
The sky was full of flowers, and golden lotuses were surging from the ground.

Various strange phenomena.

One after another.

When all the Confucian scholars were shocked and numb, a deafening voice suddenly came from the academy's ancestral land, Longchang, where the academy was enlightened. It was like the revival of ancient sages, and there were vast and vast quotations that traveled through time and space: "Conscience, unity of knowledge and action!"


The elder guarding the forbidden area had his pupils contracted, and his eyes were filled with endless shock. He stared at the illusory figure condensed in the ancestral land. His face was thin, his eyes were firm, and he was full of the Confucian sage spirit. After seeing the portrait of the academy's sage, he was shocked almost instantly and said: "Sage of Principle!"

Academy's sage of Principle.

Crossing time and space.

Crossing the long river of time.

He actually came here.

But the sage of Principle.

Didn't he die long ago!

This illusory figure?

What else is it!

No one responded to the old man guarding the forbidden area, because the figure of the Saint of Principle took a step forward, and the whole Confucian Academy was filled with a surge of righteousness, and the pure energy soared up to 90,000 miles, echoing the pure energy on the tower of the academy, causing the dean of the academy and others who were originally focused on this place to stare in shock.

"That is... the ancestral land!"

"The pure energy is soaring!"

"The righteous energy is surging!"

In the dim light, it was enough to see a thin but not frail Confucian sage bathing in the pure energy. The whole academy was bright and clear, and the luck accumulated for thousands of years was rushing towards that place, which made the dean of the academy breathe stagnation and said: "That figure... is the Saint of Principle?"


The great scholar of the academy.

The elder of the academy.

All these people were stunned, revealing incredible expressions. How could it be possible? How could the Saint of Principle of the academy manifest a figure? Could it be that someone's inscription in the tower of the academy has been so shocking?


The illusory figure of the Saint of Reason did not descend in front of the academy tower, but slowly condensed towards the outside world. Behind him, many great scholars and sages followed respectfully. They looked over and did not sense anything. They only saw the academy's pure air and universe constantly sinking into the figure of the 'Saint of Reason', making him more substantial. They thought it was a recovery process.

"Here it comes!"

The Saint of Reason whispered softly.


The faces of these great scholars just showed confusion, and after a few breaths, their faces changed wildly. They only saw the sound of Lang Lang reading in the distant sky, the voice of a child, and the voice of an old man. They gathered together and turned into the recitation of students: "Confucius said: Learning and practicing it from time to time is not a pleasure, having friends coming from afar is not a pleasure..."


Jian Qingzhu.

Su Yaoyao.

The dean of the academy.

Three quasi-emperors.

They all twisted their necks.

Looking into the distance.

The dean of the academy was shocked and murmured, "Is this... Confucius?"

Su Yaoyao's scalp was numb, and her still face was frozen. She instinctively leaned on Jian Qingzhu and blurted out, "This is Confucius, my Supreme Saint Dao Palace!"

Jian Qingzhu knew it naturally.

But he was shocked.

What did No. 9 do?

The Saint of Principle!

The Saint of Principle!

Everyone was shocked.

The whole Ruzhou.

It was disturbed.

What did he write on this day?


In the blink of an eye.

The sound of the reading was mixed with the clear air and the great fortune of the whole Ruzhou. After all, in the hearts of the scholars in Ruzhou, the real orthodoxy should be the Supreme Saint Confucius. Even though the ideas of the Saint of Principle have spread throughout Ruzhou and countless people are impressed by it; but the ideas of Confucius are not overnight. His arrival is so powerful that it directly swept the fortune of Ruzhou.

A Confucian cap.

A Confucian robe.

Floating here, it was as if Confucius really came in robes. Not only that, when an inconspicuous carving knife was noticed, the dean of the academy and Su Yaoyao and others were trembling, staring at the weapon and saying: "It's the carving knife of the great sage!"

This is a treasure!

The foundation of Confucianism.

Enjoying the offerings of Confucianism.

Devouring the luck of Confucianism.

Even if someone has achieved the Confucian emperor in the past dynasties, he cannot control the carving knife of Confucius. Now this carving knife actually flew with the Confucian cap and Confucian robe. You can imagine how shocked they are.


Saints meet.

Unheard of in ancient times.

The degree of shock of this scene is even greater than Chu Xun's tower crossing. At this time, even the dean of the academy and others were suffocated. One is the founder of Confucianism, and the other is the master of Confucianism. Both of them have made great contributions to Confucianism, but today is the first time they meet. They don't know whether these two saints have complete thoughts.

They don't know whether the saint of reason will stop them.

"Shua! Shua! Shua!"

In this strange dead silence, several figures were still coming down quickly in the distance. These were the great Confucian scholars and sages from the Supreme Saint Dao Palace, as well as the helmsman of the Supreme Saint Dao Palace. When they came down, they saw such a strange scene, and their scalps tingled, and they silently retreated countless miles.


"Li Sheng!"

"We met!"

They were overwhelmed, and the helmsman of the Supreme Saint Dao Palace showed a warm and angry look, questioning the dean of the academy in the distance, what are you doing, making such a big fuss, are you going to destroy Confucianism before you stop!

"Will they fight?" The great Confucian scholars of the Supreme Saint Dao Palace whispered softly. For some reason, Confucius from their Supreme Saint Dao Palace came across uninvited, and the Li Sheng of the academy was actually confronting him with the aura of the academy.


"The senior 'Li Sheng' of the academy doesn't seem to be blocking Confucius. Instead, it seems that he has revived before Confucius." There are also great scholars who have sharp eyes and keenly noticed this.


This made a group of great scholars around them take a slight breath of cold air. They carefully looked at the layout of the academy. The great scholars of the academy came to the academy tower one after another, and seemed to have appeared one step earlier. What happened to make all these great figures of the academy appear together, including the dean, the quasi-emperor, and countless people who have been famous for a long time.



In this stalemate, Li Sheng's gentle face showed a gentle smile, and he nodded gently to the most holy teacher, inviting him to enter the academy tower together.


It was obviously a Confucian cap and robe, but it seemed that a tall person was wearing it, and there was a voice coming from somewhere. After receiving the invitation, they came together and entered the academy tower one after another.

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