"Next person!"

He spoke calmly.

The tone settled.

A female practitioner came in respectfully and with anxiety. She also came after hearing rumors, but the method of her practice was too remote. She didn’t know if the old man had contacted him, but she still came seriously. As time passed, when she When I left, the anxiety and confusion in my eyes disappeared, and I was just in high spirits again.

That's it.

Elder Chu’s reputation.

Word spread.

Especially for those at the bottom of the potential rankings, they are grasping at the last life-saving straw. When the matter reached the ears of Dou Zhan Palace Gaia, the monk of the ninth realm of saints secretly curled his lips, quite disdainful, thinking The person who meets him must at least be ranked in the top thousand, or a disciple whose potential ranking has skyrocketed in a short period of time, otherwise he will not have time to receive him.

It's not just him.


The Lord of the North Ming Dynasty.

These two are the same, their time is precious, so it can be wasted on these people. Even giving guidance requires a small amount of time in a day, meeting a few people, and giving guidance very quickly. The disciple's questions are only one or two. It’s impossible to enlighten them all, that would be a waste of time.

After knowing what Chu Xun did, he just shook his head in disdain and muttered: No matter how bad this is, those with weak cultivation will always need guidance. This will make the reputation of Huangtian Palace much better. From this point of view, this Chu Xun is not Useless.

That's it.

time flies.

It’s already March in the blink of an eye.

And Chu Xun also gained something from the guidance. He became proficient in many laws one after another, especially some of the more popular cultivation methods. After all, there were people asking to see him every day, and most of them were of these types, which confirmed each other. Next, I also have my own experience and understanding.

this day.

Bai Luli walked out of the Sutra Pavilion.

Come and pay homage to Elder Chu again.

From a distance, you can see a long queue.

There was a look of astonishment on his face.

I felt relieved for a moment, and thought to myself: "Yes, gold will always shine, especially a peerless talent like Elder Chu, who will always be unearthed after the precipitation of time!" But he was also secretly a little sad, feeling that usually Elder Chu was just What was mine has now become everyone's, and I feel inexplicably jealous in my heart.

"Elder Chu!"

When it was Bai Luli's turn to ask for an audience, Chu Xun also had a smile on his face. He was slightly surprised when he saw the other party's state, and said: "The four realms of saints!"


Bai Luli nodded, and his cultivation level was not hidden. When he left three months ago, he was only at the Saint level, and now he has broken through the fourth Saint level, completing an exaggerated and evil process. He said: "In the past thirty years, even if there is no My cultivation and innate Taoist body are also constantly accumulating, and I didn’t expect to reach this state very easily!”

He said it easily but the corner of Chu Xun's mouth twitched slightly. The reason why he entered the country so quickly was not because of systematic help. And this guy, who has been decadent for thirty years and has never cultivated his own physique, is constantly helping him to accumulate physical fitness. This can be said What, I can only say that a destiny villain is a destiny villain. He has such a good physique, there is nothing to say.

"Your current cultivation invitation, Senior Luo Tang, is more than enough!" Chu Xun said calmly. In just a few months, he has crossed several realms in the realm of saints. If he is willing to break into the tower, his current ranking potential will be at least in the top 100, or even In the top thirty levels, this ranking is enough to meet senior Luo Tang.

"I want Elder Chu to give me some advice!" Bai Luli smiled brightly.

"That's fine!"

Chu Xun nodded gently.

Bai Luli also suppressed his smile and asked for advice seriously. In the past few months, the more he read in the Sutra Pavilion, the more confused he became. Now that he had spoken out the doubts in his heart, Chu Xun was also very serious. Bai Luli went to explain, and Bai Luli pulled away in the evening, but his eyes were filled with brilliance and excitement.

Looking at his back, Chu Xun expressed emotion in his heart. If he practiced at Bai Luli's pace, he might not be able to reach the Sixth Realm of Saints by the end of the assessment.

What is this concept?

One year.

From the realm of saints.

Cross over to the Sixth Realm of Saints.

Except for the innate Tao body.

This fateful villain cannot be avoided.

Just as he was about to call the next person, a middle-aged servant came from outside the door and nervously said, "Master, Senior Dongfang Su is here to visit!"

"Oriental Sculpture."

Chu Xun murmured, feeling a little unfamiliar with this name, but after the middle-aged servant reminded him, he remembered that Dongfang Sha was the elder of Huanggong, and his cultivation was enough to reach the ninth realm of saints. Although he did not serve as the examiner in this session, his status It's still there, and it's easy to enter the secret realm of assessment.

"He came to visit!" Chu Xun murmured softly. At this juncture, it was not difficult to guess what the other party meant. He was almost inseparable because of his younger generation, but he also felt emotional. Who would have thought that this huge Huangtian Palace, even his own family The younger generation needs to go through these procedures if they want to arrange for people to come in.

The rules of Huangtian Palace are strict.

Cannot be damaged easily.

Except for the fruit of the great sage.

It is very difficult for ordinary people to force their disciples in. Even if they are monks in the ninth realm of saints, it is not difficult for their family members to live in the Huangtian Palace. However, if they want to practice in the Huangtian Palace and enjoy the resources and benefits, it is not difficult to In important places, the Law Pavilion comprehends the laws of heaven and earth, and the high-level officials of the Sutra Pavilion are looking for important classics, all of which are not allowed.

Unless you enter the Huangtian Palace to practice with your own upright status, which is also the reason why the Huangtian Palace has always stood at the top, the resources are allocated so well that others are not qualified to enjoy it.

Even he expected to enter the ninth realm of saints in the future and have a high probability of achieving the Great Sage's Dao Fruit. In addition, with the personal invitation of the Palace Master of the Huangtian Palace, there were only two exceptions. Otherwise, Chu Xun would have worshiped the Huangtian Palace early and wanted to Arranging Jiang Chen and Liu Jian to come in is also a troublesome matter.

The middle-aged servant showed hesitation and hesitation, as if he had made up his mind and said: "If it is inconvenient for Elder Chu to see you, my subordinates can find some reasons to keep him out!"

Dongfang Su's visit at this time must be for the junior, and he is still an incompetent junior. If he has enough talent, there is no need to visit Elder Chu, and he will naturally be selected into the Huangtian Palace. It is precisely because the talent and potential are a little short that he needs to make an exception and take a shortcut. And Elder Chu was only a seventh-level saint and did not dare to offend a strong person in the ninth level. He wanted to grit his teeth and resist this matter.


Chu Xun chuckled softly, but shook his head. This was a matter between him and his fellow disciples. If the middle-aged servant forcibly blocked it, he would not care, but he would suffer. A strong man in the ninth realm of saints wears small shoes. How can it be wrong? Most people can bear it, so he smiled and said: "Let him come in, this is a matter between us!"


The middle-aged servant also retreated silently.

Chu Xun also felt helpless in his heart. As the examiner, it would be okay if he was simply assessing the potential and talent of the disciples, but these people are so sophisticated and troublesome to deal with. He couldn't refuse, but the other party was too bad and he had to refuse. He secretly said: "I just hope the opponent's talent is not too bad!"

ps: More updates tomorrow!

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