The days passed by.

In the Sutra Library, Chu Xun gradually understood what happened today. The once-in-three-year enrollment day of the Desolate Heaven Palace was about to begin, and he was listed as one of the five examiners. No wonder so many people had opinions about him recently.

However, he was a little confused about why. There were so many strong people in the Desolate Heaven Palace, why did they choose him? Especially the Desolate Palace, which was the strongest palace in the Desolate Heaven Palace. There were many saints in the ninth realm, the eighth realm, and countless saints in the seventh realm. Why did they choose him?

He pondered.

He couldn't help but look at an item in his hand.

Jie Xin Ling.

This token was not forgotten after he got it. Earlier, the clone of the Donghuang Holy Land found the chat group function from it, and just chatted a few words in it. Among them, No. 3 asked where he was from, and he just replied that he was from Desolate State, and then all kinds of things happened.

First, he was invited to the Desolate Heaven Palace.

Then he was appointed as the examiner.

He didn't think this was groundless.

After a short pause.

He used his finger as a pen to write on the Jie Xin Order: "Is there anyone from Huangzhou?"



At the same time.

Everyone with the Jie Xin Order received the message. In one of the supreme Yuhua dynasties, the third prince was surprised. Although they were in the same group, they knew very little about each other's news. Only when they took the initiative to expose themselves would they be known. Looking at the message from No. 9, he paused for a moment and responded: "Yes!"

Chu Xun's eyes lit up.

He immediately carved the words.


A short silence.

No one responded.

This made Chu Xun a little disappointed. He wanted to find out some information from it. It seemed that everyone was very conservative about him. Thinking about whether his casual response that day that he was from Huangzhou was too revealing details.

"It's not appropriate. Although we know a vague general idea, it is still inconvenient to reveal it without the permission of others!" No. 3 also carved a word in response after a pause.

Chu Xun frowned slightly when he saw this line of words, and for some reason, a bit of disappointment flashed in his eyes. According to the black-robed, long-browed old man from the Donghuang Holy Land, this world heart order is a great opportunity. Anyone who gets the world heart order has great luck and unlimited future achievements. They can also become allies through communication, which is also a great help in the Shenzhou Continent.


The ending was not as expected. The people holding this world heart order were very alert, as if they were guarding against something. They were unwilling to reveal their identities. If so, how could they become allies in the future? Is this world heart order really that important?

Thinking of this.

A little disappointment arose in his heart.

Immediately, he wrote: "When I got the world heart order, I got what an elder said. This world heart order is a great opportunity. The nine people in it can become allies. If they are like each other and are unwilling to reveal even the most basic information, what is the use of this world heart order?"

His writing.

It seemed to make everyone silent for a while.

It's not that they haven't thought about this question, but for some reason, facing this world heart order, they only feel that it is a great opportunity. If they easily reveal it, it will only bring disaster to themselves. In addition, no one started it, which led to nothing. Now, with the mention of No. 9, they were silent.

No. 3 sat in the quiet room and pondered for a while. When No. 9 first found the chat group, he casually asked No. 9 where he was from, and the latter responded without hesitation. Then he thought that No. 9 dared to reveal such a weak combat power. As the third prince of Yuhua Dynasty, he was the first heir. What was there to be afraid of?

Immediately carved: "Yuhua Dynasty, Third Prince!"


This action.

caused quite a stir in the group.

"Yuhua Dynasty!"

"The Third Prince!"

"Which genius is famous in Jiuzhou?"

"Is it really him?"

Several people who were silently watching the screen were amazed. The Third Prince had revealed his identity before. People knew that he came from a supreme dynasty, but they didn't know which one it was, let alone who in the dynasty it was. Now that he has revealed his identity himself, people are still amazed.

4: Ruzhou.

Number 4's response was relatively concise, as if he was avoiding something. He didn't reveal his identity like the Third Prince, because the Third Prince's status was so high that people couldn't be greedy even if they knew that he had the Realm Heart Order in his hands.

5: Huangzhou!

Number 5 also engraved the words calmly.


Chu Xun's eyes became bright and shining. He did this just to find out if there was anyone in Huangtian Palace holding the Realm Heart Order. Now it is certain that there is one of them in Huangtian Palace, and he is an important candidate for Huangtian Palace, otherwise he would not always pay attention to the affairs of Huangzhou, and he vaguely speculated that the latter already knew about him.

6: Zhongzhou!

Chu Xun simply glanced at the responses of these people and did not take them too seriously. Now, except for No. 3 who had revealed his identity, the other nine people who held the Realm Heart Order were still prepared to wait and see.

Desolate Heaven Palace.

In a palace.

There was a chuckle, and he looked at the Realm Heart Order in his hand with interest. He knew that No. 9 wanted him to jump out, and he did as promised and gave the other party a clear answer. He was in the Desolate Heaven Palace, and it depended on whether the other party had the ability to pick him out.

After all.

His identity.

It was extremely easy to guess.

Except for Chu Xun, the nine people who held the Realm Heart Order were all people who had passed the seventh floor of the God of War Tower. This proved that they had at least the strength of the ninth level of the Saint, and only the Desolate Heaven Palace had people of this level, so it was not difficult to find them.


Heart left the chat room.

Chu Xun smiled. He knew that it was not realistic to reveal the identities of several people directly, but as time went by, he could still pull them out. At that time, it would be a great help to the Shenzhou Continent. Not to mention other things, just the identity of the third prince of the Yuhua Dynasty was an extremely noble figure.

"No. 5!"


Chu Xun's mind moved and he came to the War God Tower. This is also a place to explore information. Here you can see what level the nine people have reached.

First floor.

Second floor.

Third floor.

Fourth floor.


Seventh floor.

Eighth floor.

Ninth floor.

Sure enough.

Seeing the ranking of No. 5 on the ninth floor, this is a sign that he has already passed it. This made Chu Xun ponder slightly. The seventh floor of the War God Tower has the strength of the ninth level of the saint.

The eighth floor should have the peak of the ninth level of the saint.

The ninth floor is the great saint.


His eyes were shining. If he searched for many saints in the ninth realm in the Desolate Heaven Palace, it would be too difficult to find the identity of No. 5 from them. But if he knew that the other party was at the Great Saint Dao Fruit level, it would be much easier.

There were only a few predecessors in the Desolate Heaven Palace who condensed the Great Saint Dao Fruit. Usually, they were like dragons that were rarely seen. With a little speculation, he could find a general idea.

"It would be great if there was more information!" Chu Xun said softly. Although this information was crucial, it was not enough to directly speculate the identity of No. 5.

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