Soon after.

A burly and heavy man walked into the hall. His exposed upper body revealed bronze skin. What was even more shocking was that the skin was shaking with the law of power.

This man was the Palace Master of the Fighting Palace.

He was good at physical combat.

He was warlike.

The disciples were all like this.

Another sturdy man who gave people a sense of dominance walked into the hall. His step made the hall a lot more solemn. This man was the Palace Master of the Criminal Law Palace. He practiced the law of killing and controlled the Criminal Law Palace. He was less aggressive.

Following closely, a thin old man walked into the hall. As he walked in, Ye Huang's hair stood on end. She was obviously afraid of the first two, but this thin old man gave her a strong threat. Needless to say, she knew who he was. He was the Palace Master of the Wanxiang Palace, who paid more attention to the spiritual lineage.

Finally, the relatively elegant man came late. This man was the Palace Master of the Sage Palace.

So far.

The five Palace Masters gathered together.

The Palace Master of the Desolate Palace.

The Palace Master of the Battle Palace.

The Palace Master of the Criminal Law Palace.

The Palace Master of the Wanxiang Palace.

The Palace Master of the Sage Palace.

"Meet the Palace Masters!" Ye Huang bowed respectfully.


The Palace Masters nodded slightly, knowing that this was the disciple of the Palace Master of the Desolate Palace. At the same time, Ye Huang himself was also a person of outstanding talent. In the future, he had the hope of condensing the Great Saint Dao Fruit or even going further, and he was also valued by them.

"You can leave first!" said the middle-aged man Li Guan.

"Disciple, I'm leaving!"

Ye Huang was too depressed to leave this palace. He felt pressure in the vast and empty palace. Now that several Palace Masters came, the pressure was naturally not ordinary.

Li Guan looked at them calmly. Every enrollment of the Desolate Palace was a big event. Even the Palace Masters had to be cautious, because this was not just an enrollment, but also a chance for those little geniuses from remote corners. Qin Wuzun was truly one of them.

Outstanding talent.

Stunning the world.

Unfortunately, there are no resources in a small place. No matter how good your talent is, it will only be wasted. Once you are buried and miss the golden years of cultivation, you will really have no hope in this life. Because of the enrollment of the Desolate Heaven Palace, those peerless geniuses from remote places in the four regions of the Desolate State have a chance to display their talents, and therefore the Desolate Heaven Palace will stand for many years.

"This enrollment will be the same as before, only 100 people will be recruited. Each of the five palaces will send an elder to serve as the chief examiner, with ten selection rights. Those selected by the chief examiner will be directly selected into the Desolate Heaven Palace, and the remaining 50 places will be decided by the vote of the elders!"



The palace masters nodded.

This is the rule of the past.

It is also tacitly agreed.

The palace master of the Douzhan Palace said: "My Douzhan Palace recommends Gaia."

The other palace masters nodded slightly, knowing who Gaia is. A strong man of the ninth level of the Saint of the Douzhan Palace is qualified to serve as the chief examiner. In the past, almost all the examiners were the ninth level of the Saint. In a very rare period, there were strong men of the Great Saint Dao Fruit level who served in this position, but only in a few cases.

The Palace Master of the Criminal Law Palace said in a muffled voice: "My Criminal Law Palace promotes the Northern Ming Monarch!"

The middle-aged man Li Guan nodded slightly. The Northern Ming Monarch already possessed the strength of the peak of the ninth realm of the Saint. As long as he could take one more step, he would be a great saint Dao fruit level strongman. At that time, he would be qualified to succeed the position of the Palace Master of the Criminal Law Palace, so this person was qualified.

The Palace Master of the Sage Palace said calmly: "My Sage Palace promotes... Luo Tang!"

The hall was obviously silent for a moment, and the other Palace Masters all looked at him with strange colors. You know, Luo Tang is a great saint Dao fruit level strongman. This level usually pays more attention to his own practice, and even his disciples rarely ask about it. How could he have the leisure to participate in this enrollment, not to mention that this enrollment will last for a year.

