Guarding the Sutra Library for a hundred years, investing in the villain of destiny

Chapter 209 Chu Xun: Is there something wrong with the list?


The maid was completely confused. To be honest, she had a deep impression of Bai Luli. She was the first one to visit Elder Chu, but she was too depraved and didn't give him a good look. Who would have thought that he would turn into such a person all of a sudden.

The middle-aged servant was thinking about going from the first realm of saint to the sixth realm of saint. The span between this period actually only took a short year. This shocked him from ear to ear and looked almost in disbelief.

Especially when he saw Elder Chu's extremely indifferent expression, as if he had already understood all this, he couldn't help but numbly said: "Is Bai Luli really such a genius that he can compete with Chen Xun?"


Ji Jianyun nodded heavily.

But he looked at the indifferent Elder Chu and said blankly: "Elder Chu, aren't you curious about the outcome of the two of them, and aren't you worried that Bai Luli will lose?"

Chu Xun said with a half-smile, "It's already a foregone conclusion!"

This battle.

There is no suspense.

There will be no suspense.

Chen Xun may be a monster.

But who is Bai Luli?

The number one genius in Chenzhou, the well-deserved young supreme, has suppressed an era. Chenzhou Dao Palace, Cang Palace, and countless influential figures have been suppressed by him one by one. However, Chen Xun may be a monster, but he is only limited to this one. Even though he is a bit more evil after passing the examination, he has a talent that he has never had in dozens of years.

But what kind of character is Bai Luli.

Dao Palace.

Cang Palace.

The two holy places in Chenzhou are willing to become mere foils and try their best to create the birth of a quasi-emperor. This is not the same level at all. Even if the two are fighting fiercely now, it is Bai Luli's intention. He wants to take a look at the younger generation today. combat power, otherwise, it would have been over long ago!

And in fact.

Pretty much the same.

On the void arena.

The two had fought for countless rounds. Chen Xun went from the initial excitement to the subsequent pressure, and now he is a little confused. He tried his best but could not shake him at all. He obviously felt that he was going to defeat Bai Luli every time, but the latter However, he could burst out with even greater power, making him feel like a punch on cotton, with no effect whatsoever.


The Lord of the North Ming Dynasty.

Luo Tang.

Many elders of the Nine Realms of Saints have also seen this.

"It's over!" Bai Luli's eyes were calm.

"It's time to end!"

Chen Xun said quite frustrated.

Sword last.


Dry rhyme.


These people frowned slightly, vaguely aware of something but not sure. As for the other candidates, their expressions were excited, their faces flushed, showing anticipation, thinking that the final victory was about to break out.


Bai Luli stood above the ring in a majestic manner in white clothes. He stretched out one hand slowly and suppressed it gently. The law of the great road was contained in it. This was the first time that he went all out in the true sense, and it was also the first time that he took the initiative. When he started, his hands were like millstones, containing fear of pressure.

When Chen Xun raised his head, he saw the shadow of a dragon and phoenix wandering under the palm of his hand. The dragon shadow seemed to be real, lifelike and full of charm. The same was true for the phoenix, with the dragon and phoenix coiled in his palm.

Beyond the great saint level inheritance.

Quasi-emperor level.

Maybe not completely.

even so.

It's not something he can resist.


As he roared, the hairs all over his body stood on end, and the big branches and leaves behind him swayed crazily, gathering together to attack and protect him below.

And with bursts of rumbling sounds.

"I lost!"

Clear sound reaches everyone's ears.

Some people are confused.

Some were relieved.

Some people expected the solution early.

The man was at a loss because this palm was too devastating, and even Chen Xun was completely defeated without much struggle. This was not on the same level at all. This made Chen Xun himself reveal his decadence and loss. Even after the battle, he knew that there was a gap between the two. , but never imagined that the gap would be so big.

Luo Tang moved slightly, but secretly regretted in his heart that there was nothing he could do about it. Bai Luli was born in the Holy Land of Chenzhou since he was a child. Even if it has been abandoned for decades, the heritage of the past is still there, plus the innate Taoist body, just This is a gap that cannot be crossed. Chen Xun was defeated well. If he had been cultivating in the Huangtian Palace for more than ten years, the outcome might still be undecided. As for now, this is all he can do.


"We failed this time!"

"I won't do it next time!"

The decadence in Chen Xun's eyes disappeared completely after just a moment, and was replaced by excitement and a burning fighting spirit. This made Luo Tang, who still wanted to comfort him, gasp slightly. Fortunately, it didn't affect Tao's heart.

Observe the disciples.

Watch the elders.


Seeing the incident come to an end and knowing that this year's ranking has ended, countless disciples who had never visited Chu Xun suddenly showed regret. It seemed that they... had not visited Elder Chu either.

"I...!" Some disciples looked pale. Chen Xun had never visited Chu Xun before. That was because he had the qualifications. As for them, they looked around at the disciples who had visited Chu Xun and raised their proud chins, as if it was something special. Something to be proud of.

"I regret it!"

they said.

But there is still a trace of fantasy.

Three years later.

still have a chance.

I just hope that Elder Chu will be the examiner in the next term.

The elders sitting cross-legged in the void showed their brilliance one by one, and all their thoughts of dissatisfaction with Chu Xun disappeared. Especially these elders who came from Huang Palace were all extremely angry at first, feeling that Elder Chu I am ashamed of the Palace Master's cultivation, and the smile on my face is as bright as it is now.


"Go visit Elder Chu!"

"So many good seedlings!"

"It would be great if they were admitted to my Desolate Palace!"

"Especially Bai Luli!"

"Must enter the Desolate Palace!"

"Cannot be robbed!"


There was a knock on the door in the secluded courtyard. As the middle-aged servant opened the door, he looked at the group of enthusiastic elders who suddenly came in front of him, and a little confusion spread across his face. He had been an elder in the assessment secret realm for so many years, and had never encountered such a situation.


"Get out of the way first!"

These elders entered one after another, smiling brightly at Elder Chu who was sitting cross-legged under the peach tree. He was dressed in white and holding a scripture, showing his immortal style and bones.

"Elder Chu!" They smiled brightly.

Chu Xun put down the scroll in his hand and looked at these people at the same time, and said in a gentle and calm voice: "Is there any problem with the list?"



These elders were stunned at first, and then they realized the purpose of their visit. Their faces flushed slightly, but some elders were thick-skinned enough to smile brightly and said: "No problem, no problem, definitely no problem, what can be wrong with Elder Chu's list? Even if there is, I don't see who dares not to give face to my Huang Palace!"


Chu Xun also smiled and put down the book in his hand, looking at this group of elders with interest. If it weren't for Bai Luli's great display of power today, he was sure that this group of elders might have begun to force the palace, or even fight. However, looking at this group of flattering smiles, he also said silently in his heart: I still like your unruly appearance when you first came.

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