"Do you want the host to redeem...2000 points are required!" the system reminded!


Normally, the system would definitely have agreed to the exchange and delivered such a thing, but this time the system fell into a brief silence and did not respond immediately. After a few breaths of silence, it spoke: "Does the host exchange what is needed for the 'Devil Prison'? 2000 points, please consider it seriously!”

Chu Xun sat up straight and squinted at the introduction about the Demon Prison. It is a functional auxiliary training equipment, most suitable for training and sparring.

A very vicious demon is imprisoned inside.

What Chu Xun wants to do.

Just defeat them!


There is a limit.

When entering for the first time, you need to clear the first level before you can come out, otherwise you will be trapped in it. The reason why the system asks this question is that it defaults to the fact that Chu Xun's current strength does not have the ability to break through the first level, so he must exchange for the Demon Prison. Only then will the system ask again and again.


Chu Xun nodded.


The system did not refuse anymore. A cold aura filled the secret room. A three-story pagoda appeared on his palm. Layers of frost overflowed from it, making the sleeves of his green shirt condensate and stiffen. The cold air overflowing under his feet condensed rapidly. It turned into frost and spread at a speed visible to the naked eye, turning into a world of ice.



Ice spreads.

Covered on the wall.

In the blink of an eye.

The secret room has turned into the strongest dark attribute, and people approaching here from the outside world can't help but shiver. It's a cold that trembles from the very soul.

"Devil's prison!"

Chu Xun whispered to himself.

His eyes also flickered slightly.

The system does not think he has the strength to break through, so he hesitates again and again. But now he has achieved great results in speaking, spelling, and formation. Coupled with the way of swordsmanship, he doesn't think there are many that can be trapped in the territory of the Great Sage. For the sake of safety, he still asked: "What kind of cultivation is on the first level inside!"

"Great Holy Realm!"

The system responded.


Chu Xun nodded, and entered directly with only a moment's hesitation. If he couldn't even pass the first level of the Great Sage Realm, then he would immerse himself in it until he broke through.


His consciousness sank and he fell into endless darkness. Chu Xun felt awe-inspiring when a ray of reason emanated from his waking state. There was a dark scene in front of him. In the darkness, there was a figure sitting cross-legged next to him. It was not a human being. There are also long iron chains that bind it and imprison it there.

"Is this here?" Chu Xun whispered. The evil spirit and coldness here were extremely strong, corroding the body all the time, and the connection with the outside world was directly cut off, which weakened his ability to speak and speak. Because Most of the Confucian teachings and instructions are about making wishes to the way of heaven, but here the connection between the two is directly severed.

"It can still be like this...!" Chu Xun said softly.

I don’t know whether I should be happy.

It's still a pity.

He found a way to deal with Confucianism, which caused a flaw in this Confucianism that he once thought was incomprehensible. But here he also weakened his own strength out of thin air. The words and methods of Confucianism were directly suppressed to a terrifying level. Only relying on his own condensed Confucianism Daoguo, it is obviously impossible to burst out with super strength.

The way of the formation is also infinitely weakened. The surrounding space is dark and cold. The powerful destruction and greed and demonic desire that impact the mind are constantly filling the mind to defeat any external invader, causing other laws to be destroyed as soon as they bloom. rout.

"The formation has also been weakened!"

Chu Xun looked solemn.

His two strongest methods were infinitely suppressed. Only swordsmanship, relying on the Qinglian Sword Intent, was still at its peak. Although it was also suppressed, it was no longer so strong. He suddenly understood why the system reminded him again and again.

"Are you finally going to kill me?"

The figure sitting cross-legged said in a low voice. It raised its head and saw a pair of terrifying and scarlet eyes. They were so eye-catching in the darkness. They were filled with all kinds of evil thoughts such as destruction, rage, and killing. It also made Chu Xun understand why he was here. There are no other laws in this area, because the devil's violent evil thoughts are always filling this area, which is enough to destroy any laws.


He tried to condense a formation in this dark space, but the prototype was destroyed by the violent artistic conception as soon as it was born. If he forcibly carved out a formation, its power would be greatly weakened, and it would be far less powerful than the outside world, which also made him extinguished. The idea of ​​using the formation came up.


"A saint in the ninth realm is trying to kill me...!" The figure sitting cross-legged mocked itself in a low voice. There were two tentacles on its head. Sitting cross-legged, it appeared as a human body, and the atmosphere that filled the whole body was The terrifying cold evil energy surged and oppressed, once filling the entire dark space. The ordinary Great Saint Realm was like an ant under this wave of fluctuations.

Hard to imagine.

A great sage.

How could he be so strong.

And what's even more shocking is.

Who imprisoned it here.

And this demon seems to be a living creature, not an unconscious and empty creature.

While Chu Xun's mind was shaken, the figure sitting cross-legged moved, and the chains wrapped around his body rattled. The iron chains stretched out, releasing the terrifying dark demonic nature, which was the terrifying way of devouring. The sharp iron chains surged forward, accompanied by the demon roaring: "Get out!"

Rolling sound waves exploded.


Ordinary Great Saint Realm.

Drink it loudly.

Will die suddenly.


Chu Xun had the protection of the stars in his mind, which was the inheritance of the emperor obtained in the War God Tower of the Heart of the Realm, and was specifically designed to resist this kind of soul-level impact.

And the cold iron chain seemed to have a limit, and it could no longer move forward when it approached the area of ​​30 feet from Chu Xun.

"Shh~!" The sitting demon god sneered and looked at Chu Xun. During the long years of imprisonment, it was boring and tedious. He was alone all day. The long imprisonment made it see no hope of life, and even gave birth to the thought of death early. But here it was bound and it was impossible to die. When it saw Chu Xun, it felt relieved, unwilling, and strongly relieved.

But when it felt Chu Xun's cultivation, its mentality changed slightly. Even if it died, it had to die with dignity. What qualifications did a saintly ant of the ninth realm have to kill it!

Looking at the figure with a sneer.

Under the sound wave.

Will the body explode?

Boom boom boom~!

The strong soul shock hit the mind. Even though Chu Xun also practiced the ‘Primordial Spirit Star’, his mind still shook a little, but it only lasted for a breath. Then he suddenly opened his bright eyes, stared at the demon god with extremely strong evil desires, and said: "Why can't I kill you!"


The figure sitting there laughed, and glanced at Chu Xun with scarlet eyes and said contemptuously: "You are not an opponent now!"


It flicked its sleeves lightly, and the whole dark space was crisscrossed with dark iron chains, blocking it in its area, and its original body slowly closed its eyes, but the corners of its mouth slightly raised, as if the person who broke in to kill it was not so weak, but the cold voice still echoed inside: "You are far from being an opponent now, get out!"



The iron chains intertwined.


Each iron chain is accompanied by a terrifying avenue, including the avenue of destruction, the avenue of darkness, the avenue of madness, the avenue of killing... and many other terrifying dark attributes of Dao fruit. These gathered in one demon god, it is enough to imagine how much killing it caused before it was imprisoned. If it was missing, it would not be able to do this.

Chu Xun raised his eyebrows. No wonder the system hesitated again and again when exchanging it to him. Although this demon head has been imprisoned for a long time, his madness has become more and more intense. Now under the dual suppression of Confucian Dao fruit and formation Dao fruit, he is really no match for this demon god.

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