recognized and admired by all rangers. All practitioners can compete here. As long as the strongest one defeats all enemies, he can serve as the leader of the Wulin League and command the entire Wuzhou. This is the origin of the Wulin League.

However, as the long years passed, several pure sword cultivators were born in the Wulin League. They created their own unique school and brought the sword to the extreme, attracting countless people in Wuzhou to practice. As Jianzhou continued to expand, they began to exclude those niche practitioners, and gradually there was only one kind of practitioner in Wuzhou... Sword cultivators!

Wuzhou's name.

Naturally, it became Jianzhou!

And this is the origin of Jianzhou. Now Chu Xun is sitting in a restaurant by the window, listening to the origin of Jianzhou calmly, and thinking about it in his heart.

Zhanzhou, good at physical combat!

Fozhou, good at Buddhist cultivation!

Daozhou, good at Taoism!

Ruzhou, good at bragging!

Jianzhou is naturally a place where pure swordsmen practice. Other sects that practice swords cannot survive in Jianzhou and are forced to leave. Even if there are forces that want to infiltrate, how can ordinary teachings compare to the fact that everyone in a state practices swordsmanship? This has cultivated the situation that sword-carrying teenagers can be seen everywhere in Jianzhou, and even women can wield swords, with chivalrous spirit!

"Have you heard about it!"

"A cultivator from the outside world has come!"

"He is good at swordsmanship!"

"He has defeated many great saints in succession!"

"And he defeated them with swordsmanship!"

"What a shame!"

"I am good at swordsmanship in Jianzhou, but I was defeated in my own territory... It's really annoying!" The inn was in a commotion, but someone said in distress: "It's because the Yujian Sect took a fancy to his disciple Liu Jian's swordsmanship and forcibly plundered it, which led to the attraction of this great enemy. I say that the Yujian Sect deserves to die!"



The outside world is still talking like this.

Jianzhou Headquarters.

Wulin Alliance.

Naturally know.

The current leader of the Wulin League is a powerful swordsman in the Shenzhou Continent, ranking 11th on the Saint List. Don't underestimate this ranking. In the current Saint List, the top ten are all geniuses who are almost certain to enter the Quasi-Emperor, and the remaining two are the masters of a religion who have long been famous.

And the 11th to 20th on the Saint List are almost all the strongest masters of a holy place in a state, such as the master of the Desolate Palace in the Desolate State; the master of the Dao Palace in Chen State! The abbot of the White Dragon Temple in Fo State; the leader of the Wulin League in Jian State, so this 11th-ranked name is already extremely well-known, at least looking at the Shenzhou Continent, they are all the top people.

At present, the leader of the Wulin League, Cao Chong, has a simple face and is loyal and honest. Listening to the report from his subordinates, he frowned slightly and said: "I have an impression of the top 72 on the Saint List, and no one has an impression of this person!"

The 72nd on the Saint List.

Fifteen are good at swordsmanship!

Jian State occupies nine!

As for the young man who is good at sword cultivation and is on the Saint List, there are only a few of them. He knows this person who has not been introduced by his subordinates. He murmured: "Could it be that he is not on the Saint List, but has the strength of the Saint List? Even the Tianji Pavilion may miss him sometimes, such as the one at the end of the Saint List, whose trump card no one knows until now."

He paused for a moment.

He said slowly: "What is the situation in the outside world!"


"Yes!" Cao Chong, the leader of the Wulin League, nodded. This is to be expected.

"However... Miss Xu, who is 68th on the Saint List, has issued a letter of challenge to challenge this rising star in the Tianyun Ancient Battlefield. Among them, the leader of the Taijian Sect, who is 54th on the Saint List, and the leader of the Longhu Sword Sect, who is 47th, have both promised to invite this guest to the Tianyun Ancient Battlefield. I just don't know if he is willing to fight!"

"I know!" After the leader of the Wulin League paused, he said: "Spread the news and say that I will go there that day."

The people below hesitated slightly.

So grand.

What if!

That not showing up for the appointment!

Cao Chong, who looked honest, had a smile on his face. He knew that the other party would not do that. There were only two purposes for him to come to Jianzhou: either to sharpen his swordsmanship or to find a disciple. Both reasons required a grand fight that would spread throughout Jianzhou and attract all eyes. He had already helped him to add fuel to the fire.

If he still refused to come!

Then the purpose of coming to Jianzhou.

It was meaningful!

At that time... Don't blame him, the leader of the Wulin Alliance, for bullying the weak.



In a certain inn by the window.

There was a lot of discussion.

"Do you think he will go?"

"It's hard to say!"

"This is not an ordinary character."

"They are all masters ranked on the Saint List!"

"How can he go if he is not absolutely sure!"

In the restaurant, Chu Xun drank a cup of turbid wine in his hand, with a hearty smile on his face. He would naturally go to such a challenge. First, he could find a disciple, and second, he also wanted to observe the level of sword cultivation in Jianzhou. If he could absorb the sword intent into the Qinglian sword intent, it would naturally be a better thing.

Walked to the first floor of the inn.

Before leaving.

A slightly drunk guest inadvertently glanced at Chu Xun's back, first confused and rubbed his eyes, and said in surprise: "He, he, he is the swordsman from another state!"


Everyone in the inn looked over, and Chu Xun had already left the inn. These people hurried to the street, looking at his back and direction, and said in surprise: "This is the Tianyun Ancient Battlefield... He is going to keep the appointment!"

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