A brief pause.

Chu Xun looked at the latter and asked slowly: "How to improve your swordsmanship!"


A flash of surprise flashed across the face of the Palace Master of Huangtian Palace, as if he did not expect Chu Xun to ask such a question. In the blink of an eye, many kendo classics appeared in his sleeves, all of which were carefully collected. Each of them was obtained from the kendo genius. Among them were Some were owned by his defeated enemies, who said: "Look at these!"

"Not much help!"

Simple browsing.

Chu Xun shook his head.

This made the Palace Master of Huangtian Palace raise his eyebrows, and said slightly in surprise: "It seems that your attainments in swordsmanship are not bad." A transparent illusory sword bloomed on the fingertips, and asked: "How is it?"

"Not bad!" Chu Xun nodded slightly, and released a pure illusory small sword from his palm, and the sword became more restrained and solid. Before going to the Confucian Emperor's tomb, his bottom-line method was In the way of swordsmanship, he also realized a complete set of great sage level sword moves in sequence, thus condensing the fruit of the great sage level.

The eyes of the Palace Master of Huangtian Palace changed a little, and he muttered: "I don't know much about your specific attainments in swordsmanship. Let's try it out and we will know after we fight!"


Jiang Chen came to serve Jiang Chen, who was about to pour tea, his eyes flashed with surprise. Their identities represented the two strongest people in Huangzhou. One was the master of Huangtian Palace, and the other was the rising star Donglin Sect. Besides, The power of the two has long surpassed that of other people in the Eastern Region. If the two of them fight against each other, it will really be a grand ceremony.


Chu Xun nodded.

His eyes were filled with eagerness to try.

The Palace Master of Huangtian Palace also looked at Chu Xun unexpectedly. Chu Xun, who had returned to his youthful years, was obviously more vigorous. If he were still the old man in green clothes, he might agree, but he would never be so willing.

"Call Liu Jian!"

Chu Xun thought briefly.

His disciple.

Liu Jian.

Focus on practicing swordsmanship.

The fight between the two was not an ordinary move. Every move was filled with the strong sword spirit. This was also a chance for bystanders. If it weren't for the excessive movement of the fight, ordinary disciples would not be able to understand what Chu Xun was thinking. There was a fight above the Donglin Sect, and after a moment several figures crossed across, away from the Donglin Sect.

Soon they appeared in the East China Sea. The two looked at each other, several miles apart. The master of the Huangtian Palace was still not in a hurry to take action, but said rightly: "With your attainments in formations, there is no need to practice swordsmanship!"

Chu Xun is very accomplished in formations. As long as he maintains this rhythm, he will definitely have a place in the future of China. Even relying on the formations to prove the Great Emperor is not an illusion. Furthermore, he heard No. 4 explain that No. 9 is in Ruzhou. Cultivation has also caused great commotion. Confucianism and Taoism are not bad, so there is no need to study swordsmanship at the same time.

"After all, we need to practice more!" Chu Xun smiled. He had already realized in his heart that the three main ways of cultivation lacked killing power, and the sword way was undoubtedly the most suitable. The way of formation was learned from a sloppy old man in the tomb of Emperor Ru. Inheritance, the Confucian lineage also received 30% of the luck of Confucianism, these two are too terrifying.

And if he wants to achieve balance, this third kind of swordsmanship must be improved, and it is not an ordinary improvement. Only by improving his swordsmanship to the same level as the two can he be qualified to gather three flowers at the top and break through the Great Sage in one fell swoop. territory.

These are all thoughts passing by.

He also said slowly: "Let's start!"


The Lord of the Huangtian Palace no longer tried to dissuade him, and a terrifying edge filled his body. Invisible illusory sword blades were suspended in the void, deriving from one to countless swords, turning into a sword domain covering hundreds of miles around, shuttling through the void. Within the space, surrounding him, terrifying sword intent was released, and the void was torn apart under the pressure.


Bai Luli was amazed. He narrowed his eyes and looked at the sword intent on the master of Huangtian Palace, and said, "If we are just talking about swords, I'm afraid Master is no match!"

"not necessarily!"

Jiang Chen smiled and said, his eyes were extremely peaceful as he looked at the young man who was like a banished immortal. He was originally handsome and flawless, but he was tainted with a Confucian reading spirit, which made him feel like a spring breeze.


Terrifying sword intent also emerged from Chu Xun's body. He slowly stared at the Palace Master of Huangtian Palace, feeling the majestic pressure of the sword field, and murmured: "Is it the Great Sage Realm?"

Although the sword domain he released was also huge, it was only a few tens of miles away. Compared to the huge sword domain of millions of miles randomly created by the master of Huangtian Palace, it was still far behind.

"The gap between realms!"

Chu Xunfu reached his soul. Even if he could condense the Great Sage Dao Fruit and mobilize the energy that only the Great Sage Realm possesses, covering dozens of miles in an instant, it was still far from the real Great Sage Realm, especially for the Palace Master of Huangtian Palace. After being immersed in the Great Sage Realm for a long time and mastering all kinds of Tao very deeply, his advantage is no longer obvious.

"But...!" Chu Xun's eyes were filled with sharpness.

The Palace Master of Huangtian Palace has his advantages.

He also has his advantages!


The sword intent in his body was venting wantonly.

Like a swimming dragon.

Roaring in the nine heavens.

"No need to hold back!" Chu Xun shouted. He knew that although the master of Huangtian Palace was good at swordsmanship, he was not a major. On the other hand, he was a major in swordsmanship, so he might not be inferior to the master of Huangtian Palace in understanding details.

The Palace Master of Huangtian Palace also smiled and nodded. He continued to shrink the sword domain covering hundreds of miles. This did not mean that it was waterproof, but it became more solid and terrifying. When he pointed, a majestic blue guide penetrated the void. , tearing the air current, and countless sword energy vassals condensed into a terrifying blue giant sword.


Chu Xun also whispered, and the emerald green vine sword suddenly hung beside him, accompanied by a slight tremor of joy. It had not been summoned by its master for too long.


Extremely pure sword intent.

Transformed into sword light.

Stabbed forward!


The violent tremor, the terrifying green giant sword shadow and the extremely pure sword intent collided with each other, forming two poles with bright colors, even the colors outside the sky were instantly covered, and endless subtle sword energy burst out from it. Any sword arc falling on the sea surface formed a surging wave, like the Milky Way falling from the sky.

Liu Jian sneered at the two people fighting, feeling their rich sword intent, his eyes were clear and bright, reflecting the sword light, and there was a pure sword sound in his body!


The master of the Desolate Heaven Palace looked middle-aged, with an ordinary figure, but he walked like a dragon and a tiger, full of momentum. When he raised his hand, a bronze sword fell into his palm, and in an instant it turned into a stream of light and rushed out, fighting with Chu Xun at close range.

"Not only is his sword fast, but his moves are even more tricky!" Jiang Chen also looked up. The bronze sword in the hands of the Palace Master of Desolate Heaven Palace was like a tiger when it slashed down, and like a python when it cut and stabbed, exerting the entanglement to the extreme, always sticking to the master.

Fortunately, the master is not a vegetarian.

The sword skills are getting more and more open and closed.




"Hmm?" Chu Xun's right hand held the Qingteng Sword and stabbed it into nothing, turning it into a horizontal cut. He clearly felt that he had cut the Palace Master of Desolate Heaven Palace, but he didn't feel any obstruction, and the illusory figure was shattered.

Standing not far away, the Palace Master of Desolate Heaven Palace smiled and said: "My only understanding of swordsmanship is body skills!"


Chu Xun was also eager to try.

He became interested.

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