The top three are evergreen trees and remain standing. They have occupied the top three since the first selection and still do so now. Instead, two unfamiliar names, Jiang Chen and Liu Jian, suddenly broke into the top ten, causing quite a stir. , caused a stir among the disciples. After all, whoever has gained something will go to the tower little by little, and as the ranking progresses, they can also get guidance from the examiner.

On the contrary, they are like this.

Didn't ask for advice.

Don't care about ranking.

But it suddenly soared so much.

Caused an uproar.

Gaia from the Fighting Palace was also paying attention to the rankings on the list. He suddenly saw these two names breaking into the top ten. His eyes froze slightly, and drops of sweat appeared on his forehead. He could vaguely imagine that if he handed over the list, When Chu Xun wrote down the names of his two disciples, his temper was bound to explode, and it was almost not difficult to guess what would happen next.

Lord Beiming also looked at these two quotas quite unexpectedly, and they suddenly soared to such an extent, and as far as he knew, these two disciples had never consulted either of them, and said with emotion: "Elder Chu is still kind! "

He could have expected it too.

If that day really comes.

What an embarrassing situation it would be.

It’s hard to say anything else.

Gaia's face was completely humiliated.

I'm afraid Douzhan Palace won't be much better.


Luo Tang.

These two people were also surprised.

They had heard about Chu Xun's two disciples, but they were surprised that their talent was so good. They couldn't help but think that they had improved so much after only one year of accumulation. If they were given more time, they would be able to With this kind of talent, it's not bad to be in the top three or even first place.

While he was deep in thought, Zhang Cheng suddenly woke up, his eyes froze slightly and he said, "Chu Xun's young disciple seems to be in the... Venerable realm?" This thought set off a shocking wave in his heart.

Venerable realm?

Top five?

what does that mean.

It goes without saying.

To know.

It has been hundreds of years since the Huangtian Palace recruited any Venerables, and the top ten Venerables in the previous primaries will eventually be excluded to the middle and lower levels. On the contrary, Liu Jian, whose initial quota was 207, has now advanced to the 207th level. Five, it is not difficult to imagine why. He was shocked and immediately retrieved all Liu Jian's information.

Watch with details.

After a long time.

He exudes complexity.

He sighed: "A natural sword body!"

With this physique, Jianzhou is really fragrant. Even the supreme holy land in Jianzhou will be listed as the key protection of the Holy Son. No wonder it is ranked in the top five. He secretly sighed: "It's a pity that I left the Wanxiang Palace. He is of the same spiritual lineage, otherwise I would really want to accept him as a disciple!"

The two caused quite a stir.

So much so.

Ranked in the top three.

People come to visit.

Sword last.

Second on the potential list.

Fifty-seven years old.

The three realms of saints.

Such talent is among the best in Huanggong. Almost all his peers at this age are in the Human Emperor realm, and he not only passed the Holy realm but also broke through to the third realm. Even Chu Wen was relieved when he saw it. This talent is qualified to be among the top three.

"Elder Chu!"

The sword last saluted.

This is his first visit.

According to his status, he has been visiting all the five palaces in the Huanggong Palace. He has no restrictions on the examiner who is easily invisible to others. Even the senior Luo Tang of the Great Sage Daoguo can ask to see him many times, so there is no need to come here. Recently, Chu Xun's two disciples broke into the top ten and attracted his attention, so they wanted to pay this senior a visit.


Chu Xun nodded and looked up everything about the sword last. He was born in Jianshan in the Northern Territory. It belongs to one of the holy places in the Northern Territory and is not inferior to the Holy Fire Cult. He has shown super talent since he was a child and has a deep sense of the sword. So he practiced in Jianshan for more than ten years, and then came out to defeat the Human Emperor.

He is a gifted genius.

Life is smooth.

"I would like to ask for some knowledge on swordsmanship!" Jian Last said seriously.


Chu Xun nodded.


That's really what he's good at.


The sword last looks calm and restrained, but when the sword is moved, it can cause extremely strong destruction and destruction. He practices the kendo and the most lethal destructive kendo. Chu Xun has not covered much in this aspect, and although he is a third-level saint, Although he has a very profound attainment, he is really not qualified to comment if he has no standard.

Even Chu Xun was amazed after reading it. Not only was his cultivation extremely high, but he also had super attainments in swordsmanship. No wonder he was firmly ranked second on the potential list. He indeed had the qualification.

"Well...just wait a moment!" After watching the swordplay, Chu Xun did not comment immediately. Jianju nodded silently, but there was a little loss in his eyes. He knew that he was very accomplished in swordsmanship and was not good at it. Even commenting on the Nine Realms of Saints is a bit difficult. After all, Elder Chu’s cultivation is a bit weak.

An hour later.


Chu Xun opened his eyes, and a book appeared in front of him. This was the swordsmanship that he spent an entire hour studying that suited him best. He said, "Take it and read it!"


Jian Last accepted it calmly, with no expectations in his heart, but as he flipped through the first page, his eyes narrowed slightly, and the movements of his hands inevitably accelerated a bit, the second page, the third page, and the fourth page.

Wow wow~!

Flipping through very quickly.

But at the end, it suddenly slowed down again. I read almost every page very carefully, as if in deep thought. After a long time, I suddenly realized that I looked at it like a treasure and carefully opened the next page. When the last page was turned, my eyes There was only shock, and when he looked at the old man in front of him, his emotions were completely different.

More than just a great talent.

Simply a monster.

It only took a short hour.

Then tailor-make the exercises that best suit you.

This can be called.


"Elder Chu, can I take it?" He was cautious, as if he had found a valuable treasure.

"Of course you can!"

Chu Xun nodded with satisfaction.

"Thank you!" Jian Last was very excited. This book was too precious. He had read it in a hurry and still hadn't understood its secrets. He needed to study and study it repeatedly before he could understand the ultimate truth. However, he also regretted it extremely. Knowing Mount Tai, there is such a master here, but I have not visited it for a long time. Now that it is about to end, it is too late to visit.

He regrets it.

Because I know how talented and amazing these people are.

This time it was a mission.

And once you leave here.

I would like to ask this person again. I don’t know if it is the Year of the Monkey or the Horse. I don’t know if I will have the opportunity to visit again.

After the sword last left.

More than a month passed.

Chu Xun murmured softly: "Except for the first-ranked 'Chen Xun' who has never visited, almost everyone else has met, but this assessment has come to an end!"

There are still a few days to go.

It’s time to consider the final spots.

Each examiner has ten quotas.

Luo Tang.


The Lord of the North Ming Dynasty.

They have already submitted their list.

After all, at this time, everyone’s potential has been fully explored, and it’s no longer a waste of these last few days. First, hand in the default list, and just wait for the last day to arrive and then announce it, and this session of candidates will come to an end. .

ps: Thanks to Mu Feng, Jin Yi\u0026, who likes shrimps, Lu Zunzhu, who likes dried duck with bamboo shoots, and friends who provide rewards and support. Thank you, the update is complete.

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