There was a brief silence in the air.

It was eerily quiet.

Wang He.

Elder Jiang.

Elder Sun.

Cold sweat broke out on their foreheads, as if they had never expected that Master Xiao would suddenly say these words. You must know that the woman in front of them is not only a saint from Liuli Palace, but she is also a powerful person ranked 34th on the saint list. Or, if she attacks Master Xiao, no one can stop her, not even Elder Chu at this time may be her opponent.

"Ha!" The Saint of Liuli Palace also narrowed her eyes and said lazily and casually: "I don't care, as long as Elder Chu is willing, I can be a concubine or a maid!"

The hearts of several elders were trembling, and they cautiously raised their heads to look at the Saint of the Liuli Palace. They didn’t know how much of the joke was contained in these words. At the same time, they were also afraid that sparks would break out if they continued to communicate. They said repeatedly: "Li Sheng, I am from the Donglin Sect. There are still some places to visit. If you don’t mind, can I take you for a walk?”

Xiao Rongyu stared at the latter with beautiful eyes.

The Glass Saint stretched lazily. When he walked out of the palace, even he was shocked by what he just said. He thought how could he, the majestic Saint of the Glass Palace, say such words, but these thoughts returned to normal in just a blink of an eye. Secretly, he wrote on the Jiexin Order quietly: "No. 9, I'm here to find you!"

In the main hall.

The atmosphere was inexplicably stiff.

Elder Sun said sarcastically: "What, I suddenly thought of something else... Say goodbye first!"


Li Sheng, who had just barely walked away, paused. When he looked out, he saw only a divine dragon pulling the chariot. The demonic aura shook the entire world, causing all practitioners in the Eastern Region to walk out of their quiet rooms and look up, with a sense of shock in their pupils. , exclaimed: "Dragon Pulling the Wheel, what kind of force can have such a surging scene and background!"

So majestic.

Above the divine dragon, stood a group of dazzling figures. They were dressed in gorgeous robes, and the leader was wearing a golden four-clawed python robe. They had the pressure of being calm and powerful, and there were two feminine figures standing beside them. The little eunuchs, even if they are eunuchs, their cultivation level is terrifying in the Great Saint Realm!


"The Feather Dynasty!"

The Saint of Liuli Palace narrowed her eyes slightly.

After the arrival of this force, there were waves in the void and a gap opened. A simple chariot rolled its wheels and slowly walked out. There were flags floating on the chariot, and the carriage was covered with knife tip marks, leaving behind Mottled by the years, it is an ancient chariot that has endured the traces of history for a long time.


"Qin Dynasty!"

Lisheng's breath was slightly condensed. She would not be surprised if only two forces came. But what was really surprising was the arrival of these two forces. The man wearing a python robe and the eunuch standing behind him belonged to the prince of the Yuhua Dynasty, and the current relative of the Yuhua Dynasty. My younger brother has a respected position, but I don’t want to attract him personally.

She didn't see the origin of the Qin Dynasty, but she recognized the mottled chariot. It belonged to the chariots of the Qin Dynasty when it first opened up its territory. There were only four of them, and each one was extremely precious. He got into the cars of important people, and one of them was awarded to the great sage Zhenwu, the son-in-law of Chenglong Kuai of the Qin Dynasty.

No matter who it is.

This one is coming.


It must be amazing!

The forces from both sides arrived almost at the same time. They looked at each other from a distance, their eyes filled with sparks in the air. At the same time, they also looked towards Donglin Sect and saw the Saint of Liuli Palace below. Their eyes flickered with a little surprise.

"Li Sheng pays homage to the Fourth Prince!"

"I also pay my respects to the nobles of the Qin Dynasty!"

Li Sheng smiled and flew into the air, saluting the two important figures.


The prince of the Yuhua Dynasty nodded slightly, with a smile on his face and said: "I have heard that Liuli Palace is well-informed and I finally saw it. I thought he would be the fastest to arrive, but I didn't expect that Liuli Palace had already arrived first. Looking at the situation, Liuli Palace The honey trap doesn't work anymore." He couldn't help laughing.

