The great elder of Huanggong nodded.

Then he looked at the Palace Master of the Criminal Law Palace.

The latter also said: "I have no objection if this place is given to Chu Xun three hundred years later, but it is too early now. After all, Elder Chu entered the sect too late, and he has not touched many places in less than two years." Familiar, it would be unfair to the other elders of Huangtian Palace to take away this opportunity for nothing!"

Ordinary elders work diligently throughout their lives.

There is hard work without credit.

And one just entered Huangtian Palace.

There is no sense of belonging.

No contribution points either.

No more loyalty.

If such people enter the land of opportunity, seize great opportunities and reap rewards, then walk away, wouldn't their Huangtian Palace suffer a loss?

"That's it!"

The great elder of Huanggong said calmly, and glanced at the master of Douzhan Palace from the corner of his eye, knowing that someone was obstructing him, otherwise even if Chu Xun should not get this quota according to the convention, but with his dazzling talent, he forced himself to get this place There is no problem with the quota, it can only be said that Chu Xun offended someone.

Some time ago.

In the assessment secret realm.


Defeat Gaia.

Provocative fighting palace majesty.

Let none of the top ten disciples of Dou Zhan Palace gain anything.

All of these are accumulations.

Just like that day after Elder Ji's visit, the middle-aged servant suggested that he should reject those who came to visit again, but Chu Xun dismissed them indifferently, thinking that their resources were not needed, and now they are still running away in the ninth realm of saints. The moment the resources are not depleted, this level will come.

Several palace masters.

Have the heart to get rid of the card.

Not even he can force it.

Putting his crutch gently on the ground, the Great Elder of Huanggong said: "This is the intention of the Palace Master of Huanggong, and it was also what he instructed me before leaving, to let Chu Xun enter this land of opportunity!"


The Palace Master of Dou Zhan Palace sneered and said, "Let the Palace Master speak these words in person!"

same day.

Word spread through the grapevine.

Make waves.

Some people are incredible.

Others were stunned.

Some people even gloated about the misfortune.

A good person is crowded with others.

Chu Xun was extremely dazzling some time ago. Whether he was the examiner, defeated Gaia, or studied to the ninth realm of saints, he was too dazzling. Now they were secretly laughing when they saw Chu Xun deflated.

Inside the Sutra Pavilion.

Elder Ming came over again apologetically, and said ashamedly: "Sorry, Elder Chu, I didn't expect this result." Elder Ming also had a look on his face at a loss, and he couldn't understand why the master of Huang Palace valued Chu so much. Asked why he was not included in the list of candidates, even if there was resistance from other palaces, if the master of the Huang Palace acted arbitrarily and insisted on it, who would dare to refuse?


What happened.

God does not fulfill people's wishes.

Obviously this was an opportunity that must be given to Chu Xun.

Just missed it.

Slip out of your hands.

"it does not matter!"

Chu Xun also put down the book in his hand. He already knew what happened. The Huang Palace selected a quota. He was an elder who was not young, but he had made extremely high contributions to the sect. Even though this quota had been changed from There was a slight feeling of disappointment when it slipped away from the palm of my hand, but I soon returned to my normal state of mind.

Just like the reason given by Huang Gong, he has been in the sect for too short a time and has not made any contribution. The quota for this land of opportunity can only be reserved for the next term.

Battle Palace.

Main hall.

Now a surprising woman walks in. She has an extremely perfect figure and is covered with a layer of battle armor. She was originally a peerless woman but now she has a bit of grace and grace. She is Ye Huang from the Huanggong Palace. Now she has entered the fight. In the main hall of the Battle Palace, the phoenix eyes stared coldly at the tall man sitting cross-legged in front of him, and said coldly: "Master of the Battle Palace, don't you think this trip is too disgusting!"

As everyone knows.

The quota for the Land of Opportunity in the Desolate Palace.

Definitely Chu Xun.

However, the Lord of the Dou Zhan Palace obstructed him.

Suddenly it was lost from my hand.

Ye Huang was dissatisfied. It was clear that this was something that the master had told her before he left, but she entrusted it to tell the elder. She thought that the matter was settled like this, but then she thought that she had messed up. Not only was she ashamed of the master, She was also ashamed of Elder Chu. Some time ago, she also went to ask Elder Chu for advice, but now she missed the opportunity of Elder Chu to come to question him in person.


The master of the Dou Zhan Palace snorted coldly, and a wisp of coercion descended on him, instantly sweeping Ye Huang away several feet away. He opened a pair of indifferent eyes, revealing a cold gaze, and said: "Whatever I want to do, it's your turn." Guidance!”


Powerful airflow sweeps away.


Ye Huang also had a powerful aura permeating his body. He actually exploded with the strength of the Seventh Saint Realm. He was forced to stop under the strong air flow. His heroic eyebrows were still sharp and he said unyieldingly: "The master of the Dou Zhan Palace is not afraid of bad things with this move." Have you lost your conscience?"


The bronze skin of the Palace Master of Dou Zhan Palace trembled slightly, and terrible pressure suddenly swept through the entire palace. Ye Huang felt as if her knees were hit hard, and she wanted to kneel down, but her stubborn resistance could not last for a breath, and she still knelt on one knee. Kneeling down, the armor on his head was shattered and green was flying all over his head, revealing his delicate cheeks, but the corners of his lips were stained with bright blood.

"If it weren't for your master's sake, you would have died!" The Master of the Dou Zhan Palace's eyes were cold. He is a powerful Saint, Daoguo level, and he is also the Master of the Dou Zhan Palace. When will it be a little girl's turn to come? Even if he really did something wrong, he should be personally judged by the Palace Master of Huangtian Palace.

"Is this so!"

Ye Huang wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, looked at the arrogant tall man, said nothing, turned and left the palace, and such movement also attracted many people from Dou Zhan Palace to gather. When he saw Ye Huang walking out, these people The disciples were all stunned, but when they saw the woman, her eyes were sharp and she said coldly: "Ye Huang from Huang Palace, please give me some advice from the disciples from Dou Zhan Palace!"


Cultivation exploded.

The five realms of saints.

The Six Realms of Saints.

The Seven Realms of Saints.

She at this moment.

Like a female war goddess!

The sound of rolling still echoes.

"Desolate Palace Ye Huang!"

"Please enlighten me!"

This is a response to the Palace Master of the Dou Zhan Palace, and it is also a protest, and it is even more unyielding. If you bully me, the elder of the Huang Palace, and think that you can do this arbitrary thing without the presence of the Palace Master of the Huang Palace, then I, Ye Huang, can also stand in front of everyone. Under the spotlight, you were bullied by Douzhan Palace so much that you couldn't even lift your head.

He was wearing a battle armor, his black hair was flying, and the corners of his lips were still stained with blood, but his eyes were so sharp, and he said sultryly: "I have heard for a long time that Douzhan Palace is famous for fighting, why is it that no one dares to come to face a little girl like me today? Are you afraid of fighting?"

How could Dou Zhan Gong bear this excitement?

A disciple was immediately dispatched.


After one round.

The disciple was defeated heavily.

Originally, he should not have been defeated in such an embarrassing situation, but at this moment, Ye Huang felt angry in his heart, so he took pity on this disciple. He had no ability to struggle in the face of Ye Huang's powerful explosion.

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