The Palace Master of the Sage Palace said in a complicated way: "Senior Luo Tang is old and has no hope of becoming a quasi-emperor in this life. In the last days, he wants to find a disciple to inherit his mantle. This is a good opportunity to see if there are any good seedlings!"

The Palace Masters were disappointed for a while, and then slightly disappointed.

So that's it.

I felt that Luo Tang was old, and I could understand why the Sage Palace would introduce such a strong man. At the same time, I also looked at the Palace Master of the Desolate Palace. The Sage Palace introduced a great sage Daoguo-level strong man. Even if the Desolate Palace did not bring out such a strong man, it could not be too inferior.


The middle-aged man Li Guan pondered for a moment, and a name flashed in his mind. After pondering, he slowly said: "I will introduce one person from the Desolate Palace, Chu Xun!"


"Chu Xun?"

"Who is he?"

The Palace Master of the Criminal Law Palace was puzzled. He practiced all day and rarely paid attention to things outside the Desolate Palace. Even if Chu Xun entered the Desolate Palace, he was immersed in the Sutra Pavilion all day. It was normal that his reputation was not known.

"Could it be the Chu Xun who defeated the ancestor of the Xingchen Sect?" The Palace Master of the Wanxiang Palace had an interesting smile on his face. He had heard of this name, but he did not expect that he had been quietly accepted by the Palace Master of the Desolate Palace. Otherwise, he would also like to meet him and see if he could be accepted into the Wanxiang Palace.


Fighting Palace.

Criminal Law Palace.

Sage Palace.

The three palace masters were confused. After the explanation, they were slightly surprised at first, and then their expressions became cold. The Palace Master of Criminal Law Palace shook his head and said, "Palace Master, please think about it again. Enrollment is a major event for Desolate Heaven Palace. Even we have to treat it with caution. A cultivator of the seventh level of Sage is too weak!"

Fighting Palace.

Sage Palace.

The two palace masters were also silent, tacitly agreeing with the topic of the Palace Master of the Criminal Law Palace. The seventh level of Saint's cultivation may be very high in the eyes of the outside world, but it is not worth mentioning in the Desolate Heaven Palace. To put it bluntly, there are even sixth-level Saint cultivators in the candidates who have come in the past.

If a candidate has the strength to challenge the examiner, it will become a joke of the Desolate Heaven Palace and will be laughed at by the forces of the Shenzhou Continent.

"Palace Master, be careful!"

The Palace Master of the Sage Palace also said after thinking. Their Sage Palace has launched a great saint Dao fruit level sage, and your Desolate Palace, as the main palace of the Desolate Heaven Palace, has brought out a seventh-level Saint cultivator.

The thin old man of the Wanxiang Palace smiled disapprovingly. He knew some of Chu Xun's experience and said with a smile: "Elder Chu's strength is still recognized, and he will not be defeated by the candidates. You can rest assured about this."

Enrollment of students in the Desolate Heaven Palace.

The first requirement.

Under 100 years old.

As long as this condition is met, you can come and try. Some geniuses have practiced in sects like Xingchen Sect until they become saints for many years before coming to Huangtian Palace to participate in the exam. Their strength is indeed extraordinary, but Chu Xun has proved his strength by defeating the ancestor of Xingchen Sect, so there is no need to worry about this.

The Palace Master of the Criminal Law Palace looked away coldly. He naturally knew this, and he also knew that the recruiting disciples did not have the courage to challenge the chief examiner. However, it was too casual for a cultivator of the seventh realm of saints to serve as the chief examiner.

"That's him!"

With the help of the Palace Master of Wanxiang Palace, Li Guan also made up his mind, which made the Palace Master of the Criminal Law Palace look unhappy. As the Palace Master of the Criminal Law Palace, he naturally had no right to interfere with Huangtian Palace, especially Huangtian Palace, who was the main palace of Huangtian Palace. He snorted coldly: "I hope the chief examiner selected by your Huangtian Palace will not make any jokes!"

Fighting Palace.

The two Palace Masters of the Sage Palace also looked quite unhappy. The Palace Master of Huangtian Palace was too dictatorial. Even if they were unhappy, they could not change the wishes of the Palace Master of Huangtian Palace, so they could only leave unhappily.

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