
Although the two fought frequently.

But the onlookers gasped in shock. From the beginning when the ancestor used the Starry Sky Dharma, to the two of them constantly confronting each other, the ancestor even used this secret technique, but still did not gain the upper hand.

"Who is he?"

Such a cultivation.

Such a talent.

Looking at the Desolate State.

Even the Desolate Heaven Palace.

It is difficult to find a rival, right?

Their ancestor was praised as the invincible in the eighth realm of the saint, but this old man in green shirts could rival their ancestor with the seventh realm of the saint, and even had the upper hand. This made them doubt for a time, is the ancestor's invincible in the eighth realm of the saint really invincible?

"Too strong!"

The hunchbacked old man was also amazed. The battle had reached such a level. He could foresee that if he had just participated in it, he would be annihilated by the aftermath, and his flesh would be shattered into slag, leaving nothing behind. The gap between the two was really too big.

The beautiful woman who was violently abused by Chu Xun earlier was also a female saint. When she looked at the old man in green, she could only admire him. They were able to fight with the ancestor to such an extent. Thinking back to the previous things, it seemed that they were too much, and the ancestor was too low-key. If they had this strength, they would be so proud.


"Really not considering it!"

After fighting to this extent, the ancestor of Xingchen Sect also smelled the pressure. He no longer considered the idea of ​​forcibly suppressing or keeping Chu Xun. Now he was thinking about how to win, and was still trying to retain him. Even if the hope was weak, he still wanted to try. After all, it was really difficult to defeat this powerful person of the same realm.

"There is nothing to consider!" Chu Xun stood there, and his fighting spirit was also burning fiercely. Even at this moment, he did not retreat or fear, but only went all out. This peak battle with all means and all-out efforts was to test the results of his years of hard work.


The ancestor of Xingchen Sect regretted.

There was helplessness in his eyes.

He really didn't want to use this unique skill, but he hadn't injured the other party even after forcing him to this extent. The remaining kindness in his heart also dissipated, and he said in a cold voice: "Next is my strongest method. Even if I use it, I can't control its power. I hope you can bear it!"

The raging flames burned and boiled, and a fiery red sun rose up. With the appearance of this planet, the rest of the stars in the starry sky were all dimmed.


Chu Xun stared at it, and there was no surprise in his heart. The five saints of the Star Sect had used it once just now, and he was always on guard and had a back-up plan.


Under the boiling heat, a terrifying extreme cold suddenly spread. It was really cold, as if it could annihilate everything. The extreme cold enveloped the mat from behind, without any color, and it was undetectable. The moment the soles of the feet were numb, when he looked down, they had frozen into frost, and there was also blue soul-colored frost spreading towards the upper body.

Extremely hot.

Extreme cold.

Two poles intersecting.


Chu Xun's eyes were also solemn, the big phoenix bell on his head was trembling slowly, the law of force was suppressing madly, making the surrounding void freeze, and no cold air could invade, as if he was alone in a world, isolated from the inside and outside, and at the same time looking in the direction behind him, this glance also made him squint slightly.


A gray moon rose dimly, and the endless coldness just now was released from the planet. The Star Sect's ancestor had deep eyes and said in a concentrated voice: "The sun, the moon and the stars are all a kind of planet in my eyes, and any celestial body, star, as long as it is related to the planet, is an object that I can comprehend!"

"The law of the sun!"

"The law of the moon!"

"The law of the stars!"

This sentence was the murmur of Chu Xun. Sure enough, he saw a slowly rising silverless starry sky behind the ancestor of the Star Sect, and the stars were shining there. Even if the glory of the sun and the moon could overwhelm all the luster, the faint stars seemed to be indelible. Even if your sun is dazzling, my stars still have a faint glow.

"Three in one!"

"Only the complete law of the stars!"

The Star Sect's ancestor also slowly gazed and said the second half of Chu Xun's sentence.


Take a deep breath.

Slowly exhale again.

Chu Xun's eyes were filled with high fighting spirit. He knew that the ancestor of the Xingchen Sect would not be so simple. If the sun was simply in the sky, it would be a very powerful law, but it would not be enough to make people invincible in the same realm. But if the three were combined, it would be terrifying. This is the level of the invincible saint of the eighth realm.

"Sword intention!"


The endless sword energy in the body was growing, releasing the brilliant divine aura and soaring straight up. Even in this predicament, he was not discouraged at all, but his fighting spirit was rising.

Chess Saint.

Li Mu.

Hunchbacked old man.

Beautiful woman.

These saints thought they had comprehended the way of stars, not only mastering the law of the sun, but also a little comprehending the law of the moon. Now they were awakened by the ancestor's full effort. It turned out that this was the way of stars. There were not only the sun and the moon, but also the indispensable stars.

Without the embellishment of those stars.

Who can know the brightness of the sun?

Who can understand the coldness of the moon!


The Star Sect's ancestor waved his hand, and the sun, moon, and stars all released their radiances, some of which were fiery and sacred, some of which were cold and chilly, and some of which were low-key but increasingly terrifying.

"Nine Swords of the Sky Python!"

Chu Xun also slowly closed his eyes, his mind was full of this great saint-level inheritance, and at this time he slowly danced the Qingteng Sword in his hand, and a green sword energy shone across.





Each sword energy blooming represented a strike of the Nine Swords of the Sky Python. When the sixth strike was released, a terrifying sword energy had already erupted. This was the strength that could break through the fifth floor of the Star Tower. Even the gray-robed swordsman was defeated by this sword, not to mention that Chu Xun had broken through another realm, and the power of this sword should be even stronger.


This sword release.

It did not shake the Star Law.

The strong pressure was still there.

"The seventh sword!"

Chu Xun's eyes were solemn and sharp. This was the control after the breakthrough of cultivation. When the seventh sword was slashed, the whole world lost its luster and color. Even the Star Law was eclipsed by this sword energy, and the Starry Sky Dharma that imprisoned Chu Xun was in a situation of collapse.

"The ancestor... is going to lose!" The people in the human emperor realm who were watching the battle were all trembling. Even Mao Lao and others were breathing rapidly and dared not blink. This sword light suppressed everything. Even the laws of the stars were suppressed. The sun, the moon, and the stars could be seen collapsing. They seemed unable to withstand this domineering sword.

"Don't worry, the ancestor should have some tricks!" The hunchbacked old man also trembled. From his voice, you can hear that he was weak. He knew the ancestor very well. Facing this sword, he really couldn't stop it. The ancestor had already used all his tricks.

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