There were nodding sounds from the Qin Dynasty's chariot.

The people in the East Territory didn't know where these people came from, but just looking at this aura was so overwhelming; and the Donglin Sect's eyes were also staring at the chariot, and their breathing froze slightly. There was horror in his eyes, and his palms unconsciously became wet from the tight grip. It was sweat and intense tension.

"Been waiting for so long!"

"Are you still here?"

"Qin Dynasty!"

"Great Sage Zhenwu!"

"Ye Wushuang!"

They trill.

This name, which they had forgotten for a short period of time and thought of frequently and experienced endless horror, came to mind.

The prince of the Yuhua Dynasty signaled from the corner of his eye, and the eunuch beside him shouted softly: "The Yuhua Dynasty has come to invite Senior Chu to join the dynasty to practice, treat him as a distinguished guest, and worship him until he is the quasi-emperor!"

The sound rolled and spread throughout the vast space.

At this moment, countless people's hearts trembled.

Countless pairs of eyes in the East Territory looked at this scene in shock. A prince from the Yuhua Dynasty personally invited him. Is this another Ye Wushuang going to be born?

And the Eastern Region.

These ordinary forces.

Xuanwang Palace.

Floating Moon Sect.

Wan Jian Zong.

Wanbao Trading Co., Ltd.

They listened to the mighty feminine voice as if in a dream, and their hearts were filled with endless trance. The Yuhua Dynasty of Zhongzhou, the ancient overlord, actually rushed to the Eastern Region in person to invite Elder Chu to practice. This level of shock was far beyond that of Huangtian Palace Ye Huang's invitation was comparable, and he murmured in shock: "Elder Chu is about to take off!"

No one in the Donglin Sect was happy. They just stared at the ancient chariot of the Qin Dynasty and trembled: "What is supposed to come will eventually come!"

Such weird emotions.

Inside the chariot.

Naturally responsive.

A calm but mighty voice came from inside, and said slowly: "The Qin Dynasty wants to invite Chu Xun to practice in the palace. Moreover, I know the matter between you and Ye Wushuang, and can coordinate to turn the conflict into friendship. From now on, the two of you will join forces to share the common destiny." If you practice in Zhongzhou, the future of China will belong to you two!"


The calm and gentle voice came out, making countless people in the Donglin Sect breathe a sigh of relief. Fortunately, it was not Ye Wushuang. At the same time, the subsequent words also gave hope to many worried people in the Donglin Sect. Elder Chu and Zhenwu Da If the Holy Spirit joins forces, there will really be a place for them in China in the future. Besides, both of them came from the Eastern Region, so what unresolved knots are there?

When the Saint of Liuli Palace heard this, her eyes flickered with a strange color. There was some grudge between No. 9 and Ye Wushuang, but she didn't know it at all. There was a difference in her beautiful eyes, and she also looked down.

The Feather Dynasty.

Qin Dynasty.

Both of them are supreme overlords in Zhongzhou, and the people who come are also of noble status. The leader of one sect has already led the entire sect to greet them before they approach the other place, and staying in the Eastern Region has given them enough face. No. 9 should show up at some point to respond.

But what awaited them was a long silence, and a woman in bright red robes, her jade feet touching the sky, her red lips lightly parted and said: "Thank you, Elder Chu is practicing and it is inconvenient to leave the seclusion!"

Is this a polite refusal?

Four fields.

The oppressive silence.

No one thought that this was the case. The supreme overlord of Zhongzhou personally invited her. Who could refuse? However, the Lord of the Liuli Palace looked at this woman who was obviously not high in cultivation and was like a firefly in front of the two big men, but she could be so proud. , even if you are in the sky, under the pressure of the aura, you are still neither humble nor arrogant, and maintain your original intention.

Her eyes.

Admiration gradually spreads.

The prince of the Yuhua Dynasty spoke, his eyes passed directly over Xiao Rongyu, overlooking the Donglin Sect below, his voice was calm but put great pressure on people: "Where is Chu Xun!"

Inside the ancient chariot of the Qin Dynasty, there is also waiting for the follow-up!

ps: Happy birthday to our great motherland!

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