"Four breaths?" Su Yaoyao's head was a little messy.

"This monster!"

"More evil!"

Jian Qingzhu was also smacking his tongue. He thought that the complicated formation would take four breaths even with No. 9's formation method, but he didn't expect that it only took three breaths in the end. He even thought that if he hadn't just entered, he would have to take a look In the forty-fourth floor of space, No. 9 may be able to do it faster with his knowledge of formations.

"How many breaths?"



"Three breaths!"

Nie Yong was in a trance, his eyes filled with scholarly spirit were a little unfocused. He had always firmly believed that the Great Sage Zhenwu was the most evil student who had come to the academy over the years. He had only cultivated here for a few years but had accumulated the fruits of the Great Sage. And successfully entered the top ten in the academy's history. What an astonishing achievement.

He defies everyone.


Be certain.

Ye Wushuang.

It's the only one.

It's the chosen one.


But now, his pupils were dilated and he was slightly confused. He stared at the name on the 44th and 5th floors and murmured silently in his heart: "If the first two levels hadn't consumed him for two hours, how could he have broken through the tower?" I’m afraid the speed has already passed.”

He even felt with trembling heart that if he kept up at that speed, Chu Xun might have already cleared the Academy Tower while he was still on the way here!

It made him tremble.

What kind of talent is this?

What kind of understanding is this?

On reading.

What a monster!


He who had always firmly believed that Ye Wushuang was the strongest person was shaken in his heart. Not only him, but also those who were also loyal fans of Ye Wushuang were shaken in their hearts at this time. Maybe their fans were not Ye Wushuang, but Ye Wushuang. Who is the more evil representative? Now someone has banned Ye Wushuang's status, and their worship has also moved.


In a certain forbidden area, the tall and elegant gentleman, his kind eyes flashed across time and space, and fell directly on the old man in green shirt in the academy tower. Previously, the man who had condensed the Great Sage Dao Fruit in a year did not There was no shock, just an understatement about what a good idea it was.

As the dean of the academy, he has seen too many geniuses. Even the great sage Ye Wushuang, he once wanted to accept him as a disciple. Although a person who studied the great sage's Taoguo in one year is amazing, it is not worth overdoing it. He paid attention to it, but now it was different. According to the previous tower breaking, if it was not the first level, the second level wasted time. He had not broken into the tower for a quarter of an hour in total.

Such time.

Can be called a monster.

If there are no accidents.

The ranking of this academy tower is going to change.

"How?" A sincere voice fell into the ears of the Academy Dean.

"Not bad!" The dean of the academy nodded lightly. At this time, even though Chu Xun surprised him, he still did not rush there. This ranking needs to see the final results to reveal Chu Xun's full potential. If he survives several Thousands of years, the deadline is approaching, and it is not worthy of attention to achieve such an achievement.

"The forty-fourth level has been passed, and the rest is nothing!" Some academy scholars exclaimed. They understand the several hurdles to truly break through. For those of them in the great sage realm, the forty-fourth level of formation is the only way to achieve success. It is a real obstacle. If it cannot be solved within the specified time, then the real obstacle lies here.

And if you get through this level.

the remaining.

Not a climate.



Chu Xun was still breaking into the tower.

Forty-five floors.

Forty-sixth floor.

Forty-seventh floor.

Forty-eight floors.

As expected, they arrived at the forty-ninth floor. When Chu Xun's name disappeared in the last floor, everyone felt a sense of sadness in their hearts. Nie Yong and others were even more shocked and trembled in their hearts. His eyes were blurred, and there was a strong wavering. If Chu Xun passed the last level, would their firm belief have to change?

"Don't rush!"

"Hold on!"

"The most difficult part is the last level!"

Nie Yong's peers gently patted him on the shoulder, and the trembling hands could prove that even he was no longer so confident. So far, Chu Xun had only spent less than three hours. If the first two levels were removed, , then how evil he must be.

"The last level!" Jian Qingzhu stood there quietly, with the aura of a Confucian and Taoist scholar permeating his body. He was a young man who would eclipse even those great scholars when he stood here. His gentle eyes also revealed a strange color, thinking I know what Chu Xun will write in the final chapter.


It's all foreshadowing.

Only the last hurdle.

It is the final reason that determines the ranking.

The great scholars who came to watch the battle also fell silent. If it was the previous level, they wanted Chu Xun to pass the level and reach the last level as quickly as possible to witness the miracle. But on the last level, they wanted Chu Xun to slow down. Don't do this. Worry, the slower the better, especially if you can write that kind of shocking literature.

Floor 49.

The final layer.

came here.


There are no enemies.

There is no need to observe.

As long as he stood here, he felt an unprecedented sense of depression, as if he had accumulated it for thousands of years. A stone tablet and an inkstone appeared directly in front of him, and the surrounding walls also showed signs of golden luster. Words, some of them have a long history, and some are mentioned recently, but they are fleeting and soon return to darkness.

"The last level!"

An old man in white clothes with long eyebrows also appeared. He stared at the stone tablet and sighed: "This is not left by my academy, but by a sage from the Holy Palace who once traveled in the academy. This stone tablet, to this day, none of the talented people who have come to our academy over the years can leave traces here for a long time!”

Weapon spirit?

Chu Xun looked at the old man in white with long eyebrows and had a clear understanding. He had also seen one when he was in Donghuang Holy Land. He had guarded Donghuang Holy Land for many years. It was not surprising that there was such a weapon spirit in the academy, and he listened quietly to the weapon spirit. explanation.

It's been a long time.

Generations of sages.

Trying to leave a mark on it.

Wash away the shame.

"It is a fantasy that a stone tablet left behind by the Palace of the Holy Saint means that our academy cannot solve it. However, endless years have proven that this stone tablet is like a mountain suppressing the academy. As a result, no matter how prosperous our academy is, it will always remain unsolved." There is no way to cross the Palace of the Holy Spirit. Generations of sages have inscribed on it. Most people will have their inscriptions disappear as soon as they take a cup of tea. Only a few people can keep it alive for several days or even months!"

"And the golden light flashing on the wall is because I saw some amazing words, carved them out, and wrote them on the wall. The task of this level is to inscribe, and leaving traces of inscriptions on it is to pass the level, and According to the value of the handwriting left, there will be bells ringing, one ring is the next, nine rings is the peak!”

Chu Xun's eyes glanced over these inscriptions. The inscriptions of the sages of Ruzhou Academy were engraved on them. But he only wanted to find the inscriptions of the great sage Zhenwu. He spoke slowly and gently:

"Great Sage Zhenwu!"

"How many rings!"

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