The next day.

Chu Xun saw that Ji Jianyun was indeed very different from what Dongfang Su said. He was a good seedling, but it was a bit difficult to get into the top 100. After giving him some advice, Chu Xun also said: "You can come to me every month, as long as you work hard." After the training test is over, you will enter the Huangtian Palace!"

"Thank you, Elder Chu!"

Ji Jianyun was completely convinced and expressed his amazement. He originally thought that the master brought him here just to make him look familiar, but he never expected that Elder Chu's guidance actually gave him enlightenment. It even pointed out the problem more directly than the Eastern Sculpture's guidance from the Nine Saints. This made him excited, and he knew what this monthly guidance meant.

He asked to meet Gaia, the Northern Ming Lord, and Zhang Cheng, and these people's guidance was effective for him. Although it was slightly better than Dongfang Su but far inferior to Chu Xun, and he had a premonition that when the assessment really ended, even if there was no The back door opened by the master was sure to allow him to enter Huangtian Palace, and he said excitedly: "Elder Chu, can you let me rent a house in the courtyard next to it!"


Chu Xun said calmly.

The two people communicated calmly in the courtyard.

But it spread to the outside world.

The Lord of the North Ming Dynasty.



They all heard that Chu Xun refused to visit the monks who were above the seventh level of sainthood. Gaia even had a mocking look on her lips. She obviously knew something. There was a slight disdain on her lips and she mocked slightly: "I really thought that the identity of the chief examiner was so easy to pass by." Yes, without a certain level of strength, this identity is just a furnace. It’s better to resign as soon as possible and find another sage!”

When Lord Beiming heard this, he frowned slightly at first. He felt that those people were going too far, and he felt that all this was reasonable. Even when he was in trouble in the two months when the assessment was about to end, many people could not refuse, let alone a person. As for Chu Xun, who was in the seventh realm of the saint, he sighed: "I really don't know whether the master of the Huang Palace wants to praise Elder Chu, or to strangle him!"

This is a fat mistake.


Collect a wave of favors.

Not good to use.

It's also a bad thing.

The resources of Huangtian Palace are limited, and even these strong men in the ninth realm of saints cannot arrange disciples to come in at will. And they themselves are the same. The higher their cultivation level, the more resources they need. Although Elder Chu refused visitors this time, it felt comfortable, but it was also invisible. If you offend a group of people, when Elder Chu wants resources, these elders will definitely get stuck.

Even if you have the potential to reach the ninth realm of saints, you don't have the resources to match it. It's extremely difficult to break through. At the very least, it won't be a problem if it takes you ten or eight years.

It's irrational.

He shook his head slightly.

But he didn't care too much.

After all, he is the Criminal Law Palace, and Chu Xun represents the Desolate Palace. They are still fighting among themselves. If they weaken each other's strength, they will naturally be happy to see it.

In the deserted palace.

News about the assessment place also reached Ye Huang's ears. She frowned slightly. It was not because she thought these people were bullying Elder Chu too much. Because the person in charge of the cultivation of the Seventh Saint Realm should have considered these things, so she felt that Chu The elder's handling method was wrong. He rejected everyone with one blow, but it would also potentially offend a large number of people, which was not good for Elder Chu.

Especially since she understood the meaning of the Palace Master of the Huanggong Palace and wanted to train Elder Chu, but the latter was almost killing his own future by doing this, which made her very disappointed. When she met the Palace Master of the Huanggong Palace in the main hall, she said complicatedly: "Master "Did you make the wrong choice this time?"

The Palace Master of the Huanggong Palace smiled slightly and said indifferently: "In the final analysis, they still bully Elder Chu because he is weak in cultivation and is only in the seventh realm of saints. If they are in the same realm as them, who among them would dare to be so presumptuous? They are not fawning over Elder Chu one by one. And the reason why they are proud is because each palace holds some important resources, and they feel that Elder Chu will one day curry favor with them, so they are very proud! "

"But let me tell you, what if Elder Chu doesn't need these resources?"



Ye Huang's face was confused.

I didn’t understand what Master said.

Don't need these resources?

How can one break through to the ninth realm of saints without these resources?


Her beautiful eyes widened with an incredible expression. She thought of the senior Qin Wuzun that the Palace Master of the Huanggong told her some time ago. Could it be that Master really felt that Elder Chu was studying in the Sutra Pavilion and became a saint while reading. Nine realms?


Days go on as usual.

In a blink of an eye, it’s more than a month.

The current assessment has basically been fixed, and it is difficult for there to be any major changes. What I have to say is that Elder Chu's reputation has improved at a speed visible to the naked eye during this period.

At the beginning, these candidates also vaguely felt that the monks of the Seventh Realm of Saints were too weak, but with the guidance, and Elder Chu's gentle temperament, he was gentle and unhurried, and treated every disciple who came to ask for advice equally, no matter if he was among the top thousand Regardless of whether they are in the rankings or at the bottom of the rankings, they are all treated the same, leading to a sudden change in public opinion.

I even think that the Huangtian Palace should be like this, with four powerful examiners in charge of the talented candidates, while those with weaker cultivations need guidance from Elder Chu.

this feedback.

It also made Huangtian Palace pay more attention to it.

The sect is not complacent.

That will only lead to your own destruction.

Only by constantly innovating, constantly improving and reforming can the sect become stronger and stronger. For example, the rules customized by the sect are so perfect that it is difficult for even the ninth realm of saints to get disciples in. As for the great saint level, they are not needed. , because there are not many strong sects at this level. Even if you consume resources vigorously, the amount of loss you can still make is within the acceptable range.

The opinions that arose during the assessment process also need feedback and reflection. Several elders of the Desolate Heaven Palace have gathered together to discuss whether to send more elders to the next enrollment. Although they do not have the identity and rights of the chief examiner, they can still guide the disciples.

This discussion was immediately opposed by an elder, who felt that it was meaningless. The at least who could be sent down to guide was a saint from the seventh level, and the existence of this level focused on their own practice. It would be a waste of a year to guide outsiders, which would be a thankless effort.

However, there were also people who insisted on their attitude.

They felt that this was a rare opportunity for those.

They argued endlessly.

Each had his own opinion.

They fell into a brief noise.

Even the master of the Desolate Heaven Palace showed helplessness. It was a good thing for Elder Chu to do this, but who would be willing to do it? Spending their own time to guide some people who could hardly reach the fifth or sixth level of saints in their lifetime was just a waste of time and resources. It was completely unnecessary. It was the hard truth to value the top geniuses more.

The feedback from this assessment is also very important. I couldn't help but reveal a little helplessness. I didn't expect that Elder Chu would give me a difficult question in return. However, he also smiled with interest. Since there is a problem, then solve it. The feedback from these candidates still makes sense.

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